
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Highland Park, Illinois Housing Commission met July 10

Webp meeting 11

City of Highland Park, Illinois Housing Commission met July 10.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:


At 6:30 p.m., Commissioner Ross called the regular meeting of the Highland Park Housing Commission, Peers Housing Association, Ravinia Housing Association, Walnut Housing Association, and the Sunset Woods Association to order. Each of the Commissioners also serves as Directors of each of the Housing Associations. Commissioner Ross asked Staff to call the roll.


Commissioners Present: Chairman Ross; Commissioners Abreu, Berkun, & Bernstein

Commissioners Absent: Commissioners Adler, Arnold, & Saret

Councilwoman Present: Holleman

Student Rep Absent: Rosen

Guests Present: Andrew Yule & Team/Albion

Grady Hamilton & Mary Lucas/Trammel Crow

Staff declared that a quorum was present.

Staff Present: Fontane & Later

Also Present: Cerabona


There was none.


Regular meeting of the Housing Commission – June 5, 2019

It was noted on Page 3, Commissioner Berkun should read as Commissioner Bernstein instead.

Commissioner Bernstein moved to approve the June 5, 2019, meeting minutes as corrected.

Commissioner Abreu seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote:

Voting Yea: Chairman Ross; Commissioners Abreu, Berkun, & Bernstein

Voting Nay: None

Commissioner Ross declared that the motion passed unanimously


1. Items for Omnibus Vote Consideration

• Payment of Invoices

Senior Planner Later advised there are no invoices.

• Ratification of Payments

There were no payments to ratify.

2. A Consideration and Recommendation of 1535 Park Avenue West Inclusionary Housing Plan – Findings of Fact

Chairman Ross asked if everyone read answers to questions and staff notes. Director Fontane asked if a presentation is warranted. Chairman Ross and Housing Commissioners advised it is not necessary. Director Fontane read a draft motion.

Commissioner Abreu moved to recommend adoption of the staff-drafted findings of fact approval of the proposed preliminary inclusionary housing plan with departures from required income distribution; and recommending approval of the proposed payment in-lieu for seven of the 15 affordable units required. Commissioner Berkun seconded the motion.

Councilwoman Holleman commended Staff as they did a tremendous job.

Commissioner Bernstein asked about meals for $200. Senior Planner Later stated that is for affordable housing.

Chairman Ross asked if someone in affordable housing wants to go on a special excursion, would they pay a discounted rate. Petitioner advised it is not known at this time.

Voting Yea: Chairman Ross; Commissioners Abreu, Berkun, & Bernstein 

Voting Nay: None

Commissioner Ross declared that the motion passed unanimously.

3. A Consideration and Recommendation of 1850 Green Bay Road Inclusionary Housing Plan – Findings of Fact

Chairman Ross stated Staff did an excellent job on the modifications and response to the Ordinance.

Commissioner Bernstein moved to recommend adoption of the staff-drafted findings of fact recommending approval of the proposed preliminary and final inclusionary housing plan with departures from required income and unit-type distribution; and recommending approval of the proposed payment in-lieu for ten of the 27 affordable units required. Commissioner Berkun seconded the motion.

Commissioner Abreu stated everything was addressed and modified positively. Chairman Ross stated the two-bedrooms in affordable units have open space. Petitioner advised the wall and window plan was a challenge. The square footage is 1,064 and someone may have a child that will use it as a play area. Chairman Ross asked the width of the living room as well as the bedroom size. Petitioner advised they can accommodate king beds and are a minimum of 12 ft. Chairman Ross suggested both bedrooms don’t have to be the same size. Petitioner stated he appreciates the recommendation.

Voting Yea: Chairman Ross; Commissioners Abreu, Berkun, & Bernstein 

Voting Nay: None

Commissioner Ross declared that the motion passed unanimously. He thanked the Petitioner.

Director Fontane and Councilwoman Holleman stated these are huge wins for Highland Park. Chairman Ross said to have $2 million in the Trust Fund is great.

Director Fontane thanked everyone and advised City Council would hear Trammel Crow on July 22 and Albion (who is working on final-stage construction documents) on August 12, 2019.

Commissioner Bernstein asked about the Klairmont property. Director Fontane stated the project is being rebid; it will start this building season.

Director Fontane departed the meeting. 4. 2020 HC Work Plan Approval

Senior Planner Later reviewed proposed 2020 Work Plan.

Dr. Greenberg arrived at 6:46 p.m. to discuss his project. Chairman Ross advised that the Commission had already reviewed the project and voted unanimously in favor of it.

Dr. Greenberg stated he asked the City Staff what to do. The response was senior housing. He stated the company is professional.

Chairman Ross advised that the HC reviews items that are covered under the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance.

Dr. Greenberg stated, with the Plan & Design Commission not approving this with 12 neighbors opposed, he hopes the HC would present this to City Council in a favorable way for senior housing.which is what Highland Park needs.to take care of the elderly. Councilwoman Holleman suggested Dr. Greenberg attend the City Council meeting on July 22, 2019 and state his sentiments.

Work Plan, Cont.

Councilwoman Holleman stated the aging in place objective is a huge issue and task. Chairman Ross concurred and reminded we house seniors who may need services. Councilwoman Holleman stated this is too big an issue for the HC to handle.

Senior Planner Later advised that Staff is coordinating with staff at the CMO and Police Department; combining resources. She shared tenant issues and noted, the City/HC is responsible for the seniors living in the buildings. If these were private buildings, the tenants may be evicted when needing more services.

