
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Highland Park City Council met October 15

Webp meeting 11

City of Highland Park City Council met Oct. 15.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:


At 7:36 PM, Mayor Rotering called the meeting to order and asked for a roll call:


PRESENT: Mayor Rotering, Councilmen Stolberg, Stone, Kaufman, Blumberg, Knobel

ABSENT: Councilman Holleman

STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Neukirch, Fire Chief Amidei, Community Development Director Fontane, Police Chief Jogmen, Public Works Director Kanapareddy, Finance Director Logan, Assistant City Manager Sabo, Human Resources Manager Taub

ALSO PRESENT: Deputy Corporation Counsel Passman



1. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting Held on September 23, 2019

Councilwoman Stone moved to approve the minutes of the Regular City Council meeting held September 23, 2019. Councilman Kaufman seconded the motion.

Upon a voice vote, the Mayor declared the motion passed unanimously.


MOVER: Kim Stone, Councilwoman

SECONDER: Daniel Kaufman, Councilman

AYES: Mayor Rotering, Councilmen Stolberg, Stone, Kaufman, Knobel

ABSENT: Councilman Holleman

PRESENT: Councilman Blumberg


1. Warrant List and Wire Transfers from September 13, 2019 to September 26, 2019.

Councilman Blumberg moved to approve the Warrant List. Councilman Kaufman seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, the Mayor declared the motion passed unanimously.


MOVER: Anthony Blumberg, Councilman

SECONDER: Daniel Kaufman, Councilman

AYES: Mayor Rotering, Councilmen Stolberg, Stone, Kaufman, Blumberg, Knobel

ABSENT: Councilman Holleman


A. Appointments

There were none.

B. Proclamations

There were none.

C. Other business

1. HP150 Architecture Committee Activities

Mayor Rotering recognized and thanked the HP150 Architecture Committee for their diligent efforts in planning the Highland Park Open Doors last month. She explained that the HP150 Architectural Committee has played an integral role in planning three significant celebratory events; the Historic Homes Initiative, the HP150 Tours, and Open Doors Highland Park.

Jean Sogin, Chair of the HP150 Architecture Committee, provided information on the Committee's HP150 initiatives.

Mayor Rotering provided information on the unveiling of the HP150 sculpture and sponsor bricks, the Bicentennial Time Capsule Dedication, and the HP150 Light Up the Night and Sugar Plum Shopping Spree.

2. Business Summit Recap

Councilman Knobel, the Council liaison to the Business & Economic Development Advisory Group, gave a brief recap of the 2019 Business Summit that took place on October 3, 2019.

3. Highland Park Fire Department Pancake Breakfast and Educational Demonstration Day

Mayor Rotering recognized the Highland Park Fire Department for a successful Pancake Breakfast and Educational Demonstration Day that took place earlier in the month.

BUSINESS FROM THE PUBLIC (Citizens wishing to be heard regarding items not listed on this agenda)

There was none.



Mayor Rotering removed items 5 and 20 from omnibus vote consideration.

Councilman Kaufman moved to approve items 1-4 and 6-19 by omnibus vote consideration. Councilman Stolberg seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, the Mayor declared the motion passed unanimously.


MOVER: Daniel Kaufman, Councilman

SECONDER: Adam Stolberg, Councilman

AYES: Mayor Rotering, Councilmen Stolberg, Stone, Kaufman, Blumberg, Knobel

ABSENT: Councilman Holleman


1. Adoption of a Resolution (R119-2019) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “A Resolution Appointing William Y. Franks as an Administrative Hearing Officer and Approving a Two-Year Extension of an Agreement between the City of Highland Park and William Y. Franks”.

2. Adoption of a Resolution (R120-2019) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “A Resolution Appointing Scott Levenfeld as an Administrative Hearing Officer and Approving a Two-Year Extension of an Agreement between the City of Highland Park and Scott Levenfeld”.

3. Adoption of a Resolution (R121-2019) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “A Resolution Approving the Regular Committee of the Whole and City Council Meeting Schedule for 2020”.

4. Adoption of an Ordinance (O66-2019) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “An Ordinance Authorizing the Sale or Disposal of Miscellaneous Equipment and Property Deemed to be Surplus”.


6. Approval of Adjustments to the Base Water Production Rates Effective January 1, 2020

7. Adoption of an Ordinance (O67-2019) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “Approval of an Ordinance Amending Chapters 51, 74, 94 and 97 of "The Highland Park Code of 1968," as Amended, Regarding Rates and Fees for Low-Income Residents”.

Public Works

8. Adoption of a Resolution (R122-2019) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “A Resolution Authorizing Membership in The Interlocal Purchasing System "TIPS"”.

