
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Cook Memorial Public Library District Board of Trustees met January 21

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Cook Memorial Public Library District Board of Trustees met Jan. 21.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

Call to order: The regular meeting of the Cook Memorial Public Library District was held on Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at the Aspen Drive Library, 701 Aspen Drive, Vernon Hills, Illinois. In the absence of President Bonnie Quirke, the meeting was called to order by Vice-President Wendy Vieth at 6:31 p.m. Trustees present at roll call in addition to Ms. Vieth were: Jim Larson, Phyllis Dobbs, Karen Singer, and Jen Banek. Ann Oakley and Bonnie Quirke were absent.

Staff members present were Library Director David Archer, Business Manager Russ Cerqua and Administrative Assistant Gabriella Pantle.

Public Comment: None.

Approval of Minutes: Ms. Vieth made a motion, seconded by Ms. Dobbs to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 17, 2019. Roll call was as follows: Ayes; Mr. Larson, Ms. Vieth, Ms. Dobbs, Ms. Singer, and Ms. Banek. Nays; none. Ms. Quirke and Ms. Oakley were absent. Motion carries.

Review of Invoices Submitted for Work Related to the Aspen Drive Library Expansion Project: Mr. Archer explained how the invoices initially listed in a memo dated December 17, 2019 were approved last month as part of the Bills Paid Report dated November 15, 2019 through December 12, 2019. At the Board’s request, he provided copies of the actual invoices at tonight’s meeting. Mr. Archer then proceeded to go over each invoice separately.

Ms. Oakley joined the meeting at 6:38 p.m. during this discussion.

Approval of the Bills: Ms. Dobbs made a motion, seconded by Ms. Singer to approve the Bills Paid Report for the period of December 13, 2019 through January 17, 2020 in the amount of $1,597,516.13. Roll call was as follows: Ayes; Ms. Oakley, Mr. Larson, Ms. Vieth, Ms. Dobbs, Ms. Singer, and Ms. Banek. Nays; none. Ms. Quirke was absent. Motion carries.

Report of the Director: From the Statistical Report, Mr. Archer noted that the gate count for Aspen Library in December was down 8%, there was a big jump in adult program attendance and a decline in juvenile program attendance.

Mr. Archer then provided information for the Illinois Library Trustee Forum Workshop taking place in March and asked trustees to let Ms. Pantle know if they would like to attend. He also provided an article from the Jan. 9, 2020 edition of the Daily Herald summarizing the latest developments of the 88-member Property Tax Relief Task Force and a progress report on meeting personnel standards required for the recently submitted Illinois Library Per Capita Grant Program application.

He announced that the FY2021 budget included funds for painting the basement walls and sealing the concrete floor at the Aspen Drive Library and that the work was needed in order to mitigate excessive dust caused by the new, unfinished concrete. However, in gathering preliminary cost estimates for this project, a recommended vendor indicated it would be able to complete the project for much less than expected if the Library was able to schedule the work during the holiday break which it was able to accommodate. The project was completed the week of December 23 at a cost of $9,900 that can easily be covered under the Building Maintenance Fund from the FY2020 operating budget.

Lastly he reported on new laws for 2020 that will affect employers. The Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act went into effect on January 1 and will require revisions to the Library’s Drug Free Workplace Policy which are currently being reviewed by legal counsel. The Workplace Transparency Act requires all employers to provide sexual harassment training to their employees at least once a year. Training for Library employees is scheduled to occur at an all- staff training session on either May 15 or September 11 of this year.

Approve Report of the Director: Ms. Vieth made a motion, seconded by Ms. Banek, to approve the report of the Director. Roll call was as follows: Ayes; Ms. Oakley, Mr. Larson, Ms. Vieth, Ms. Dobbs, Ms. Singer, and Ms. Banek. Nays; none. Ms. Quirke was absent. Motion carries.

Report of the President: Due to Ms. Quirke’s absence, there was no report. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES AND REPRESENTATIVES

Finance & Employee Practices: Mr. Cerqua reported that an RFP went out to 12 auditing firms in search of a new auditor. The deadline for submittals is February 14.

Policy Review: Mr. Archer reported that changes to Section 2 (Membership) of the By-Laws of the Board are based on amendments to the Public Library District Act of 1991. The amendments establish a residency requirement as well as prohibits candidacy for those who are in arrears in the payment of a tax or other indebtedness due to the library district; or have been convicted of any infamous crime, bribery, perjury, or other felony. Section 2 has also been reorganized and reformatted for easier reading. Library legal counsel has reviewed and approved this and other proposed changes. Ms. Oakley stated that it is a committee recommendation to approve the changes as presented. Not requiring a second, roll call was as follows: Ayes; Ms. Oakley, Ms. Vieth, Ms. Dobbs, Ms. Singer, and Ms. Banek. Nays; Mr. Larson. Ms. Quirke was absent. The revised By-Laws are approved.

Building and Grounds: No report.

Development: No report.

Technology: No report.

Resources, Services and Long Range Planning: No report.

Adhoc Committee for Cooperative Opportunities: No report.

Village of Libertyville Parking Commission Representative: No report. Friends’ Representative: No report.

RAILS Representative: No report.

Historical Society Representative: No report.

Other Business: None.

Communications: None.

Public questions: None.

Adjournment: Ms. Vieth made a motion, seconded by Ms. Singer to adjourn the meeting. Having no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:23 p.m. Roll call was as follows: Ayes; Ms. Oakley, Mr. Larson, Ms. Vieth, Ms. Dobbs, Ms. Singer, and Ms. Banek. Nays; none. Ms. Quirke was absent. Motion carries.
