
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Cary Village Board met April 14

Webp meeting372

Village of Cary Village Board met April 14.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

I. Call to Order 

This meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Mayor Kownick.

II. Roll Call 

Present: Mayor Kownick and Trustees Betz, Collier, Covelli, Kraus, McAlpine and Weinhammer 

Absent: None

Others present included Village Administrator Rife, Police Chief Finlon, Community Development Director Simmons, Public Works Director Morimoto and Village Attorney Uhler.

III. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Kownick led in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance.

Open Forum There being no comments from the public, Mayor Kownick closed Open Forum at 6:01 p.m.

V. Mayor's Report 

Mayor Kownick has been in contact with the Governor's office, the Illinois Municipal League, McHenry County Council of Governments, Metropolitan Mayors Caucus and fellow mayors throughout McHenry County regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and how best to move towards a recovery phase.

VI. Trustee Reports 


VII. Consent Agenda 

1. Consider for Approval the Warrant Dated April 14, 2020 

2. Consider for Approval Minutes of the March 3, 2020 Village Board Meeting 

3. Consider for Approval Minutes of the March 3, 2020 Committee of the Whole Meeting 

4. Consider for Approval Minutes of the March 14, 2020 Special Village Board Meeting 

5. Consider for Approval Minutes of the March 23, 2020 Special Electronic/Telephonic Village Board Meeting

6. Consider for Approval Acceptance of the Village of Cary Police Commission Annual Report for 2019 

7. Consider for Approval an Ordinance Amending Various Sections of Chapter 2.300 - Administrative Adjudication of the Village of Cary Municipal Code [020-04-01] 

8. Consider for Approval a Resolution Adopting the Village of Cary Fiscal Year 2021 – 2025 Capital Improvement Program (R20-04-01] 

9. Consider for Approval a Resolution Adopting the 2020 Village of Cary Official Zoning Map [R20-04-02] 

10. Consider for Approval an Ordinance Approving a Text Amendment to Chapter 5 (Signs) and Chapter 11 (Definitions) of the Unified Development Ordinance (020-04-02] 

11. Consider for Approval an Ordinance Granting a Conditional Use for an Elect sa Conditional Use for an Electronic Message Center Sign for the Property Located at 500 N. First Street (020-04-03] 

12. Consider for Approval a Resolution Awarding the 2020 Road Program Bid to Arrow Road Construction Company, Elk Grove Village, IL and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute a Contract in an Amount Not to Exceed $1,425,942.75 and Authorize the Village Administrator to Approve a Ten Percent Contingency for Unforeseen Changes in Scope for a Total Project Budget of $1,568,537.02 [R20-04-03] 

13. Consider for Approval a Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute a Construction Engineering Agreement with HR Green, McHenry, IL, for Services Associated with the 2020 Roadway Resurfacing Program in the Amount of $44,152.25 and Authorize the Village Administrator to Approve a Ten Percent Contingency for Unforeseen changes in Scope for a Total Project Budget of $48,567.47 (R20-04-04) 

14. Consider for Approval a Resolution Awarding the Joint Bid for Janitorial Services Through the McHenry County Municipal Partnering Initiative to Multisystem Management Company, Chicago, IL, and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute a One-Year Contract, with up to Three Optional One-Year Contract Extensions, with Multisystem Management in an Amount Not to Exceed $21,478.00 and a Ten Percent Contingency for Unforeseen changes in Scope for a Maximum Contract Amount of $23,625.80 [R20-04-05] 

15. Consider for Approval a Resolution Appropriating $1,787,600.00 in Motor Fuel Tax Funds for Construction and Construction Engineering Costs for the 2020 Road Program (R20-04-06] 

16. Consider for Approval a Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute a Contract Extension for Grounds Maintenance Services through April 30, 2021 with RYCO Landscaping, Lake in the Hills, Illinois, in an Amount not to Exceed $95,750.00 (R20-04-07] 

