Aptakisic-Tripp Community Consolidated School District 102 met Dec. 16.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
Call to Order/Roll Call
Mrs. Ross called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
Upon the roll being called by Mrs. Ross, the following Board members answered present:
Board Members Present
Mrs. Ellyn Ross Board President
Mr. Pelleg Graupe Board Vice President
Mr. Jeremy Galfield Board Secretary
Mrs. Suzann Audi Board Member
Mr. Nathan Libbey Board Member
Mr. Scott Linn Board Member
Ms. Marnie Slavin Masur Board Member
Administration Present
Dr. Lori Wilcox Superintendent
Ms. Stacey Bachar Asst. Supt., Business Services/CSBO
Dr. Robert Hudson Asst. Supt., Learning and Growth
Mrs. Mary Bhardwaj Student Services Director
Mr. Patrick Hoover Director of Learning and Growth
Mr. Kevin Locallo Asst. Principal, Tripp
Mr. Greg Michels Principal, Meridian
Mrs. Susie Murtaugh Human Resources Coordinator
Mrs. Erin Witt Asst. Principal, AJHS
Others Present
Staff - Mrs. Melissa Brate, Mrs. Katie Cardella, Mrs. Jen Cox, Ms. Lindsay Daudelin, Ms. Kelly Facer, Mrs. Vicky Jacobs, Mrs. Christina Lovering, Mrs. Jackie Newman, Mr. Adam Rosenak, Ms. Jody Salus, Mrs. Vickie Walters, Mrs. Cheryl Wyer
Others - Ms. Samantha Barry, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Baumann, Mr. Ken Cox, Ms. Renee Freemond-Woods
Pledge of Allegiance/Welcome
The Board/audience recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Mrs. Ross welcomed everyone to the meeting. Prior to the meeting, the Board of Education and Administration held a reception for D102 retirees with 20 or more years of service. Mrs. Ross thanked Human Resources for organizing the celebration. Jennifer Cox’s daughter, Samantha Barry, painted the Legacy Tree mural dedicated to the retirees. It is displayed in the lobby of the District Office. Ms. Barry was in attendance and the Board and Administration recognized and thanked her for creating such a beautiful mural. The Board and Administration presented her with a few gifts and Mrs. Murtagh presented the Board and staff with a momento from the evening.
Consent Agenda
Mrs. Ross entertained a motion to approve the items listed on the Consent Agenda as presented. Mr. Graupe moved, and Mr. Libbey seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mrs. Audi, Mr. Galfield, Mr. Graupe, Mr. Libbey, Mr. Linn, Mrs. Ross, and Ms. Slavin voted aye. Motion passed.
1. Approve minutes of the November 25, 2019 Board of Education meeting
2. Approve minutes of the November 25, 2019 Policy Committee meeting
3. Approve minutes of the December 2, 2019 Board/Ad Team/AEA Retreat
4. Approve minutes of the December 9, 2019 Policy Committee meeting
5. Approve paid invoice file for November-December, 2019 in the amount of $1,511,025.55
6. Approve schedule of bills payable for November-December, 2019 in the amount of $0.00
7. Approve P-Card ACH Payment in the amount of $17,246.61
8. Approve estimated expenses for Mr. Graupe to attend the NSBA Advocacy Institute in February (Registration $695, Hotel $927, Flight, $316)
Personnel/Vacancy Report
Mrs. Ross entertained a motion to approve the items listed on the Personnel Report as presented. Mr. Galfield moved, and Mrs. Ross seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mrs. Audi, Mr. Galfield, Mr. Graupe, Mr. Libbey, Mr. Linn, Mrs. Ross, and Ms. Slavin voted aye. Motion passed.
Wei Li, lunchroom/recess supervisor at Meridian School beginning December 9, 2019; $9.50 per hour. Michael Ptak, lunchroom/recess supervisor at Pritchett School beginning December 11, 2019; $9.50 per hour.
Ellen Sudeikis, first grade classroom aide: assignment for the 2019-2020 school year will be at Tripp School beginning January 7, 2020; $15.00 per hour.
Leaves of Absence
Kate Cooper, kindergarten classroom teacher at Pritchett School requested a maternity/Family Medical Leave of Absence beginning on or before March 16, 2020 through the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.
