
Lake County Gazette

Friday, February 28, 2025

Regional Office of Education #16 County Board met October 16

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Regional Office of Education #16 County Board met Oct. 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The DeKalb County Board met in regular session at the Legislative Center’s Gathertorium on Wednesday, October 16, 2019. Chairman Pietrowski called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and the Clerk called the roll. Those Members present were Ms. Terri Mann-Lamb, Mr. Jerry Osland, Mr. Roy Plote, Ms. Sandra Polanco, Mr. Chris Porterfield, Mr. Craig Roman, Ms. Linda Slabon, Mr. Paul Stoddard, Mr. Larry West, Mr. Jeff Whelan, Ms. Suzanne Willis, Mr. Tim Bagby, Mr. Scott Campbell, Mrs. Karen Cribben, Mrs. Laurie Emmer, Mr. Steve Faivre, Vice-Chairman John Frieders, Mr. Tim Hughes, Ms. Dianne Leifheit, Ms. Maureen Little, Mr. Jim Luebke, and Chairman Mark Pietrowski, Jr. Ms. Rukisha Crawford and Mr. Tracy Jones were absent. A quorum was established with twenty-two Members present and two absent.

Chairman Pietrowski asked Ms. Terri Mann-Lamb to lead in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance.



It was moved by Mr. Roman and seconded by Ms. Mann-Lamb to approve the agenda as presented.

Voice Vote

Chairman Pietrowski called for a voice vote to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously.



Ms. Willis moved to approve the minutes of the September 18, 2019 County Board Meeting. Mr. Whelan seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

Chairman Pietrowski asked for a voice vote on the approval of the minutes. All Members voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


Chairman Pietrowski congratulated fellow County Board Member Scott Campbell for being named the 2019 Illinois Physics Teach of the Year.

Veterans Honor Roll

DeKalb County Clerk & Recorder Douglas J. Johnson alongside Chairman Pietrowski honored and inducted two Veterans, Mr. Benjamin Byrd and Mr. Arthur Lundgren, into the DeKalb County Veterans Honor Roll.

Mr. Benjamin Byrd served in the U.S. Army from April 1946 to October 1947 and was awarded the WWII Victory Medal, the Army Lapel Button, and an M-1 Rifle Marksman Badge.

Mr. Arthur "Larry" Lundgren served in the U.S. Army from September 1966 to June 1969 and was awarded the Air Medal, Meritorious Unit Commendation, Good Conduct Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Expert Rifleman Badge, Combat Infantryman Badge and the Bronze Star.

On behalf of the DeKalb County Board and the Citizens of DeKalb County, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Pietrowski thanked Benjamin and Larry for their Service and Sacrifice.

Employee Service Awards for October 2019

Chairman Pietrowski recognized the following County Employees who were celebrating Service Awards in the month of October 2019: Five Years: William Malm – Judiciary; Ten Years: Robert Jozsa – Rehab & Nursing Center; Fifteen Years: Bonnie Meir – Circuit Clerk’s Office; Twenty Years: Shirley Hernandez – Rehab & Nursing Center; Twenty-Five Years: Wanda Richardson – Rehab & Nursing Center; Thirty-Five Years: Craig Fox – Highway Department.


City of DeKalb City Manager Bill Nicklas addressed the Board under Resolution R2019-69: City of DeKalb Tax Abatements. Mr. Nicklas briefly described that the City of DeKalb is in the running for a large food manufacturing company as well as a knowledge-based employer which would create around 1,200 jobs. The employers as eyeing space in the 1,000-acre ChicagoWest Business Center, south of Interstate 88 along Gurler Road and IL Route 23. Mr. Nicklas explained the proposed abatement incentives and the claw-backs and provisions that are said to be in the Intergovernmental Agreement, which is being working all through all parties involved right now. Mr. Nicklas also added that if the any Board Members had any additional questions during the item on the agenda, that he would be present.


Chairman Pietrowski recommended approval of the following appointment:

a. Board of Review - Alternates: Michael Miner appointed immediately until May 31, 2020. Motion

It was moved by Mr. Faivre and seconded by Mrs. Emmer to approve the recommended appointment as presented. Voice Vote

Chairman Pietrowski called for a voice vote. The motion carried unanimously.



