
Lake County Gazette

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Regional Office of Education #16 County Board met Nov. 20

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Regional Office of Education #16 met Nov. 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

The DeKalb County Board met in regular session at the Legislative Center’s Gathertorium on Wednesday, November 20, 2019. Chairman Pietrowski called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and the Clerk called the roll. Those Members present were Mr. Jerry Osland, Mr. Roy Plote, Ms. Sandra Polanco, Mr. Chris Porterfield, Mr. Craig Roman, Ms. Linda Slabon, Mr. Paul Stoddard, Mr. Larry West, Mr. Jeff Whelan, Ms. Suzanne Willis, Mr. Tim Bagby, Mr. Scott Campbell, Ms. Rukisha Crawford, Mrs. Karen Cribben, Mrs. Laurie Emmer, Mr. Steve Faivre, Vice-Chairman John Frieders, Mr. Tim Hughes, Ms. Maureen Little, Mr. Jim Luebke, Ms. Terri Mann-Lamb, and Chairman Pietrowski. Mr. Tracy Jones and Ms. Dianne Leifheit were absent. A quorum was established with twenty-two Members present and two absent.

Chairman Pietrowski asked Mr. Osland to lead in the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Approval of Agenda


It was moved by Mr. Plote and seconded by Mr. Luebke to approve the agenda.

Motion to Amend

Mr. Bagby moved to amend the agenda by adding Pending Litigation as Provided for in 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) to the Executive Session under Finance Committee, Item C. Mr. Osland seconded the motion.

Vote on Amendment

Chairman Pietrowski called for a voice vote on the amendment. The motion carried unanimously.

Voice Vote on Amended Agenda

Chairman Pietrowski called for a voice vote to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried unanimously.

Approval of Minutes


Ms. Mann-Lamb moved to approve the minutes of the October 16, 2019 County Board Meeting.

Mr. Whelan seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

Chairman Pietrowski asked for a voice vote on the approval of the minutes. All Members voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Communications and Proclamations

Chairman Pietrowski shared that he recently had the honor of speaking at the opening of the 24- hour Veterans Vigil on the Courthouse Lawn on Veterans Day.

He also shared that the DeKalb County Convention and Visitors Bureau has now moved into their new location at the DeKalb County Community Outreach Building in DeKalb. He welcomed them to their new space.

Note: These minutes are not official until approved by the DeKalb County Board at a subsequent meeting. Please refer to the meeting minutes when these minutes are approved to obtain any changes to these minutes.

Employee Service Awards for November 2019

Chairman Pietrowski recognized the following County Employees who were celebrating Service Awards in the month of November 2019: Five Years: Becky Hatfield – Rehab& Nursing Center, Julenne Davey – Circuit Clerk’s Office, Jennifer Buttrum – Rehab & Nursing Center, Meghan Petrie – Rehab & Nursing Center; Fifteen Years: Robert Nolan – Judiciary, Steven Johnson – Sheriff’s Office, Charlotte Clark – Rehab & Nursing Center; Twenty Years: Vicki Anderson – Coroner’s Office; Thirty Years: William Prain – Forest Preserve District, and Theresa Martin – Treasurer’s Office.

Public Comments

There were no public comments.


Chairman Pietrowski recommended approval of the following appointments:

a. DeKalb County Nursing Home Foundation Board: Chuck Walters, Lorrie Wildenradt, and Mary Pritchard all appointed for three-year terms beginning December 1, 2019 and expiring November 30, 2022. Michael Haines appointed as of December 1, 2019 to fill the unexpired term of J.J. Wett until November 30, 2020 and Steve Lux appointed immediately to fill the unexpired term of Jim Hupke until November 30, 2020.

b. DeKalb County Rehab & Nursing Center Operating Board/Supportive Living Facility Board: Greg Millburg and Rita Nielsen both reappointed for two-year terms beginning January 1, 2020 And expiring December 31, 2021. Chris Porterfield reappointed for a term beginning January 1, 2020 and expiring December 31, 2020.

c. Emergency Telephone System Board (E-911): John Petragallo, Jeff McMaster, James Bianchi, and Pete Polarek all reappointed for four-year terms beginning January 1, 2020 and expiring December 31, 2023.


