
Lake County Gazette

Monday, November 25, 2024

Consolidated High School District 125 Board of Education met January 13

Meeting 02

Consolidated High School District 125 Board of Education met Jan. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

President Frost called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. On roll call, Mr. Frost, Mrs. Agrawal, Mrs. Neault, and Mrs. Moons answered. Mr. Weisberg arrived at 7:48 p.m. Also, in attendance were Superintendent Twadell, Mr. Gobble, Recording Secretary Adamczyk and 15 visitors.

Student Activities Representative Grace McGhee presented a brief report regarding student activities to the Board of Education.

Representative Daniel Didech presented the Board of Education with a proclamation congratulating Adlai E. Stevenson High School on being designated a 2019 National Blue Ribbon School.

Members of the AP Spanish Language and Culture Team of the World Languages Department presented the unique Social Emotional Learning (SEL) experiences they provide students in their courses.

The Board of Education was presented with graduate program approvals as of January 2020.

Mrs. Neault moved, seconded by Mr. Weisberg that the Board of Education approve the irrevocable letter of resignation, as noted in the Agenda Booklet of January 13, 2020, for: Timothy Myers, Fine Arts Teacher, as presented. On roll call, Mrs. Neault, Mr. Weisberg, Mrs. Agrawal, Mrs. Moons and Mr. Frost voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.

Mrs. Moons moved, seconded by Mrs. Agrawal that the Board of Education approve the Notice of Remedial Warning and 5-day suspension without pay issued to tenured teacher Erik Campbell. On roll call, Mrs. Moons, Mrs. Agrawal, Mrs. Neault, Mr. Frost and Mr. Weisberg voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.

The Board of Education was presented with a first reading regarding a resolution to allow the District to reimburse itself for funds already expended on the East Building Addition – Phase 2 prior to the sale of Bonds. The resolution is valid for three years after adoption. The Board will take final action at its next regular meeting.

The Board of Education was presented with a first reading about the bids for the summer 2020 projects. The Board will take final action at its next regular meeting.

There were no FOIA requests this month.

Mr. Weisberg moved, seconded by Mrs. Agrawal that the Board of Education approve the Consent Agenda Items, as presented. On roll call, Mr. Weisberg, Mrs. Agrawal, Mrs. Neault, Mrs. Moons, and Mr. Frost voted aye. The motion carried unanimously.

1) Approve the regular meeting and special meeting minutes of December 16, 2019.

2) Approve the appointment of the individuals as noted in the Agenda Booklet of January 13, 2020, for: Charmeise Jackson,

Teaching and Learning; and Robert Lynch, Administrative

Operations; as presented.

3) Accept the resignations as noted in the Agenda Booklet of January 13, 2020, for: Cali Flanagan, ELL Tutor; as presented.

5) Approve the long-term substitutes as noted in the Agenda Booklet of January 13, 2020, for: Helen Berger, Special Education; Larry Friedrichs, Special Education; Lauren Ogg Burnett, Special Education; and Mary Schneider, Special Education; as presented.

6) Approval of Bills (including travel-related expenses of members of the Board of Education, and of employees)

7) Approval of Financial Statement.

Mr. Weisberg moved, seconded by Mrs. Agrawal that the Board of Education adjourn to executive session to discuss the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of a specific employee and/or matters related to potential litigation. On roll call, Mr. Weisberg, Mrs. Agrawal, Mrs. Neault, Mrs. Moons and Mr. Frost voted aye. The motion carried unanimously. (8:30 p.m.)

Mrs. Neault moved, seconded by Mr. Weisberg that the Board of Education return to regular session. By voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. (9:43 p.m.)

Mr. Weisberg moved, seconded by Mrs. Agrawal that the meeting be adjourned. By voice vote, the motion carried unanimously. (9:47 p.m.)