9. Adoption of a Resolution (R123-2019) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “A Resolution Approving the Purchase of a 2019 Volvo DD25B Asphalt Roller”.

10. Adoption of a Resolution (R124-2019) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “A Resolution Authorizing the Renewal of the 2016/2017 Snow Hauling Contract with D & A Enterprises of Lake Forest, Illinois”.

11. Adoption of a Resolution (R125-2019) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “A Resolution Authorizing Renewal of the 2018-2019 Sidewalk Snow Removal – Hand Shoveling Contract to Snow Systems of Wheeling, Illinois”.

12. Adoption of a Resolution (R126-2019) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “A Resolution Authorizing Renewal of the 2018-2019 Sidewalk Snow Removal – Residential Plowing Routes 1-6 Contract with Snow Systems of Wheeling, Illinois”.

13. Adoption of a Resolution (R127-2019) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “A Resolution Authorizing Renewal of the 2017-2018 Parking Lot Snow Plowing Services Contract with Snow Systems of Wheeling, Illinois”.

14. Adoption of a Resolution (R128-2019) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “A Resolution Authorizing Renewal of the 2016-2017 Agreements to Perform Snow Plowing Services on Certain Private Streets in the City for the 2019-2020 Snow Season”.

15. Approval of the City's 2019-2020 Snow and Ice Control Plan

16. Adoption of a Resolution (R129-2019) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “A Resolution Authorizing Award of the 2019 Demolition Project Contract to Lima Contractors Inc., of Ringwood, Illinois”.

17. Adoption of a Resolution (R130-2019) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “A Resolution Authorizing Award of the Utility Locating Services Contract to USIC Locating Services Inc., of Indianapolis, Indiana”.

18. Adoption of a Resolution (R131-2019) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “A Resolution Authorizing Award of the Port Clinton Garage Ventilation Upgrades Contract to Amber Mechanical Contractors Inc. of Alsip, Illinois”.

Community Development

19. Adoption of an Ordinance (O68-2019) by omnibus vote consideration titled, “An Ordinance Designating the Colonial Revival Residential Structure at 974 Wildwood Lane as a Local Landmark”.


5. Adoption of an Ordinance (O69-2019) titled, “An Ordinance Approving a Fourth Amendment to the Lease Agreement with the Highland Park Community Nursery School & Day Care Center for the Karger Recreation Center”.

Councilman Blumberg recused himself due to his wife being the President of the Board of Directors of the Highland Park Community Nursery School and Day Care Center.

Councilman Blumberg exited the meeting at 7:55 PM.

Councilman Stolberg moved to approve an Ordinance Approving a Fourth Amendment to the Lease Agreement with the Highland Park Nursery School and Day Care Center for the Karger Recreation Center. Councilwoman Stone seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, the Mayor declared the motion passed unanimously.


MOVER: Adam Stolberg, Councilman

SECONDER: Kim Stone, Councilwoman

AYES: Mayor Rotering, Councilmen Stolberg, Stone, Kaufman, Knobel

ABSENT: Councilman Holleman

RECUSED: Councilman Blumberg

Councilman Blumberg entered the meeting at 7:56 PM.

20. Adoption of an Ordinance (O70-2019) titled, “An Ordinance Removing Suites 115, 123, 125, and 160 of Port Clinton Square From the Pedestrian Oriented Shopping Overlay District”.

Councilman Kaufman recused himself due to his brother being a pediatrician with the same practice that would potentially be leasing retail space within one of the suites being removed from the Pedestrian Oriented Shopping Overlay District.

Councilman Kaufman exited the meeting at 7:56 PM.

Councilman Stolberg moved to approve an Ordinance Removing Suites 115, 123, 125 and 160 of Port Clinton Square from the Pedestrian Oriented Overlay District. Councilman Knobel seconded the motion. Upon a roll call vote, the Mayor declared the motion passed unanimously.


MOVER: Adam Stolberg, Councilman

SECONDER: Alyssa Knobel, Councilman

AYES: Mayor Rotering, Councilmen Stolberg, Stone, Blumberg, Knobel

ABSENT: Councilman Holleman

RECUSED: Councilman Kaufman

Councilman Kaufman entered the meeting at 7:57 PM.

OTHER BUSINESS (the City Council will consider and then either approve or disapprove the following items)

There was none.


There was none.


1. Q3 Major Projects 2019

City Manager Neukirch provided information as to a third quarter update to the City's 2019 Major Projects.


Councilwoman Stone moved to adjourn. Councilman Kaufman seconded the motion. On a voice vote, Mayor Rotering declared the motion passed unanimously.

The City Council adjourned its meeting at 7:58 PM.