Ordinance O2019-39: An Ordinance Granting a Variation to Allow the Expansion of a Nonconforming Residence in Genoa Township


Mr. Faivre moved the DeKalb County Board hereby approves a Variation from Section 8.04.B.2.a of the DeKalb County Zoning Ordinance to allow the issuance of a Building Permit for the expansion of a nonconforming single-family dwelling on property located at 13810 Derby Line Road (on the southeast corner of the intersection of Derby Line Road and State Route 23) in Genoa Township. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

Chairman Pietrowski called for a voice vote on the motion. All Members voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.

Ordinance O2019-40: An Ordinance Amending the Countywide Stormwater Management Ordinance for DeKalb County


Mr. Faivre moved the DeKalb County Board hereby concurs with the recommendation of the Stormwater Management Planning Committee and hereby approves to replace in its entirety, Attachment A – DeKalb County Stormwater Management Ordinance, of this Ordinance. Mr. Roman seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair called or a voice vote on the motion as presented. The motion carried unanimously.


Resolution R2019-67: Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Kirkland for Maintenance Engineering


Mr. Plote moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby approves to enter into an agreement with the Village of Kirkland in order for the County Highway Department to provide engineering services for general maintenance projects for the maintenance and repairs of certain streets within the jurisdiction of the Village of Kirkland, and further authorizes the Chairman of the Board to execute the appropriate Intergovernmental Agreement with the Village of Kirkland, Illinois. Mr. Luebke seconded the motion.

Vice Vote

The Chairman called for a voice vote on the motion. All Members present voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.

Resolution R2019-68: Local Agency Agreement with the State of Illinois for Federal Participation for McNeal Road Bridge


Mr. Plote moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby approves to enter into an agreement with the State of Illinois for certain improvements to 0.01 miles of McNeal Road Bridge crossing the South Branch of the Kishwaukee River, with said improvements to be estimated at a cost of $2,750,000.00 with the local shared to be estimated at $134,000.00, and further authorizes the Chairman of the Board to executive the appropriate Local Agency Agreements for Federal Participation with the State of Illinois. Mrs. Emmer seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

The Chairman called for a roll call vote on the motion. Those Members voting yea were Ms. Mann-Lamb, Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, Ms. Polanco, Mr. Porterfield, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. West, Mr. Whelan, Ms. Willis, Mr. Bagby, Mr. Campbell, Mrs. Cribben, Mrs. Emmer, Mr. Faivre, Vice-Chair Frieders, Mr. Hughes, Ms. Leifheit, Ms. Little, Mr. Luebke, and Chairman Pietrowski. All Members present voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.


Resolution R2019-69: City of DeKalb Tax Abatements


Mrs. Emmer moved that the DeKalb County Board does hereby authorize the County Board Chair to sign an agreement with the City of DeKalb for a property tax abatement program of up to 50% for up to twenty years, limited to developments on the two areas of land adjacent to Gurler Road on the north and south side of the road and between Highway 23 on the west and Peace Road on the east, with said agreement to contain employment and square foot parameters with claw-back provisions. This authorization expires in 100 days. Mr. Faivre seconded.

Voice Vote

After a few questions and clarification from the Board Members to Mr. Nicklas, Chairman Pietrowski called for a roll call vote on the motion. Those Members voting yea were Ms. Mann- Lamb, Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, Ms. Polanco, Mr. Porterfield, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. West, Mr. Whelan, Ms. Willis, Mr. Bagby, Mr. Campbell, Mrs. Cribben, Mrs. Emmer, Mr. Faivre, Vice-Chair Frieders, Mr. Hughes, Ms. Leifheit, Ms. Little, Mr. Luebke, and Chairman Pietrowski. All Members present voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.

Ordinance O2019-41: An Ordinance Amending the Property Tax Abatement Qualifying Criteria and Definitions in the DeKalb County Enterprise Zone


Mrs. Emmer moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby approves the changes to the DeKalb County Enterprise Zone as set forth in the Ordinance, subject to approval by all of the Designating Units of Government and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. Mr. Osland seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair called for a voice vote. All Members voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


Delinquent Property Tax Resolutions


Mr. Bagby moved the DeKalb County Board hereby authorizes the Chairman of the Board to execute deeds of conveyance of the County’s interest or authorize cancellation of the appropriate Certificate(s) of Purchase, as the case may be for the following five (5) resolutions to be paid to the Treasurer of DeKalb County Illinois, to be disbursed according to law:

Mr. Faivre seconded the motion as presented.

