
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Lake County Financial & Administrative Committee met April 2

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Lake County Financial & Administrative Committee met April 2.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

Chair Frank called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

Chair Frank noted the establishment of an electronic quorum, pursuant to Governor Pritzker's Executive Order 2020-07.

Present 7 - Chair Frank, Vice Chair Vealitzek, Member Carlson, Member Clark, Member Pedersen, Member Wasik and Member Wilke

Others present

Marah Altenberg, County Board

Dick Barr, County Board

Chris Blanding, Information Technology

Lynn Buccieri, County Board Office

Kristy Cechini, County Board Office

Jennifer Clark, County Board

Howard Cooper, Coroner

Michael Cuffee, Court Administration

Mary Cunningham, County Board

Mike Danforth, County Board

Bill Durkin, County Board

Karen Fox, State's Attorney's Office

Gary Gibson, County Administrator's Office

RuthAnne Hall, Purchasing

Sandy Hart, County Board

Jim Hawkins, County Administrator's Office

Holly Kim, County Board

Carl Kirar, Facilities and Construction Services

Angelo Kyle, County Board

John Light, Human Resources

Ann Maine, County Board

Judy Martini, County Board

Matt Meyers, County Administrator's Office

Shane Schneider, Division of Transportation

Todd Schroeder, Court Administration

Julie Simpson, County Board

Patrice Sutton, Finance and Administrative Services

Craig Taylor, County Board

Cassandra Torstenson, County Administrator's Office

Blanca Vela-Schneider, County Administrator's Office

Eric Waggoner, Planning, Building and Development

Mike Wheeler, Finance and Administrative Services

Steven Winnecke, Sheriff's Office

Diane Winter, Nineteenth Judicial Court

2. Pledge of Allegiance

Chair Frank led the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Addenda to the Agenda

There were no additions or amendments to the agenda.

4. Public Comment

Blanca Vela-Schneider, County Administrator's Office, read two public comments:

Public Comment One: Mark Keane

• When has it become legal for code enforcement to come on your property without permission and take pictures?

• When has it become legal for code enforcement to enter your property without permission, look inside your windows and take pictures of your property and interior home through the window?

• When has it become legal for code enforcement to come on your property, write up false claims and accusations and then harass and bully you?

Public Comment Two: Michael Mathis

To the Lake County Board, and fellow residents:

As a resident and business owner of Lake County, I am writing you to express my concern about the Governor’s continuation of the statewide shut down through April. I am sure I don’t need to tell you about the pain this causing to all of the local businesses and citizens. From the numbers published by Lake County, it seems that the County as a whole is in good shape already. Our curve has been bent and the infection rate is within the capacity of our medical system. If you look at individual municipalities in the northern part of Lake County, this is even more true. It is very unreasonable for the entire State to be treated like the City of Chicago, where the true problem exists.

I would encourage you to petition the Governor to consider each municipality individually when deciding where and for how long a stay at home order is necessary. There is a growing number of experts who propose a better way to manage the situation on a local level. Here is just one example. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/20/opinion/coronavirus-pandemic-social-distancing.html Below is an excerpt from this article by Dr. David Katz, president of True Health Initiative and the founding director of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center.

If we were to focus on the especially vulnerable, there would be resources to keep them at home, provide them with needed services and coronavirus testing, and direct our medical system to their early care. I would favor proactive rather than reactive testing in this group, and early use of the most promising anti-viral drugs. This cannot be done under current policies, as we spread our relatively few test kits across the expanse of a whole population, made all the more anxious because society has shut down.

This focus on a much smaller portion of the population would allow most of society to return to life as usual and perhaps prevent vast segments of the economy from collapsing. Healthy children could return to school and healthy adults go back to their jobs. Theaters and restaurants could reopen, though we might be wise to avoid very large social gatherings like stadium sporting events and concerts.

So long as we were protecting the truly vulnerable, a sense of calm could be restored to society. Just as important, society as a whole could develop natural herd immunity to the virus. The vast majority of people would develop mild coronavirus infections, while medical resources could focus on those who fell critically ill. Once the wider population had been exposed and, if infected, had recovered and gained natural immunity, the risk to the most vulnerable would fall dramatically.

A pivot right now from trying to protect all people to focusing on the most vulnerable remains entirely plausible. With each passing day, however, it becomes more difficult. The path we are on may well lead to uncontained viral contagion and monumental collateral damage to our society and economy. A more surgical approach is what we need.