17. Consider for Approval a Resolution Approving a Contract Extension for the 2020 Asphalt Patching Program through the McHenry County Municipal Partnering Initiative, with One (1) Optional One Year Extension Remaining, and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute a Contract with Chicagoland Paving Inc., Lake Zurich, Illinois in an Amount Not to Exceed $35,000 (R20-04-08] 

18. Consider for Approval a Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute an Engineering Services Agreement with Baxter & Woodman Consulting Engineers, Crystal Lake, Illinois, for Construction Engineering and Inspection Services Related to the W. Main Street Sidewalk Extension as a part of the Safe Routes to School Program in an Amount Not to Exceed $24,930.52.00 and Authorizes the Village Administrator to Approve a 10% Contingency for Unforeseen Changes in Scope For A Maximum Project Budget of $27,423.57 (R20-04-09] 

19. Consider for Approval a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute a Local Public Agency Agreement Between the Village of Cary and the State of Illinois Department of Transportation for the Safe Routes to School Project [R20-04-10]

20. Consider for Approval a Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute an Engineering Services Agreement with Baxter & Woodman Consulting Engineers, Crystal Lake, Illinois, for Construction Engineering and inspection Services Related to the Sidewalk Gaps Project in an Amount Not to Exceed $20,000.00 and Authorizes the Village Administrator to Approve a 10% Contingency for Unforeseen changes in Scope for a Maximum Project Budget of $22,000.00 [R20-04-11] 

21. Consider for Approval a Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute a Contract Extension with Globe Construction, Addison, Illinois, through the McHenry County Municipal Partnering Initiative for the 2020 Curb and Sidewalk Replacement Program in an Amount Not to Exceed $45,000.00 [R20-04-12] 

22. Consider for Approval a Resolution Awarding the 2020 Traffic Signal Maintenance Contract to Meade Inc., Willowbrook, Illinois, and Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute a One-Year Contract, with Meade Inc., Willowbrook, Illinois for Traffic Signal Maintenance Services [R20-04-13] 

23. Consider for Approval a Resolution Approving a One-Year Contract Extension for the 2020 McHenry County Municipal Partnering Initiative Street Sweeping Services Joint Bid with Lakeshore Recycling Systems and Authorize the Village Administrator to Execute a Contract Extension in an Amount Not to Exceed $56,600.00 in FY2020-21 (R20-04-14] 

24. Consider for Approval a Resolution Authorizing the Village Administrator to Execute a Three-Year Contract Extension to the Services Agreement Between the village of Cary and Prescient Development Effective June 1, 2020 [R20-04-15) Motion: Trustee McAlpine moved, seconded by Trustee Kraus, to approve Consent Agenda Items #1 – 24.

Ayes: Betz, Collier, Covelli, Kraus, McAlpine, Weinhammer 

Nays: None 

Abstain: None

Motion Carried

VII. Items for Separate Action 1. Consider for Approval a Resolution Declaring Official Intent Regarding Alternate Revenue Bonds of the Village of Cary, McHenry County, Illinois [R20-04-16]


Trustee Collier moved, seconded by Trustee McAlpine to approve a resolution declaring official intent regarding alternate revenue bonds of the Village of Cary, McHenry County, Illinois.

Discussion Administrator Rife stated this is the first step in issuing debt for the new Police Station/Village Hall.

Finance Director DuCharme provided an overview of the proposed resolution declaring intent regarding alternate revenue bonds.

Dan Forbes of Speer Financial stated bonds will be put out for sale in early June. Mr. Forbes said the municipal bond market has shown some positive signs amidst the ongoing COVID-19 situation and the bond sale should be closed by the end of June.

