
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, September 29, 2024

City of Highland Park Committee of the Whole of the City Council met January 13


City of Highland Park Committee of the Whole of the City Council met Jan. 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:


At 4:30 PM, Mayor Rotering called the meeting to order and asked for a roll call.


Members Present: Mayor Rotering, Councilmen Stolberg, Stone, Kaufman, Blumberg,

Knobel, Holleman

Members Absent: None

Mayor Rotering declared a quorum was present.

Staff Present: Ghida Neukirch, Joel Fontane, Ashley Palbitska

Also Present: Corporation Counsel Steve Elrod


City Manager Neukirch noted that there was an amendment that was submitted by Councilman Blumberg before the meeting and requested the Committee review the amendment.

Councilman Holleman asked for clarification regarding the proposed amendment.

Councilman Blumberg explained that there had been discussions about income that is generated through existing City projects as opposed to comments he had made about payments in-lieu.

Mayor Rotering asked if any of the other members needed clarification. Councilman Knobel explained that she needed further clarification.

Councilman Blumberg explained that there were two discussions. The income that is generated through an existing City development is generated through variety of different circumstances and he agreed that the money should be used toward improving those units in the building as opposed to how payment in-lieu money is used.

Mayor Rotering asked if Councilman Blumberg was clarifying that he would be in favor of having payment in-lieu money to be used to build new units and not for maintenance.

Councilman Blumberg confirmed, that was the distinction he was referring to with his proposed amendment to the meeting minutes.

A. Regular Meeting of the Committee of the Whole – December 9, 2019

Councilwoman Stone moved to approve the minutes from the regular meeting of the Committee of the Whole held on December 9, 2019, as amended. Councilman Stolberg seconded the motion.

On a voice vote:

Voting Yea: Mayor Rotering, Councilmen Stolberg, Stone, Kaufman, Blumberg, Knobel, Holleman

Voting Nay: None

Mayor Rotering declared the motion passed unanimously.

B. Discussion Regarding Approved Meeting Minutes from December 9, 2019

Councilman Kaufman explained that the minutes have been transcribed based on the discussion that took place but he opined on the possibility that there is some misrepresentation of facts that were stated during the last conversation regarding affordable housing.

Corporation Counsel Elrod stated that the minutes themselves should reflect the discussion at the meeting although a conversation could take place during another meeting to correct those inaccuracies.

Mayor Rotering asked if a majority of the Committee would be in favor of reviewing the information surrounding housing, affordable housing and Housing Commission.

Councilman Kaufman explained that be believes there are some statements in the minutes that are not accurate. He stated that it may be helpful to clarify these inaccuracies so that the Committee can move forward with the most accurate information.

Mayor Rotering asked what the inaccurate statements are specific to.

Councilman Kaufman explained that the inaccurate statements relate to affordable housing, the housing program and housing stock.

Mayor Rotering asked if the inaccuracies are from the Committee’s interpretation, from the staff’s report or what are the inaccuracies are based on.

Councilman Kaufman stated that the inaccuracies he knows of are based on his knowledge and the technicalities of how the money is being used.

Mayor Rotering explained that if the majority of the Committee would be interested in reviewing the previous discussion, then it can come back to the Committee of the Whole. She asked Councilman Kaufman to provide clarity as to the sourcing of the information.

Councilman Kaufman explained that he believes it is the interpretation of how the housing program works and how some of the funding works. He stated that a memo or staff e-mail could be generated that could explain how things work.

Mayor Rotering stated that if the Committee has another conversation regarding the inaccuracies that were stated, there will be reference back to the geneses of the conversation.

Councilman Blumberg stated that if the minutes were conveyed to one commissioner or another at a point where it has been determined that the information is not accurate, that can be set forth and addressed by staff or a discussion that outlines the accurate information.

Mayor Rotering stated that what she was hearing from Councilman Kaufman was that there is foundation information that is being misstated or misinterpreted and it is relevant enough that it needs to be clarified in total and not through a memo but through conversation where individuals can discuss and raise questions.

Councilman Kaufman stated that a conversation would be helpful.

Councilman Holleman stated that it seems like a re-opening of what has already been discussed is being requested when there have already been so many other discussions surrounding the topic already. She suggested that the points of concern can be sent to the City Manager and a memo can be generated to address those concerns.

Councilman Kaufman stated that he was comfortable with a memo being generated and disseminated.

Councilman Knobel stated that she preferred a memo because of the many robust conversations that have already taken place. She voiced her concern that the possible inaccuracies were communicated to the Housing Commission and then misinterpreted again.

Councilman Kaufman explained that the inaccuracies are more confined and a memo would be a good tool to correct that information and can be used going forward to provide the accurate information to those that need it.

City Manager Neukirch explained that the Housing Commission does information from the meeting discussion and a link to the video from the meeting.

The Committee was in consensus to review a memo providing clarification regarding the inaccurate information that was provided.


Councilman Blumberg moved the Committee close its meeting to the public, pursuant to the following cited sections of the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/2(c)), for the purposes of i) approval of closed session minutes (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21)); ii) pending litigation (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)); iii) potential litigation (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11)); iv) setting price to sell/lease property (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(6)); and v) collective bargaining (5 ILCS 120/2(c)(2)). Councilwoman Stone seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote:

Voting Yea: Mayor Rotering, Councilmen Stolberg, Stone, Kaufman, Blumberg, Knobel, Holleman

Voting Nay: None

Mayor Rotering declared the motion passed unanimously.