There are numerous other examples of entire countries which faced this down without resorting to blanket shut down orders. Look at the experience in Korea, Taiwan and Singapore to name a few. The primary focus there was in testing, protecting the vulnerable and extreme hand washing routines at medical centers and all public businesses. There are options to be considered and a better answer for the citizens of this area that are not aligned with the situation in Chicago and Cook County. Lake County needs to get back to work and school. Please make your best efforts to open up the County as soon as practical.


Michael Mathis

5. Chair's Remarks

Chair Frank thanked Gary Gibson, County Administrator, and staff for their efforts in responding to the public health crisis. He reviewed the process in which the committee meeting will be run.

6. Old Business

There was no old business to dicuss.

7. New Business

CONSENT AGENDA (Items 7.1 - 7.12)

Chair Frank decided to address each item on the Consent Agenda.


7.1 20-0510

Minutes from February 27, 2020.

A motion was made by Member Wasik, seconded by Member Vealitzek, to approve the minutes. Motion carried by voice vote.

Aye: 7 - Chair Frank, Vice Chair Vealitzek, Member Carlson, Member Clark, Member

Pedersen, Member Wasik and Member Wilke


7.2 20-0489

Resolution authorizing a contract with Gordon Food Service, Kenosha, Wisconsin, in the estimated annual amount of $100,000 for prime food and dairy for the Hulse Detention Center.

Resolution authorizing a contract with Gordon Food Service, Kenosha, Wisconsin, in the estimated annual amount of $100,000 for prime food and dairy for the Hulse Detention Center.

RuthAnne Hall, Purchasing, reported that the food and dairy contract for the Hulse Detention Center is expiring this month. The contract is for a one year term with four, one year renewal options.

A motion was made by Member Carlson, seconded by Member Clark, that this resolution be recommended for adoption to the County Board agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 7 - Chair Frank, Vice Chair Vealitzek, Member Carlson, Member Clark, Member Pedersen, Member Wasik and Member Wilke


Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $127,589.95 for the construction of binder and surface course lifts on an existing milled surface on various roads in the Cuba Township Road District, which will be improved under the Illinois Highway Code for a total of 0.7 miles.

(Items 7.3 through 7.5 were taken together.)

Shane Schneider, Division of Transportation Director, reported that Lake County is not funding these projects. By state statute, Township Road Districts must obtain County approval to use Motor Fuel Tax funds.

Discussion ensued regarding the impact that the statewide closure will have on the Motor Fuel Tax and Regional Transportation Area Tax. Director Schneider reported that the County's priority will be to maintain its assets. There may be projects that need to be delayed as a result of the state-wide stay-at-home order.

A motion was made by Member Vealitzek, seconded by Member Wasik, that items 7.3 through 7.5 be recommended for adoption to the County Board agenda. The motion carried unanimously.

Aye: 7 - Chair Frank, Vice Chair Vealitzek, Member Carlson, Member Clark, Member Pedersen, Member Wasik and Member Wilke

7.4 20-0481

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $240,002.66 for the construction of binder and surface course lifts on an existing milled surface on various roads in the Cuba Township Road District, which will be improved under the Illinois Highway Code for a total of 1.3 miles.

(Items 7.3 through 7.5 were taken together.)

A motion was made by Member Vealitzek, seconded by Member Wasik, that items 7.3 through 7.5 be recommended for adoption to the County Board agenda. The motion carried unanimously.

Aye: 7 - Chair Frank, Vice Chair Vealitzek, Member Carlson, Member Clark, Member Pedersen, Member Wasik and Member Wilke

7.5 20-0482

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Peter Baker and Son Company, Lake Bluff, Illinois, in the amount of $175,899.42 for resurfacing and patching in Newport Township Road District.

A motion was made by Member Vealitzek, seconded by Member Wasik, that items 7.3 through 7.5 be recommended for adoption to the County Board agenda. The motion carried unanimously.

Aye: 7 - Chair Frank, Vice Chair Vealitzek, Member Carlson, Member Clark, Member Pedersen, Member Wasik and Member Wilke

7.6 20-0479

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Patriot Pavement Maintenance, Des Plaines, Illinois, in the amount of $136,038.16 to provide for crack sealing of hot-mix asphalt and concrete pavement, where necessary, on various County highways under the Illinois Highway Code, appropriating $165,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds.

(Items 7.6 and 7.7 were taken together.)