Ayes: Betz, Collier, Covelli, Kraus, McAlpine, Weinhammer 

Nays: None 

Abstain: None

Motion Carried

2. Consider for Approval an Ordinance Authorizing the issuance of General Obligation Bonds

(Alternate Revenue Source) Series 2020 of the Village of Cary, McHenry County, Illinois, in an Aggregate Principal Amount Not to Exceed $11,500,000 [020-04-04)


Trustee Collier moved, seconded by Trustee McAlpine to approve an ordinance authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds (alternate revenue source) Series 2020 of the Village of Cary, McHenry County, Illinois, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $11,500,000.

Discussion Finance Director DuCharme provided an overview of the proposed issuance of general obligation bonds.

Ayes: Betz, Collier, Covelli, Kraus, McAlpine, Weinhammer 

Nays: None 

Abstain: None

Motion Carried

3. Consider for Approval the Village of Cary Annual Operating and Capital Budget for Fiscal Year May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021


Trustee Kraus moved, seconded by Trustee Betz to approve the Village of Cary annual operating and capital budget for Fiscal Year May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021.

Discussion Finance Director Ducharme provided an overview of the proposed Fiscal Year 2020-2021 annual operating and capital budget.

Trustee Covelli asked Director DuCharme how much of the estimated $50,000 impact due to COVID 19 would affect this year's budget vs. next year's budget. Director DuCharme stated he would anticipate the bulk of the impact would affect the early months of next year's budget.

Finance Director Ducharme stated after the 1st quarter the Village should have a better idea of how the budget may be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. When this information becomes available the finance department plans to provide updated budget information to the Board for consideration of possible amendments. Finance Director DuCharme stated the Village has a healthy fund balance for situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Trustee Collier asked if there are any emergency assistance funds available through the state or federal government. Mayor Kownick stated there have been discussions with U.S. Senator Durbin but there are currently no emergency funds available to the Village.

Village Attorney Uhler stated there is currently a proposal for federal municipal stimulus legislation, however, it is targeted at larger communities. Attorney Uhler stated it is possible additional legislation will be proposed that benefits smaller municipalities such as Cary.

Ayes: Betz, Collier, Covelli, Kraus, McAlpine, Weinhammer 

Nays: None 

Abstain: None

Motion Carried

4. Consider for Approval an Ordinance Approving a Text Amendment to Chapter 9 (Board Review) of the Unified Development Ordinance [020-04-05)


Trustee McAlpine moved, seconded by Trustee Betz to approve an ordinance approving a text amendment to Chapter 9 (Board Review) of the Unified Development Ordinance.

Discussion Director Simmons provided an overview of the proposed text amendment.

Trustee Kraus asked if the associate member would be able to vote on the rezoning of property. Director Simmons stated this would be allowed under the proposed amendment.

Attorney Uhler stated a rezoning proposal would still have to be brought before the Village Board for final approval.

Ayes: Betz, Collier, Covelli, Kraus, McAlpine, Weinhammer 

Nays: None 

Abstain: None

Motion Carried

5. Consider for Approval an Ordinance Directing the Liquor Commissioner to Collect Liquor License Fees as Established Under Ordinance #020-03-01 [020-04-06]


Trustee Collier moved, seconded by Trustee McAlpine to approve a resolution directing the Liquor Commissioner to collect liquor license fees as established under Ordinance #020-03-01.

Discussion None.

Ayes: Betz, Collier, Covelli, Kraus, McAlpine, Weinhammer 

Nays: None 

Abstain: None

Motion Carried

IX. Administrator's Report Administrator Rife thanked staff for their efforts in putting the budget together.

Department Head Reports Director Simmons stated there are resources and information on the Village's website for businesses affected by COVID-19.

Director Morimoto stated the Curbside Brush Pick Up and Spring Clean Up programs have been postponed due to COVID-19. Director Morimoto thanked public works staff for their efforts during this challenging time.

XI. Future Agenda Items and Discussion by Village Board 


XII. Adjourn 

There being no further items to discuss, a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 6:43p.m.

MOTION: Trustee Betz SECOND: Trustee McAlpine

The Voice Vote noted all ayes and the motion carried.