It was moved by Mr. Stoddard and seconded by Ms. Crawford to approve the recommended appointment as presented.

Voice Vote

Chairman Pietrowski called for a voice vote. The motion carried unanimously.

Reports From Standing Committees

Planning and Zoning Committee

Ordinance O2019-42: An Ordinance Approving a Zoning Map Amendment in Sycamore Township


Mr. Faivre moved the DeKalb County Board hereby approves, with conditions as outlined in the Ordinance, a Zoning Map Amendment to change the zoning of property located at 1847 Brickville Road in Sycamore Township from A-1, Agricultural District to PD-R, Planning Development-Residential to allow for the construction of a single-family residence. Ms. Willis seconded the motion as presented.

Voice Vote

Chairman Pietrowski called for a voice vote on the motion. All Members voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.

Ordinance O2019-43: An Ordinance Approving a Special Use Permit for the Retail Sale of Used

Automobiles in Genoa Township


Mr. Faivre moved the DeKalb County Board hereby approves, with conditions as outlined in the Ordinance, a Special Use Permit to allow for a retail and service use conducted within and adjacent to an existing agricultural structure that is no longer used for agricultural purposes, in the form of the retail sale of used automobiles within an existing converted pole barn on property located at 30795 Grant Road in Genoa Township. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair called or a voice vote on the motion as presented. The motion carried unanimously.

Ordinance O2019-44: An Ordinance Amending DeKalb County Ordinance O2019-33 “An Ordinance Amending Chapter 14 of the DeKalb County Code Regarding Adopted Building Codes”


Mr. Faivre moved the DeKalb County Board hereby approves to delete the two revisions at set forth in this Ordinance within the DeKalb County Code, Chapter 14, Buildings and Building Regulations, and DeKalb County Ordinance O2019-33. Mr. Roman seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

Chairman Pietrowski called for a voice vote. The motion carried unanimously.

Ordinance O2019-45: An Ordinance Amending Section 14-3 of the DeKalb County Code to Adopt Demolition Permit Fees


Mr. Faivre moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby approves the amendments to the DeKalb County Code, Chapter 14, Buildings and Building Regulations by adopting the Demolition Permit Fees, as outlined in this Ordinance, for the removal and/or destruction of residences, residential accessory structures greater than one hundred and twenty (120) square feet in area or containing utilities, and commercial structures beginning January 1, 2020. Ms. Mann-Lamb seconded the motion as presented.

Voice Vote

After a question from Mr. Bagby and a clarification by Mr. Hiland, Chairman Pietrowski called for a voice vote on the motion as presented. All twenty-two Members present voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.

County Highway Committee

Resolution R2019-78: MFT Resolution for General Maintenance Projects


Mr. Plote moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby authorizes the expenditure of MFT funds in the total amount of $1,943,000 for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provision of the Illinois Highway Code from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020.

Mrs. Emmer seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

The Chairman called for a roll call vote on the motion. Those voting yea were Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, Ms. Polanco, Mr. Porterfield, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. West, Mr. Whelan, Ms. Willis, Mr. Bagby, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Crawford, Mrs. Cribben, Mrs. Emmer, Mr. Faivre, Vice-Chairman Frieders, Mr. Hughes, Ms. Little, Mr. Luebke, Ms. Mann-Lamb, and Chairman Pietrowski. All Members present voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.

Resolution R2019-79: MFT Supplemental Resolution for Section 15-00250-00SW


Mr. Plote moved that the DeKalb County Board does hereby authorize the appropriation of $3,994.33 from Motor Fuel Tax allotment for sidewalk removal and replacement and other incidental work for 0.54 miles of Somonauk Road from North Avenue to Meadow Drive in Cortland, Illinois. Mr. Bagby seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

The Chairman called for a roll call vote on the motion. Those voting yea were Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, Ms. Polanco, Mr. Porterfield, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. West, Mr. Whelan, Ms. Willis, Mr. Bagby, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Crawford, Mrs. Cribben, Mrs. Emmer, Mr. Faivre, Vice-Chairman Frieders, Mr. Hughes, Ms. Little, Mr. Luebke, Ms. Mann-Lamb, and Chairman Pietrowski. All Members present voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.