Shane Schneider, Division of Transportation Director, reported that items 7.6 and 7.7 are annual maintenance items. The crack sealing is a low cost preventative maintenance measure to preserve the life of the pavement. The pavement rejuvenator application will be applied to roadway surfaces that were completed in last year's reconstruction and resurfacing projects.

A motion was made by Member Wilke, seconded by Member Clark, that items 7.6 and 7.7 be recommended for adoption to the County Board agenda. The motion carried unanimously.

Aye: 7 - Chair Frank, Vice Chair Vealitzek, Member Carlson, Member Clark, Member Pedersen, Member Wasik and Member Wilke

7.7 20-0477

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Corrective Asphalt Materials, LLC, South Roxana, Illinois, in the amount of $337,890.65 for the application of a pavement rejuvenator on various County highways, appropriating $405,000 of Matching Tax funds.

(Items 7.6 and 7.7 were taken together.)

A motion was made by Member Wilke, seconded by Member Clark, that items 7.6 and 7.7 be recommended for adoption to the County Board agenda. The motion carried unanimously.

Aye: 7 - Chair Frank, Vice Chair Vealitzek, Member Carlson, Member Clark, Member Pedersen, Member Wasik and Member Wilke

7.8 20-0478

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Chicagoland Paving Inc., Lake Zurich, Illinois, in the amount of $350,000 for annual hot-mix asphalt maintenance of various roads on the County highway system and appropriating $420,000 of Matching Tax funds.

Shane Schneider, Division of Transportation Director, reported that this preventative maintenance contract is for isolated pavement patching on certain highway sections that have failed.

A motion was made by Member Wasik, seconded by Member Vealitzek, that this item be recommended for adoption to the County Board agenda. The motion carried unanimously.

Aye: 7 - Chair Frank, Vice Chair Vealitzek, Member Carlson, Member Clark, Member Pedersen, Member Wasik and Member Wilke


Resolution authorizing a one-year contract with CDW Government, Vernon Hills, Illinois, for Cisco SmartNet software maintenance, in the amount of $68,726.82.

Chris Blanding, Information Technology Director, reported this resolution is for hardware, software, and technical support services that support county functions.

A motion was made by Member Clark, seconded by Member Wasik, that this item be recommended for adoption to the County Board agenda. The motion carried unanimously.

Aye: 7 - Chair Frank, Vice Chair Vealitzek, Member Carlson, Member Clark, Member Pedersen, Member Wasik and Member Wilke

7.10 20-0488

Resolution authorizing a one-year contract with CDW Government, Vernon Hills,

Illinois, for Tintri storage support in the amount of $50,425.20.

Chris Blanding, Information Technology Director, reported that this contract is for hardware, software, and technical support services for the county's storage data centers.

A motion was made by Member Clark, seconded by Member Wasik, that this item be recommended for adoption to the County Board agenda. The motion carried unanimously.

Aye: 7 - Chair Frank, Vice Chair Vealitzek, Member Carlson, Member Clark, Member Pedersen, Member Wasik and Member Wilke

7.11 20-0492

Resolution authorizing emergency appropriations for Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 in various funds for certain projects, items, and activities budgeted in the prior year and not completed.

(Items 7.11 and 7.12 were taken together.)

Patrice Sutton, Finance and Administrative Services Director/Chief Financial Officer, reported that item 7.11 authorizes emergency appropriations to carry over unspent funds into FY 2020. Item 7.12 authorizes line-item transfers between funds in FY 2020.

A motion was made by Member Wilke, seconded by Member Vealitzek, that items 7.11 and 7.12 be recommended for adoption to the County Board agenda. The motion carried unanimously.

Aye: 7 - Chair Frank, Vice Chair Vealitzek, Member Carlson, Member Clark, Member Pedersen, Member Wasik and Member Wilke

7.12 20-0493

Resolution authorizing line-item transfers between various funds for the purpose of transferring previously approved funds in Fiscal Year (FY) 2020.

(Items 7.11 and 7.12 were taken together.)

A motion was made by Member Wilke, seconded by Member Vealitzek, that items 7.11 and 7.12 be recommended for adoption to the County Board agenda. The motion carried unanimously.

Aye: 7 - Chair Frank, Vice Chair Vealitzek, Member Carlson, Member Clark, Member Pedersen, Member Wasik and Member Wilke


7.13 20-0490

Joint resolution authorizing a two year contract, with renewals, with McDermott Center (doing business as Haymarket Center), Chicago, Illinois, and a two year contract, with renewals, with Abraxas (a wholly-owned subsidiary of GEO Group Inc.), Woodridge, Illinois, in the estimated amount of $670,000 for adult residential substance use treatment and other services in the Adult Probation Services Division of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit Court Administrative Office.

