Community High School District 128 Board met Oct. 28.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call To Order/Pledge/Roll Call/Review Agenda
2. Communication
a. Invitation for Public Comment (3-minute time limit)
b. Educational Presentations
i. Student Recognition
ii. Best Buddies
c. President’s Report
i. Student School Board Representative Reports
ii. Other
d. Superintendent’s Report
i. Good News
ii. **Proposed 2020-2021 School Calendar
iii. **Certification and Authorization of Performance Recognition Incentive
iv. LHS Pool/Parking Update
v. LHS/VHHS Additions and Renovations Update
vi. FOIA Requests (1)
vii. Other
3. **Consent Vote Agenda
a. Approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes of September 23, 2019
b. Approval of Closed Session Minutes of September 23, 2019
(remain in closed file)
c. Destruction of Closed Session Audio Recordings:
i. March 19, 2018
ii. April 5, 2018
iii. April 9, 2018
iv. April 16, 2018
d. Educational Tour Requests
i. LHS Model UN to CIMUN Conference in Chicago, IL, December 5-8, 2019
ii. VHHS JSA to Fall State Convention in Madison, WI, December 6-8, 2019
iii. LHS SnoCatz to Granite Peak Ski Resort, Wausau, WI, January 17-19, 2020
iv. LHS STEM students to Switzerland and Germany, July 23-31, 2020
e. Employment of Employees
i. Educational Support Personnel Staff Resignation
1. Sandra Kruckman, Community Education Evening Office Assistant, LHS, effective 12/20/19
ii. Educational Support Personnel Staff Replacement
1. Margaret Kamman, CTE, Math, World Languages Administrative Assistant, VHHS, effective 10/21/19
iii. Coaching/Extracurricular Activities Staff Resignations
1. Pat Chillemi, Badminton Assistant Coach, VHHS
2. Alison Reifenberg, Girls’ Track and Field Assistant Coach, LHS
3. Jordan Subrinsky, Softball Assistant Coach, LHS
iv. Coaching/Extracurricular Activities Staff Replacements
1. Madilyn DeMarco, Softball Head Coach, LHS
2. Sean Ferrell, Softball Assistant Coach, LHS
3. Elizabeth Risdon, Girls’ Track and Field Assistant Coach, LHS
f. Disposal of Obsolete Equipment
i. LHS Athletics - Girls’ Cross Country Warm-ups
ii. LHS Athletics - Dance Team Warm-ups
g. Bills Payable & Supplemental Bills List
h. Financial Reports
4. Facilities & Finance Committee - Chairman Huber
a. 2019 Tax Levy Estimate
b. Other
5. Program & Personnel Committee - Chairman Batson
a. **Employment of Employees
i. Coaching/Extracurricular Activities Staff Resignation
1. Jason Rush, Boys’ Cross Country Head Coach, VHHS
ii. Coaching/Extracurricular Activities Staff Replacements
1. Samantha Avila, Boys’ Swim Assistant Coach, VHHS
2. Jared Gustafson, Girls’ Track and Field Head Coach, VHHS
3. Cindy Garces, Softball Assistant Coach, LHS
4. Adam Lueken, Boys’ Cross Country Head Coach, VHHS
5. David Schroetter, Badminton Assistant Coach, VHHS
6. Bryson Taylor, Boys’ Cross Country Assistant Coach, VHHS
b. **Board Policies - Second Reading and Adoption
i. Policy 4:30 Revenue and Investments (Operational Services)
ii. Policy 6:240 Field Trips and Educational Tours (Instruction)
c. Other
6. Special Education District of Lake County - Delegate Lundstedt
7. Illinois Association of School Boards - Member Batson
8. **Adjournment - President Groody