Economic Development Committee

Resolution R2019-69: City of DeKalb Tax Abatements


Mrs. Emmer moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby approves that the DeKalb County Enterprise Zone Intergovernmental Agreement approved by DeKalb County Resolution R2014- 84 is hereby amended by replacement with the DeKalb County Enterprise Zone Intergovernmental Agreement attached hereto as Addendum “A”, and that the Chairman of the DeKalb County Board is hereby authorized to sign and execute said Agreement on behalf of DeKalb County, Illinois. Mr. Hughes seconded the motion as presented.

Voice Vote

Chairman Pietrowski called for voice vote. The motion carried unanimously.

Health and Human Services Committee

Ordinance O2019-46: Amendment to the DeKalb County Code, Chapter 10 – Animals


Mr. Porterfield moved that the DeKalb County Board does concur in the recommendations of the DeKalb County Board of Health and the DeKalb County Health and Human Services Committee and hereby approves the revisions to Chapter 10 of the DeKalb County Code as set forth in Attachment A to this Ordinance, effective as of January 1, 2020. Mr. West seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chair called for a voice vote on the motion as presented. All Members present voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.

Law and Justice Committee

Resolution R2019-81: State’s Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor Fee Resolution


Mr. Luebke moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby agrees to participate in the service program of the Office of the State’s Attorney Appellate Prosecutor for FY 2020, commencing

December 1, 2019, and ending November 30, 2020 in the amount of $28,000. Ms. Slabon seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Chairman Pietrowski called for a roll call vote on the motion. Those voted yea were Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, Ms. Polanco, Mr. Porterfield, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. West, Mr. Whelan, Ms. Willis, Mr. Bagby, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Crawford, Mrs. Cribben, Mrs. Emmer, Mr. Faivre, Vice-Chairman Frieders, Mr. Hughes, Ms. Little, Mr. Luebke, Ms. Mann-Lamb, and Chairman Pietrowski. All Members present voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.

Finance Committee

Ordinance O2019-47: Adoption of the FY 2020 Tax Levy


Mr. Bagby moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby approves to levy upon all the taxable property within DeKalb County, as assessed, for the calendar year beginning January 1, 2019 and ending December 31, 2019, and to be collected for fiscal year beginning January 1, 2020 and ending December 31, 2020, in the total amount of $23,656,000. Mrs. Emmer seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Chairman Pietrowski called for a roll call vote on the motion to approve the FY 2020 County Tax Levy. Those voting yea were Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, Ms. Polanco, Mr. Porterfield, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. West, Mr. Whelan, Ms. Willis, Mr. Bagby, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Crawford, Mrs. Cribben, Mrs. Emmer, Mr. Faivre, Vice-Chairman Frieders, Mr. Hughes, Ms. Little, Mr. Luebke, Ms. Mann-Lamb, and Chairman Pietrowski. All twenty-two Members that were present voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.

Ordinance O2019-48: Adoption of the Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2020


Mr. Bagby moved the DeKalb County Board hereby approves that the monies received by the County Treasurer from taxes and other revenues, for the use of DeKalb County during the Fiscal Year starting January 1, 2020 and ending December 31, 2020 are hereby appropriated as set forth in the attached twenty-two (22) pages for the purpose necessary for DeKalb County to carry out its responsibilities in the total amount of $99,035,500. Ms. Willis seconded the motion.

Motion to Amend

Mr. Faivre moved to add Item #55 to the Budget Narrative on Page 18 to read: This budget invokes a moratorium on any recreational cannabis activity in unincorporated DeKalb County through June 30, 2020, unless lifted by County Board action prior to that date. Any recreational cannabis revenues earned during this moratorium period will be allocated to the Public health Department for cannabis education programs. Mr. Luebke seconded the amendment as presented.

Vote on Amendment

After questions and deliberations, Chairman Pietrowski called for a voice vote on the amendment. The motion carried unanimously.