RuthAnne Hall, Purchasing, reported that the contract for adult residential substance use treatment expires on April 30, 2020. A request for a proposal (RFP) was issued for services. The contract price is based on a per diem per client rate for in-patient treatment and a cost per hour per client for out-patient treatment.

A motion was made by Member Clark, seconded by Member Wasik, that this resolution be recommended for adoption to the County Board agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 7 - Chair Frank, Vice Chair Vealitzek, Member Carlson, Member Clark, Member Pedersen, Member Wasik and Member Wilke


Joint resolution reserving $100,000 of 2020 Video Gaming Revenue (VGR) grant funds for agency unreimbursed novel corona virus (COVID-19) emergency shelter expenses.

Eric Waggoner, Planning, Building and Development Director, presented a request to reserve $100,000 of Video Gaming Revenue to supplement other state, federal, and private funds that are working to address the social services need for non-congregate housing solutions. The funding would only be used in the event that the magnitude of sheltering exceeds the capacity of other funds. Discussion ensued regarding the precedent of using these funds, potential locations suitable to be considered alternate care sites and the establishment of Mememorandums of Understanding in the event they are used.

A motion was made by Member Pedersen, seconded by Member Wilke, that this resolution be recommended for adoption to the County Board agenda. Motion carried by voice vote.

Aye: 7 - Chair Frank, Vice Chair Vealitzek, Member Carlson, Member Clark, Member Pedersen, Member Wasik and Member Wilke


Resolution authorizing a contract with Davis Bancorp Inc., Barrington, Illinois, for armored car transport services for various Lake County departments in the amount of $63,440.

Holly Kim, Treasurer, reported on the need to terminate armored car transport services with the current vendor due to multiple performance issues. The proposed vendor, Davis Bancorp, has experience providing this service and has agreed to provide the same services at the same cost of the existing vendor. The current vendor was given a 30 day termination notice.

A motion was made by Member Clark, seconded by Member Vealitzek, that this item be recommended for adoption to the County Board agenda. The motion carried unanimously.

Aye: 7 - Chair Frank, Vice Chair Vealitzek, Member Carlson, Member Clark, Member Pedersen, Member Wasik and Member Wilke

7.16 20-0509

Resolution authorizing a Collective Bargaining Agreement between Teamsters Local 700 and Lake County Sheriff Department.

John Light, Human Resources Director, reported that this Collective Bargaining

Agreement is for five years retroactive to April 11, 2017. Discussion ensued.

A motion was made by Member Wilke, seconded by Member Wasik, that this resolution be recommended for adoption to the County Board agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:

Aye: 7 - Chair Frank, Vice Chair Vealitzek, Member Carlson, Member Clark, Member Pedersen, Member Wasik and Member Wilke

7.17 20-0472

Resolution authorizing a one-year contract with SilkRoad, Chicago, Illinois for an applicant tracking and on-boarding solution in an amount not to exceed $39,655.

John Light, Human Resources Director, reported that this system provides early onboarding services to new employees. It is recommended that the agreement be extended one year so that staff can evaluate the service and determine if it needs to go out to bid.

A motion was made by Member Clark, seconded by Member Wilke, that this item be recommended for adoption to the County Board agenda. The motion carried unanimously.

Aye: 7 - Chair Frank, Vice Chair Vealitzek, Member Carlson, Member Clark, Member Pedersen, Member Wasik and Member Wilke

7.18 20-0485

Resolution authorizing an agreement with CTL Group, Skokie, Illinois, for architectural and engineering services for construction administration services for the rehabilitation of the Lake County parking garage in the amount of $73,000.

(Items 7.18 and 7.19 were taken together.)

Carl Kirar, Facilities and Construction Services Director, reported that items 7.18 and 7.19 are related to construction and administrative oversight of repairs at the Lake County's parking garage at the Administrator Tower and Court Complex. The parking garage was constructed in the 1990s and requires maintenance. The repairs are necessary at this time because of swelling concrete, electrical work, and drainage issues. Gary Gibson, County Administrator, reported that should there be a need in the future, the structure was designed to withstand two additional floors. Discussion ensued.