Kelly Baumhardt, speech language pathologist at Pritchett School requested a maternity/Family Medical Leave of Absence beginning on or before March 23, 2020 through the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.
Part-time (.4 FTE) occupational therapist
Part-time (.4 FTE) speech/language pathologist
Meridian School
Long-term substitute for fifth grade classroom teacher beginning February 3, 2020 through April 22, 2020
Part-time extended assignment for emergent bilingual aide beginning November 4, 2019
Pritchett Elementary School
Long-term substitute for speech language pathologist beginning on or before March 23, 2020 through the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year
Long-term substitute for kindergarten classroom teacher beginning on or before March 23, 2020 through the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year
Tripp Elementary School
Long-term substitute for second grade classroom teacher beginning on or before January 7, 2020 through April 24, 2020
Board Calender
Mrs. Ross reviewed the Board Calendar and noted a few key dates.
Sedol Update
Dr. Wilcox provided a brief SEDOL update from the Governing Board meeting on December 4, 2019. The meeting was lengthy with a large amount of public comment expressing concerns about staffing needs and leadership.
Board Policy Committee Recap
The Policy Committee met on Monday, December 9, 2019 with Ken Carter from IASB to go through the Board’s suggested edits to the policy manual. The Policy Committee completed an audit of the entire manual throughout the fall. Edits are with the ISBE and our manual will be available online. A first reading of the updated manual will be coming to the Board in January. Dr. Wilcox thanked Mr. Graupe, Mrs. Ross, and Ms. Slavin for their time and hard work.
Inclusive Schools Presentation
Several members of the team who attended the Schools of Promise professional development at Syracuse University in August shared the presentation that has been shared at faculty meetings in all of our schools; the presentation defines inclusion, walks through some myths and realities about inclusion, explains why we should include, and ends with a visual that represents our shared commitments. The Board members asked questions about inclusion and the staff gave examples of how their schools are finding authentic opportunities to use inclusive practices in the classroom.
Approve 2020-2023 School Calendar for Internal Planning Purposes
Mrs. Ross entertained a motion to approve the recommended three-year school calendar (2020-2023) for internal district planning purposes. Mrs. Ross moved, and Mr. Galfield seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mrs. Audi, Mr. Galfield, Mr. Libbey, Mr. Linn, Mrs. Ross, and Ms. Slavin voted aye. Mr. Graupe voted nay. Motion passed.
Approve 2020-2021 School Calendar
Mrs. Ross entertained a motion to approve the recommended 2020-2021 calendar. Mrs. Ross moved, and Mr. Galfield seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mrs. Audi, Mr. Galfield, Mr. Libbey, Mr. Linn, Mrs. Ross, and Ms. Slavin voted aye. Mr. Graupe voted nay. Motion passed.
Summer School 2020
Mr. Hoover provided an update on planning for Summer School 2020. Mr. Hoover held his first meeting with interested staff. He shared the proposed summer school schedule. One board member asked about a five-day transition boot camp at the end of the summer. For several reasons, this didn’t come to fruition last summer. In the spirit of inclusion, AJHS plans to offer a bootcamp experience to all 6th graders at the beginning of the 20-21 school year so all can benefit.
Approve Treasurer’s Report for October, 2019
Mrs. Ross entertained a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report for October, 2019 as presented. Mrs. Audi moved, and Mr. Graupe seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mrs. Audi, Mr. Galfield, Mr. Graupe, Mr. Libbey, Mr. Linn, Mrs. Ross, and Ms. Slavin voted aye. Motion passed.
Open the 2019 Tax Levy Public Hearing
Mrs. Ross entertained a motion to open the 2019 Tax Levy Public Hearing. Mr. Graupe moved, and Ms. Slavin seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mrs. Audi, Mr. Galfield, Mr. Graupe, Mr. Libbey, Mr. Linn, Mrs. Ross, and Ms. Slavin voted aye. Motion passed.
Close the 2019 Tax Levy Public Hearing
Mrs. Ross entertained a motion to close the 2019 Tax Levy Public Hearing. Ms. Slavin moved, and Mr. Libbey seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mrs. Audi, Mr. Galfield, Mr. Graupe, Mr. Libbey, Mr. Linn, Mrs. Ross, and Ms. Slavin voted aye. Motion passed.