Roll Call Vote

Chairman Pietrowski called for a roll call vote on the motion as presented. Those voting yea were Ms. Mann-Lamb, Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, Ms. Polanco, Mr. Porterfield, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. West, Mr. Whelan, Ms. Willis, Mr. Bagby, Mr. Campbell, Mrs. Cribben, Mrs. Emmer, Mr. Faivre, Vice-Chair Frieders, Mr. Hughes, Ms. Leifheit, Ms. Little, Mr. Luebke, and Chairman Pietrowski. All Members present voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.

Resolution R2019-75: Salaries of Elected Officials


Mr. Bagby moved that the DeKalb County Board does hereby establish salaries for the County Board Chairperson, County Board Vice-Chairperson, Committee Chairperson, Circuit Clerk, and Coroner for the terms beginning after the November 3, 2020 General Election. Ms. Polanco seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.

Resolution R2019-76: Appropriation for Digital Radio System


Mr. Bagby moved the DeKalb County Board does hereby authorize an additional $365,000 for the Sheriff’s Digital Radio Communication System with $300,000 of that total to come from ETSB funds and the balance from the Special Waste money generated via the Community Host Agreement for the Landfill, and that the internal loans needed to provide interim financing until full funding is realized will be retired through a previously authorized internal loan program that is now authorized through December 31, 2039. Ms. Mann-Lamb seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Following an update from Chief Deputy Andy Sullivan on the Radio System, Chairman Pietrowski called for a roll call vote on the motion. Those voting yea were Ms. Mann-Lamb, Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, Ms. Polanco, Mr. Porterfield, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. West, Mr. Whelan, Ms. Willis, Mr. Bagby, Mr. Campbell, Mrs. Cribben, Mrs. Emmer, Mr. Faivre, Vice-Chair Frieders, Mr. Hughes, Ms. Leifheit, Ms. Little, Mr. Luebke, and Chairman Pietrowski. All Members voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.

Resolution R2019-77: Dispatching Services for the City of Sandwich


Mr. Bagby moved that the DeKalb County Board receives and concurs with the Sheriff’s recommendation to accept Dispatching for the City of Sandwich and does hereby authorize the County Sheriff and the County Administrator to negotiate a contract for Dispatching Services for the City of Sandwich, similar in terms and amounts as approved for other referendum PSAPs in Resolution R2016-46, with an ending date of June 30, 2021, which is the termination date of the other existing Dispatching Agreements, and that the County Board Chairman is authorized to sign said agreement. Ms. Slabon seconded the motion as presented.

Voice Vote

The Chair requested a voice vote on the motion as presented. All Members voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.

Claims – October 2019


Mr. Bagby moved to approve the payment of claims for this month, and the off-cycle claims paid during the previous month, including all claims for travel, meals, and lodging, in the amount of $5,907,766.40. Mrs. Emmer seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Chairman Pietrowski asked for a roll call vote on the approval of the October 2019 Claims. Those Members voted yea were Ms. Mann-Lamb, Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, Ms. Polanco, Mr. Porterfield, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. West, Mr. Whelan, Ms. Willis, Mr. Bagby, Mr. Campbell, Mrs. Cribben, Mrs. Emmer, Mr. Faivre, Vice-Chair Frieders, Mr. Hughes, Ms. Leifheit, Ms. Little, Mr. Luebke, and Chairman Pietrowski. All Members voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.

Reports of County Officials


Mr. Bagby moved to accept and place on file the following Reports of County Officials:

1. Cash & Investments in County Banks – September 2019

2. Public Defender’s Report – September 2019

3. Adult & Juvenile Monthly Reports – September 2019

4. Pretrial Report – September 2019

5. Sheriff’s Jail Report – September 2019

6. Building Permits & Construction Reports – September 2019

Mr. Whelan seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chairman requested a voice vote to accept the Reports of County Officials as presented. Motion carried unanimously.


Chairman Pietrowski announced that the Ad Hoc Rules Committee will be meeting on Wednesday, October 30th at 7:00 p.m. in the Administration Building’s Conference Room East.

Chairman Pietrowski also congratulated fellow Board Member Craig Roman on completing the 2019 Chicago Marathon and raising $1,700 for the JDRF charity he was running in support of.



Mr. Campbell moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 p.m. and Mr. Hughes seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The motion to adjourn the meeting carried unanimously.
