
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, June 30, 2024

City of Highwood City Council met December 4

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City of Highwood City Council met Dec. 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:

CALL TO ORDER by Mayor Pecaro at 7:32 P.M.

1. Roll Call

Present: Mayor Pecaro, Aldermen: Falberg, Fiore, Peterson, Slavin

Absent: Alderman Hospodarsky

Also Present: City Manager Coren, City Attorney Ferolo, Assistant City Manager Martin, Administrative Assistant Litjens, City Clerk Baruffi

2. Pledge of Allegiance

All in attendance recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Review of Minutes to be Approved

3.1. Moved by Alderman Fiore, seconded by Alderman Peterson to approve the City Council: November 06, 2018 minutes as presented. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried.

3.2. Moved by Alderman Fiore, seconded by Alderman Peterson to approve the Committee of the Whole: November 06, 2018 minutes as presented. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried.

4. Appointments (Mayor Pecaro)

There is an opening for 1 Alderman and an ARC member.

5. Approval of Warrant List:

5.1. Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Fiore to approve the 11/20/2018 AP Warrant List. All present voting aye, motion carried.


Yes: Aldermen: Falberg, Fiore, Peterson, Slavin

Absent: Alderman Hospodarsky

5.2. Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Fiore to approve the 12/04/2018 AP Warrant List. All present voting aye, motion carried.


Yes: Aldermen: Falberg, Fiore, Slavin, Peterson

Absent: Alderman Hospodarsky

6. Public Input Items Not On Agenda

7. Mayor’s Report

8. Committee Reports

9. Treasurer ’s Report

10. Clerk’s Report


11. Unfinished Business

12. New Business

12.1. 18-R-34 Moved by Alderman Slavin, seconded by Alderman Fiore to authorize a Resolution Approving an ARC Application for a New Awning Sign for a New Business to be Known as “Papa’s Cigars” (332 Green Bay Road) , pending the removal of 1 neon sign. All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried.

12.2. Consideration of Resolution Approving an ARC Application for Exterior Façade Renovations for a New Business to be Known as “28 Mile Vodka Company” (454 Sheridan Road).

12.3. 18-O-24 Moved by Alderman Fiore, seconded by Alderman Slavin to waive the first reading and approve an Ordinance Approving an ARC Application for Façade Changes and Front and Rear Wall Signs with Variations to the Sign Code Associated with a New Business to be Known as “28 Mile Vodka Company ”(454 Sheridan Road). Motion carried with the changes.


Yes: Aldermen: Fiore, Slavin, Peterson, Mayor Pecaro

Abstain & Recused: Alderman Falberg abstained and recused from voting due to ownership of the business and property.

Absent: Alderman Hospodarsky

12.4. 18-R-35 Moved by Alderman Slavin, seconded by Alderman Fiore to authorize a Resolution Approving an ARC Application for Exterior Lighting Associated with the Façade Renovations of the 800 Sheridan Road Shopping Center (800 Sheridan Road). All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried.

12.5. 18-R-36 Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Fiore to authorize a Resolution Approving an ARC Application for a New Wall Sign at the Existing Jay Lovell Restaurant ( 764-766 Sheridan Road ). All present to voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried.

12.6. 18-R-37 Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Fiore to authorize a Resolution Approving an ARC Application for a Ground Sign Packet (Monument and Directional Signs) for the Starbucks Coffee (950 Sheridan Road). All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried.

12.7. 18-R-38 Moved by alderman Flab erg, seconded by Alderman Fiore to authorize a Resolution Approving an ARC Application for a Wall Sign for a Retirement Living Residential Building Known as “Hotel Moraine Lifestyle Residences ” (700 Sheridan Road). All present voting aye, by voice vote, motion carried.

The modifications to the sign are in accordance with the current City codes.

12.8. Consideration of an Ordinance Adding Section 7-5-5-K “Loading Zones ” to the City of Highwood and Create a Loading Zone in Front of 405 Sheridan Road.

12.9. Moved by Alderman Slavin, seconded by Alderman Fiore to approve a Motion Waiving Competitive Bidding and Directing the City Manager to Enter into an Agreement with Pipevision Inc. in the Amount of $33,500 to Line the Sanitary Sewer on North Central Avenue, upon City Attorney Approval. All present voting aye, motion carried.


Yes: Aldermen: Slavin, Fiore, Peterson, Falberg 

Absent: Alderman Hospodarsky

12.10. Moved by Alderman Slavin, seconded by Alderman Fiore to approve a Motion Authorizing the City Manager to Repair Two S anitary Manholes on High Street, not to exceed $14,000.00. All present voting aye, motion carried.


Yes: Aldermen: Slavin, Fiore, Falberg, Peterson 

Absent: Alderman Hospodarsky

12.11. Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Fiore to approve a Contract with CivicPlus for Updates and Upgrades to the City ’s Website, not to exceed $8125.00. All present voting aye, motion carried.


Yes: Aldermen: Falberg, Fiore, Peterson, Slavin Absent: Alderman Hospodarsky

12.12. 18-O-25 Moved by Alderman Peterson seconded by Alderman to waive the first reading and approve an Ordinance for the Levy, Collection and Assessment of Taxes for the City of Highwood for the 2018 Tax Levy. All present voting aye, motion carried.


Yes: Aldermen: Peterson, Falberg, Slavin, Fiore 

Absent: Alderman Hospodarsky

12.13. 18-O-26 Moved by Alderman Fiore, seconded by Alderman Slavin to waive the first reading and approve an Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2018 to Pay the Principal and Interest on a General Obligation Bond not to

Exceed $4,000,000 (TIF Alternate Revenue Sources) Series 2002, of the City of Highwood, Lake County, Illinois. All present voting aye, motion carried.


Yes: Aldermen: Fiore, Slavin, Falberg, Peterson 

Absent: Alderman Hospodarsky

12.14. 18-O-27 Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Fiore to waive the first reading and approve an Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2018 to pay the Principal and Interest on a General Obligation Bond not to Exceed $4,000,000 Series 2010, of the City of Highwood, Lake County, Illinois. All present voting aye, motion carried.


Yes: Aldermen: Falberg, Fiore, Peterson, Slavin 

Absent: Alderman Hospodarsky

12.15. 18-O-28 Moved by Alderman Falberg, seconded by Alderman Fiore to waive the first reading and approve an Ordinance Abating the Tax Heretofore Levied for the Year 2018 to Pay the Principal and Interest on $2,250,000 General Obligation

Refunding Bonds Series 2013, of the City of Highwood, Lake County, Illinois. All present voting aye, motion carried.


Yes: Aldermen: Falberg, Fiore, Slavin, Peterson 

Absent: Alderman Hospodarsky

13. Executive Session (If Necessary)

14. Any Action Necessary Coming Out of Executive Session

15. Adjournment Moved by Alderman Slavin, seconded by Alderman Fiore, to adjourn the meeting. All present voting aye, by voice vote. Motion Carried.

Mayor Pecaro adjourned the meeting at 7:47 P.M.




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