At 4:44 PM, the Committee recessed the public portion of the meeting to meet in Closed Session.

At 6:01 PM, Mayor Rotering reconvened the open session of the Committee of the Whole Meeting.

Members Present: Mayor Rotering, Councilmen Stolberg, Stone, Kaufman, Blumberg,Knobel, Holleman

Members Absent: None

City Staff Present: Ghida Neukirch, Larry Amidei, Joel Fontane, Lou Jogmen, Ramesh Kanapareddy, Julie Logan, Rob Sabo, Bill Bonaguidi, Ashley Palbitska

Also Present: Corporation Counsel Steve Elrod


Public Safety Services & Programs

Police Chief Jogmen and Fire Chief Amidei provided highlights of various services, programs and initiatives offered to residents and businesses by the Police and Fire Departments.

Mayor Rotering thanked Chief Jogmen for his dedication to interacting with the community.

Councilman Kaufman thanked Chief Jogmen for the department’s commitment to community involvement.

Councilman Stolberg voiced his appreciation for the dedication and involvement Chief Jogmen has within the community.

Councilman Holleman asked Chief Amidei how a household can install a Knox box.

Chief Amidei, Community Development Director Fontane and City Manager Neukirch provided information on the installation of Knox boxes.

Legalization of Recreational Cannabis

Police Commander Bonaguidi presented information highlighting answers to frequently asked questions following the legalization of recreational cannabis by the State of Illinois.

The Committee, Corporation Counsel Elrod, City Manager Neukirch and Commander Bonaguidi discussed whether or not cannabis use can take place on Ravinia Festival property.

Community Development Director Fontane explained that cannabis use is prohibited in affordable housing units that receive federal subsidies.

Councilwoman Stone and Commander Bonaguidi discussed what could occur in the event of a refusal to take validated roadside chemical tests and standardized sobriety tests.

Corporation Counsel Elrod extended his thanks to the Police Department and City Manager Neukirch for facilitating the cannabis conversation along with other law enforcement entities.

Code of Conduct and Ethics Guidelines

Corporation Counsel Elrod presented information regarding the draft of the Code of Conduct that had been discussed at previous Committee of the Whole meetings; feedback was requested from the Committee regarding the formalization and distribution of the document to all public officials along with the updated Ethics Guidelines.

Mayor Rotering thanked Corporation Counsel Elrod for working on an iteration that is more aspirational and demonstrates what is to be achieved in terms of civil discourse and serving the best interests of the community. She stated that this document is applicable to both the Council and Commissions/Boards/Advisory Groups as well as the public.

Councilman Kaufman thanked Corporation Counsel Elrod for his work on the Code of Conduct. He inquired about the need to define the term “members” within the document.

Corporation Counsel Elrod stated that the term is used throughout and it can be defined. He explained that the term is defined within the document in which the Code of Conduct will be located but he agreed that it would be a good idea to have it defined within the Code of Conduct document itself.

Councilman Kaufman commented on paragraph F and asked if it should state when Council members should work through the City Manager to assign staff work that needs to be completed.

Mayor Rotering asked if that needed to be in writing or if it is a practice in daily operations. Councilman Kaufman stated that it can be a part of daily operations.

Mayor Rotering stated that the topic can be discussed during an orientation when new Councilmembers are elected.

Councilman Kaufman denoted in paragraph G a reference to partiality and questioned whether or not the term worked because Councilmembers are partial when making comments or issuing votes. He recommended that the term be removed.

Mayor Rotering asked if the term should be removed, if the entire sentence should be removed or if the phrase “no signs of disrespect” should be used and keep it more general.

Councilman Kaufman suggested the use of the phrase “no signs of disrespect” because it is an all-encompassing phrase.

The Committee was in consensus with this recommendation.

Councilman Holleman commented on the reference to the use of titles. She stated that if the Code of Conduct will mandate the use of titles, then there should be a nameplate for each commissioner so everyone is familiar with first and last names.

Councilman Knobel commented that there is Mayor, Council members, and Commissioner but now there are Committee members and Advisory Group members. She opined on the multiple types of titles that are being used.

Councilman Blumberg stated, that with the changes that have been suggested, the document really embodies the tone and action that was being sought.

Councilman Holleman asked if the use of titles needs to be mandated because it sets such a formal tone and not every commission or discussion is formal. She suggested it be phrased that “members are encouraged to”.

Corporation Counsel Elrod stated that he did change the language from “shall” to “should” but it can be changed to “encouraged”.

The Committee was in consensus to amend the phrase to “encouraged”.

Councilman Blumberg stated that it is particularly important for commissions that have a lot of interaction with the public, to use formal titles; it sets that tone but he agreed that not all commissions have formal discussions.

Councilman Stolberg agreed that there are some meetings that take place where the informality works well and there are other meetings where the formality is much more appropriate and allows the tone of the meeting and interaction to be more on the level of what is expected.


There was nothing.


Councilwoman Stone moved to adjourn. Councilman Kaufman seconded the motion. On a voice vote, the Mayor declared the motion passed unanimously.

The Committee of the Whole adjourned its meeting at 7:13 PM.




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