Approve the Resolution for 2019 Tax Levy
Mrs. Ross entertained a motion to approve the attached resolution for the 2019 Tax Levy. Mr. Graupe moved, and Mrs. Audi seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mrs. Audi, Mr. Galfield, Mr. Graupe, Mr. Libbey, Mr. Linn, Mrs. Ross, and Ms. Slavin voted aye. Motion passed.
Approve the Resolution for 2019 Tax Levy for Special Education Purposes
Mrs. Ross entertained a motion to approve the attached resolution for the 2019 Tax Levy for Special Education purposes. Ms. Slavin moved, and Mrs. Audi seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mrs. Audi, Mr. Galfield, Mr. Graupe, Mr. Libbey, Mr. Linn, Mrs. Ross, and Ms. Slavin voted aye. Motion passed.
Approve the Resolution for 2019 Tax Levy for Special Education District IMRF Tax Purposes
Mrs. Ross entertained a motion to approve the attached resolution for the 2019 Tax Levy for Special Education District IMRF purposes. Mr. Galfield moved, and Mrs. Audi seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mrs. Audi, Mr. Galfield, Mr. Graupe, Mr. Libbey, Mr. Linn, Mrs. Ross, and Ms. Slavin voted aye. Motion passed.
Sale of Equipment
Mrs. Ross entertained a motion to approve the to approve sale of 2001 Ford F-250 pick up truck Vin#1FTNF21L01ED15703 to the Director of Facilities in the amount of $1,500.00 and to authorize the Assistant Superintendent for Business Services/CSBO to execute a bill of sale that expressly states that the truck is being sold AS-IS without any representations or warranties from the Board of Education and execute title transfer. Mrs. Ross moved, and Mr. Graupe seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mrs. Audi, Mr. Galfield, Mr. Graupe, Mr. Libbey, Mr. Linn, Mrs. Ross, and Ms. Slavin voted aye. Motion passed.
Vendor Payments Over 25k, November-December, 2019
The vendor list of expenditures over 25K from November-December, 2019 is included as an informational item.
Facilities Update
Ms. Bachar shared a potential grant opportunity and checked the Board’s availability for a Facilities Committee meeting on January 13 to discuss summer 2020 facilities projects as well as other projects on the horizon. She also mentioned the facilities department will be testing fire alarms and deep cleaning the buildings during winter break. Improvements will be made to the intercom system at AJHS over break as well.
Pritchett Classroom Renovation Project
Ms. Bachar reviewed the project and bid results from December 10, 2019. Many vendors responded and the bids came in favorably. Administration will be looking for bid approval on January 13, 2020.
Shredding of Outdated Textbooks
Included was a list of outdated textbooks the district is no longer using. The district contacted several book buyers and our local non-public schools but none expressed interest in these materials. Therefore, we asked for approval to dispose of these outdated textbooks.
Motion to Move Into Executive Session
Mrs. Ross entertained a motion to move into Executive Session at 8:16 p.m. to discuss matters related to collective negotiations, personnel, probable or imminent litigation and/or student issues. Mr. Graupe moved, and Ms. Slavin seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mrs. Audi, Mr. Galfield, Mr. Graupe, Mr. Libbey, Mr. Linn, Mrs. Ross, and Ms. Slavin voted aye. Motion passed.
Motion to Return to Open Session
Mrs. Ross entertained a motion to return to Open Session at 8:44 p.m. Mr. Graupe moved, and Mr. Linn seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mrs. Audi, Mr. Galfield, Mr. Graupe, Mr. Libbey, Mr. Linn, Mrs. Ross, and Ms. Slavin voted aye. Motion passed.
Motion(s) from Executive Session
Motion to Adjourn
Mrs. Ross entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:50. Mr. Galfield moved, and Ms. Slavin seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Mr. Galfield, Mr. Graupe, Mr. Libbey, Mr. Linn and Mrs. Ross voted aye. Mrs. Audi and Ms. Slavin absent. Motion passed.
We hereby certify that these are the correct minutes of the Aptakisic-Tripp CCSD 102 Board of Education meeting held on December 16, 2019. These minutes were approved on January 13, 2020.