Community High School District 128 Board met Feb. 24.
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Call To Order/Pledge/Roll Call/Review Agenda
2. Communication
a. Invitation for Public Comment (3-minute time limit)
b. Educational Presentations
i. Student Recognition
ii. 504 Accommodation Supports in District 128
c. President’s Report
i. Student School Board Representative Reports
ii. Other
d. Superintendent’s Report
i. Good News
ii. Capital Projects Update
iii. Governor’s Budget Address and Illinois Spring Legislative Session
iv. Donation Acknowledgement
v. FOIA Requests (5)
vi. Other
3. **Consent Vote Agenda
a. Approval of Regular Board Meeting Minutes of January 28, 2020
b. Approval of Closed Session Minutes of January 28, 2020
c. Destruction of Closed Session Audio Recordings:
i. June 25, 2018
ii. July 16, 2018
d. Educational Tour Requests
i. LHS Coding Cats/VHHS Computer Science Club to shsHacks a 24-hour coding marathon, Lincolnshire, IL, February 15-16, 2020
ii. LHS Mock Trial Team to State Tournament, Champaign, IL, March 13-15, 2020
iii. LHS Boys’ Lacrosse to Kentucky and Indiana Competition, March 20-22, 2020
iv. LHS Girls’ Varsity Softball to Orlando, FL Tournament, March 22-26, 2020
v. LHS/VHHS FCCLA to State Competition, Springfield, IL, April 2-3, 2020
vi. VHHS FBLA to State Competition, Springfield, IL, April 2-4, 2020
vii. LHS FBLA to State Competition, Springfield, IL, April 3-4, 2020
viii. LHS Science Olympiad to State Competition, Champaign, IL, April 17-18, 2020
ix. VHHS Math Team to State Competition, Champaign, IL, May 1-2, 2020
x. LHS Choir and Dance to Greece for International Learning and Performance Tour, March 19-27, 2021
xi. LHS Orchestra to Germany and Czech Republic, March 19-28, 2021
xii. VHHS Social Studies to Berlin, Dresden, Prague, Krakow, March 20-27, 2021
xiii. LHS Dare to Empower to India, June 1-13, 2021
xiv. LHS Global Service Learning to Ecuador, June 8-18, 2021
e. Employment of Employees
i. Certified Staff Retirement
1. Chris Curry, English Teacher, VHHS, June 2026
ii. Educational Support Personnel Staff Replacements
1. Mark Feely, Community Education Evening Asst - Part-time, LHS
2. Sarah Long, Special Services Aide, VHHS, effective 2/10/20
3. Julie Moore, LST Secretary, VHHS, effective 8/4/20
4. Susan Pinsel, LST Secretary, LHS, effective 2/24/20
5. Jennifer Sheppard, Community Education Evening Asst - Part-time, LHS
iii. Coaching/Extracurricular Activities Staff Resignation
1. Nathan Lightman, Girls’ Diving Coach, VHHS
f. Disposal of Obsolete Equipment
i. VHHS B&G Equipment
g. Bills Payable & Supplemental Bills List
h. Financial Reports
4. Program & Personnel Committee - Chairman Batson
a. **Board Policies - Second Reading and Adoption
i. Policy 2:70 Vacancies on Board of Education - Filling Vacancies (Board of Education)
ii. Policy 2:100 Board Member Conflict of Interest (Board of Education)
iii. Policy 2:200 Types of Board of Education Meetings (Board of Education)
iv. Policy 2:220 Board of Education Meeting Procedure (Board of Education)
v. Policy 4:15 Identity Protection (Operational Services)
vi. Policy 4:30 Revenue and Investments (Operational Services)
vii. Policy 4:60 Purchases and Contracts (Operational Services)
viii. Policy 4:80 Accounting and Audits (Operational Services)
ix. Policy 4:150 Facility Management and Building Programs (Operational Services)
x. Policy 5:100 Staff Development Program (Personnel)
xi. Policy 5:200 Terms and Conditions of Employment and Dismissal (Personnel)
xii. Policy 5:220 Substitute Teachers (Personnel)
xiii. Policy 5:250 Leaves of Absence (Personnel)
xiv. Policy 5:290 Employment Termination and Suspensions (Personnel)
xv. Policy 5:330 Sick Days, Vacation, Holidays, and Leaves (Personnel)
xvi. Policy 6:20 School Year Calendar and Day (Instruction)
xvii. Policy 6:300 Graduation Requirements (Instruction)
xviii. Policy 7:180 Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation and Harassment (Students)
b. **Employment of Employees
i. Certified Staff New Hire 2020-21
1. Scarlett Davalos, Special Services Social Worker, Intern, VHHS
ii. Coaching/Extracurricular Activities Staff Resignations
1. Ron Long, Boys’ Bowling Head Coach, VHHS
2. Erik Rogers, Aquatics Director, LHS
iii. Coaching/Extracurricular Activities Staff Replacements
1. Avelino Cortez (David Schroetter), Spring Event Supervisor, VHHS
2. Matthew Hearty, Boys’ Lacrosse Assistant Coach, VHHS
3. Joseph Marras (Patrick Walters), Baseball Assistant Coach, VHHS
4. Samantha Voelker (Katie Ahlgrim), Girls’ Water Polo Head Coach, VHHS
c. Other
5. Facilities & Finance Committee - Chairman Huber
a. **Approval of 2019 CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report)
b. **LHS Pool Change Order IS-00062
c. **LHS Pool Change Order OS-00004
d. **VHHS Intercom System
e. **Bid Award - LHS Exterior Masonry Remediation
f. **Bid Award - LHS Roofing Removal and Replacement
g. Other
6. Special Education District of Lake County - Delegate Lundstedt
7. Illinois Association of School Boards - Member Batson
8. **Adjournment - President Groody