
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, December 22, 2024

City of Highland Park City Council will meet July 8

Meeting 05

City of Highland Park City Council will meet on Wednesday, July 8.

Here is the agenda provided by the council:


In accordance with the Statutes of the State of Illinois and the Ordinances of the City of Highland Park, the next regular meeting of the City of Highland Park Historic Preservation Commission is scheduled to be held at the hour of 7:30 P.M. on Wednesday, July 8, 2020. As the City of Highland Park continues to follow social distancing requirements and Governor Pritzker’s Executive Order 2020-07, 2020-18, 2020-33, 2020- 38, and 2020-43, the Commission meeting will take place at City Hall, 1707 St Johns Avenue, Highland Park, Illinois, and virtually through audioconference or video call via Zoom. Click on the below link for direct link.

Please click this URL to join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84626319224 Or join by phone: Dial in option: Dial US: +1 312 626 6799

Webinar ID: 846 2631 9224

At least one representative from the City will be present at City Hall in compliance with 7(e) of the Open Meetings Act, and the virtual meeting will be simulcast at City Hall for members of the public who do not wish to view the virtual meeting from another location. Pursuant to Executive Order 2020-43 issued by the Governor, no more than 50 people may gather at City Hall for the meeting. Accordingly, the opportunity to view the virtual meeting at City Hall is available on a “first come, first-served” basis. In-person attendees at City Hall will be allowed to participate in the meeting to the same extent as those viewing from another location. In-person attendees must wear a facial covering at all times while in City Hall, and must observe social distancing requirements. The 50-person maximum for physical attendance at the meeting is subject to modification as may be required by future gubernatorial orders or state law.

Individuals with questions or feedback about an agenda item may email the Staff Liaison Jaemi Jackson at jjackson@cityhpil.com. Comments and emails received prior to the Thursday before the scheduled meeting will be included in the meeting packet. Public comments received by 4:30 PM the day of the meeting will be read under Business from the Public. Any comments received during the meeting will be held until the end of the meeting. Individuals who wish to have their comments read into the public record are limited to 200 words or less. Public comments should be emailed and contain the following information:

• In the subject line, identify, “HPC July 8”

• Name

• Address (optional)

• City

• Phone (optional)

• Organization, agency representing, if applicable.

• Topic or agenda item number of interest

All emails received will be acknowledged. Individuals with no access to email may leave a voice message with Jaemi Jackson at 847.926.1853.

The City, in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, requests that persons with disabilities who require certain accommodations to allow them to observe and/or participate in this hearing, or who have questions about the accessibility of the meeting facilities, contact the City’s ADA coordinator Emily Taub at etaub@cityhpil.com or 847.926.1005.

The City of Highland Park remains united in ensuring the safety and health of our community and our employees. To protect the public and our staff, Administrative City buildings remain closed to the public although on-line service is available. The City urges everyone to continue to comply with the Governor’s Stay at Home Order. If residents must leave their home, it is very important to practice physical distancing, wear a face covering per the State and City’s Emergency Order and keep at least six feet between others.

For a list of services and how to obtain information during this time, please visit www.cityhpil.com/covid- 19. The City encourages individuals to sign-up for its enews for important information from the City and its government partners including State and Federal authorities. The City updates its web site daily and also posts on social media daily. To sign-up for the enews, visit www.cityhpil.com.


I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Approval of Minutes

A. May 14, 2020

IV. Scheduled Business

A. 1008 Bob-o-link Determination of Historic Significance

B. 1080 Sheridan Road Determination of Historic Significance

V. Discussion Items

A. Preservation Strategic Plan – Implementation Action Matrix Priorities

B. Code of Conduct and Amendments to the City of Highland Park Ethics Guidelines

VI. Business From the Public

VII. Other Business

A. Next meeting scheduled for August 13, 2020

VIII. Staff Report

IX. Adjournment