A motion was made by Member Clark, seconded by Member Vealitzek, that items 7.18 and 7.19 be recommended for adoption to the County Board agenda. The motion carried unanimously.

Aye: 7 - Chair Frank, Vice Chair Vealitzek, Member Carlson, Member Clark, Member Pedersen, Member Wasik and Member Wilke

7.19 20-0486

Resolution ratifying a contract with Partners in Design, Riverwoods, Illinois, for architectural and engineering services for the Lake County parking garage and approving Contract Modification Number One in the amount of $16,000 for Agreement Number 20058.

(Items 7.18 and 7.19 were taken together.)

A motion was made by Member Clark, seconded by Member Vealitzek, that items 7.18 and 7.19 be recommended for adoption to the County Board agenda. The motion carried unanimously.

Aye: 7 - Chair Frank, Vice Chair Vealitzek, Member Carlson, Member Clark, Member Pedersen, Member Wasik and Member Wilke

7.20 20-0494

Discussion regarding compensation for County Board Members, County Board Chair, and Elected Officials.

Chair Frank reported that state statute requires that the compensation for elected positions be set at least six months prior to a new term. Compensation for board members whose term began in 2018 was kept flat and it is being recommended that there be parity for the board member whose term will commence this year. Elected official salaries are also recommended to remain flat.

County Board Chair Hart recommended the elimination of the $3,000 liquor commission stipend that the county board chair gets. She added that she is also in favor of freezing salaries for elected officials and board members, noting that the financial impact of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) remains unknown. Significant discussion ensued regarding the manner in which salaries have been approved, the chair's salary, and parity of salaries with other counties. Staff will update the elected official salaries to show any additional stipends provided by the state.

Compensation for County Board Members, County Board Chair, and Elected Official

was discussed. 7.21 20-0495

Discussion regarding proposed Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Policies.

Patrice Sutton, Finance and Administrative Services Director/Chief Financial Officer, reviewed proposed amendments to the budget and financial policies for Fiscal Year 2021. Finance and Administrative Services incorporated changes to proposed budget policies to bolster and clarify the best practices at Lake County.

This year's budget policy identifies that a flat property tax levy will be used to balance the budget and requests that departments prepare a budget that is lower than the current fiscal year. New Program Requests (NPRs) will be permitted but require performance metric standards to support the requests. Board Member NPRs will not be accepted. Departments are being requested to review vacant positions and research alternate solutions. The fund balance identifies a minimum reserve of 31 percent and the methodology to handle reserves that are greater than the minimum threshold.

(Member Carlson left the meeting at 10:32 a.m.)

Discussion ensued regarding lowering the minimum tax levy reserve threshold to 29 percent and whether Board Members should be allowed to submit NPRs. The general consensus was to set the reserve at 29 percent. Director Sutton will modify the language in the proposed budget policies for the committee's review.

The proposed Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Policies were discussed. 7.22 20-0496

Introduction of proposed prioritized Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) projects for future discussions.

Chair Frank noted that staff's preparation of the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) projects occurred prior to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Due to the unknown financial impact of the pandemic, the timeline for the proposed projects may need to be delayed. Carl Kirar, Facilities and Construction Services Director, reviewed the priority list based on feedback from the County Administrator's Office and key departments. He reviewed next steps and encouraged Board Members to meet with him to discuss the scope of the projects and potential funding opportunities available. Discussion ensued.

An overview of the Capital Improvement Plan projects was provided.

8. Public Comment

There were no additional comments.

9. Executive Session

The committee did not enter into Executive Session.

10 Department Head Reports 10.1 20-0497

Department head reports.

Human Resources

John Light, Human Resources, reported on the retirement notification of Karla Hasty.

A report was provided from Human Resources.

11. County Administrator's Report

Gary Gibson, County Administrator, thanked staff and elected officials for their collaborative effort in handling the pandemic crisis.

12. Member Remarks

County Board Member Maine sought clarification regarding whether there might be an extension on the property tax payment deadline.

Member Wilke reported that local townships are able to provide assistance for struggling families financially impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Member Wasik thanked staff for their efforts in the management of the County during this trying time.

County Board Member Simpson recommended that the County consider alternate payment options to prevent long lines for property tax payments. Gary Gibson, County Administrator, reported that there is a proposed bill at the state legislative level.

Member remarks were provided. 13. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 11:43 a.m.

A motion was made by Member Wasik, seconded by Member Pedersen to adjourn the meeting.

Next Meeting: April 9, 2020



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