Vote on Amended Motion

The Chairman called for a roll call vote on the motion to approve the FY 2020 Annual Appropriation and Budget Ordinance as amended. Those voting yea were Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, Ms. Polanco, Mr. Porterfield, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. West, Mr. Whelan, Ms. Willis, Mr. Bagby, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Crawford, Mrs. Cribben, Mrs. Emmer, Mr. Faivre, Vice-Chairman Frieders, Mr. Hughes, Ms. Little, Mr. Luebke, Ms. Mann-Lamb, and Chairman Pietrowski. All twenty-two Members that were present voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.

Executive Session


Mr. Bagby moved to enter into an Executive Session for the purposes of discussing Collective Bargaining as provided for in 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2) and Pending Litigation as provided for in 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) at 7:30 p.m. Ms. Polanco seconded the motion. Those voting yea were Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, Ms. Polanco, Mr. Porterfield, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. West, Mr. Whelan, Ms. Willis, Mr. Bagby, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Crawford, Mrs. Cribben, Mrs. Emmer, Mr. Faivre, Vice-Chairman Frieders, Mr. Hughes, Ms. Little, Mr. Luebke, Ms. MannLamb, and Chairman Pietrowski. The motion carried with a 22-0-2 roll call vote.

The Board entered back into the Open Meeting at 7:56 p.m.

Resolution R2019-82: Approval of a Labor Contract with the Metropolitan Alliance of Police, Local Chapter #318


Mr. Bagby moved the DeKalb County Board does concur in the recommendation of its negotiators and does hereby ratify the labor contract with the Metropolitan Alliance of Police, Local Chapter #318 for the period of January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2022 and does direct the Chairman to execute the contract as prepared by the County’s Labor Attorney and further directs staff to implement said contract in a timely fashion. Mr. Luebke seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Chairman Pietrowski called for a roll call vote on the motion. Those voted yea were Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, Ms. Polanco, Mr. Porterfield, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. West, Mr. Whelan, Ms. Willis, Mr. Bagby, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Crawford, Mrs. Cribben, Mrs. Emmer, Mr. Faivre, Vice-Chairman Frieders, Mr. Hughes, Ms. Little, Mr. Luebke, Ms. Mann-Lamb, and Chairman Pietrowski. All Members present voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.

Claims – November 2019


Mr. Bagby moved to approve the payment of claims for this month, and the off-cycle claims paid during the previous month, including all claims for travel, meals, and lodging, in the amount of $10,661,812.71. Ms. Little seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Chairman Pietrowski asked for a roll call vote on the approval of the November 2019 Claims.

Those Members voted yea were Mr. Osland, Mr. Plote, Ms. Polanco, Mr. Porterfield, Mr. Roman, Ms. Slabon, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. West, Mr. Whelan, Ms. Willis, Mr. Bagby, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Crawford, Mrs. Cribben, Mrs. Emmer, Mr. Faivre, Vice-Chairman Frieders, Mr. Hughes, Ms. Little, Mr. Luebke, Ms. Mann-Lamb, and Chairman Pietrowski. All Members voted yea. The motion carried unanimously.

Reports of County Officials


Mr. Bagby moved to accept and place on file the following Reports of County Officials:

1. Cash and Investments in County Banks – October 2019

2. Public Defender’s Report – October 2019

3. Adult and Juvenile Monthly Reports – October 2019

4. Pretrial Report – October 2019

5. Sheriff’s Jail Report – October 2019

6. Building Permits and Construction Reports – October 2019

Mr. Plote seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chairman requested a voice vote to accept the Reports of County Officials as presented.

Motion carried unanimously.

Ad Hoc Rules Committee

Ordinance O2019-49: Approval of an Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 of the DeKalb County Code


Vice Chairman Frieders moved that the DeKalb County Board hereby approves to amend Chapter 2 of the DeKalb County Code specific to Sec. 2-67. - Deputy County Administrator as outlined in Exhibit A to this Ordinance. Mr. Porterfield seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The motion carried unanimously with all Board Members voting yea.

Old Business / New Business




Mr. Porterfield moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:02 p.m. and Mr. Osland seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The motion to adjourn the meeting carried unanimously.