Councilwoman Holleman suggested presenting to City Council as this is a whole initiative. She stated we do not have the time, resources, etc. Senior Planner Later shared that Director Fontane is presenting the department budget and the work plan is part of the budget. This is not intended to solve the issue; but working on tenant related items that would be brought to the HC.

Councilwoman Holleman shared she wants to see a centralized waiting list on the work plan. She advised she spoke with Rob Anthony/CPAH about coordination and highlights of needs. Chairman Ross stated CPAH cannot manage all waitlists for every community. Senior Planner Later identified there is one application to apply for housing the City owns. She advised that the various properties have different housing types, income tiers, funding sources and age requirements. Councilwoman Holleman stated there are people who will cross over. She stated the chart provided was not helpful because we don’t know who needs two-bedrooms as there are duplicates. We cannot answer the question as to exactly how many people are waiting for a one-bedroom. Chairman Ross stated the public can check multiple locations on the application. Applicants have choices and can accept a unit or not as made available. Councilwoman Holleman added applicants cannot find out where they are on the waiting list on line.

Commissioner Bernstein asked if a senior can apply for affordable inclusionary housing. Senior Planner Later stated – yes.

Chairman Ross asked Senior Planner Later to modify the work plan according to Councilwoman Holleman’s concerns and bring it back to the next HC meeting.

Audience member, Lissa Hermann, stated the HC agenda is faulty. Public comment is applicable for items not on the agenda, but not items on the agenda. She advised her concern is payment-in- lieu. According to the Ordinance, this can only occur with single-family developments of less than 20 units.

Councilwoman Holleman stated builders have the right to ask for a buyout. Senior Planner Later shared this is in section 1502108 of the ordinance. She asked what amount developers pay in-lieu fee. Chairman Ross advised it is $125,000; Councilwoman Holleman stated this is set by City Council.

Ms. Hermann noted there is a difference of opinion with Plan and Design Commission and City Council as it is a base, not a set amount. Ms. Hermann stated the comment of Dr. Greenberg’s is incorrect as there were a lot of people in favor of the Park Avenue project.

Chairman Ross thanked Ms. Hermann for bringing up the comment about not having the opportunity for the public to speak on an agenda item. Also, he stated, the applicant proposed the fee in-lieu of $125,000. Between balancing this and the Housing Trust Fund, Chairman Ross said he felt this was a win-win. Councilwoman Holleman explained leveraging tax credits, grants, other programs; the community pays for these. She stated we know $125,000 is low; there are other sources.

Audience member, Michael Laxner, referred to the PUD projects reviewed and stated, we are already hitting the effective rate. Trammel Crow was given great relief. Chairman Ross stated it could seem that way, but we don’t know. Commissioner Abreu stated these are unique properties/economic model.

Councilwoman Holleman stated the goal is for 10% of our housing to be affordable. She encouraged audience members to attend an August 26, 2019, meeting with City Council.

Mr. Laxner believes this is a setback. He explained his rationale. Mr. Laxner doesn’t believe we should make changes when the Code has not yet changed. Councilwoman Holleman explained that everything was done on behalf of the old/current Ordinance. Senior Planner Later offered to discuss this further with Mr. Laxner if he is interested.

5. Peers, Walnut, Ravinia, and Sunset Woods Associations

• Consideration of Management Reports for Peers, Walnut, and Ravinia

o Peers

Commissioner Berkun asked if the window replacement is for the resident in hospice. Senior Planner Later advised – yes, and is working with the owner’s son. She noted Softer Lite is holding that window, and we are holding payment.

Commissioner Berkun asked, regarding elevator modernization, does IDHA pay for this. Chairman Ross said IDHA approves the expense and can reimburse (in reserves).

o Walnut

Commissioner Bernstein stated she is happy with the smokers’ policy.

It was identified that the Social Services Coordinator position is 30% higher than budget. Senior Planner Later concurred and stated this is split; waiting for HUD to pay. Peers shows this expense on budget. Chairman Ross stated the income could be off.

Commissioner Bernstein asked if the RFP process for the management company has gone out. Senior Planner Later stated it will soon.

Chairman Ross asked Senior Planner Later to request Evergreen to make a Reserve Reimbursement request for all of the buildings for Capital Improvements.

• Housing Trust Fund Financials

Senior Planner Later advised nothing is outstanding.

• Sunset Woods’ Financials

Senior Planner Later advised nothing is outstanding.

• Other Association Business

There was no Other Association Business.


There was no Other Business.


There was nothing to report.

Commissioner Bernstein stated she found the CPAH waitlist report informative.

Councilwoman Holleman suggested a more thoughtful way to massage the mix to hit the market better to achieve the demand; a way of directing what we want (examples were shared, giving credits, etc.). There is a possibility the mix could change. She stated this is the first time this is happening; this is all new for us.

Councilwoman Holleman stated the developers would do whatever we want, but they need a buyout. Chairman Ross stated, in Chicago, the buyout option is being removed. Councilwoman Holleman stated there is no TIF money here.

With regards to the aging tenant work, Chairman Ross stated Peers could budget $45,000 per year for a Social Services Coordinator. Chairman Ross summarized that Senior Planner Later is in the information gathering stage.


Commissioner Bernstein moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:50 p.m. Commissioner Berkun seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Chairman Ross; Commissioners Abreu, Berkun, & Bernstein 

Voting Nay: None

Commissioner Ross declared that the motion passed unanimously.
