
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Village of Libertyville Plan Commission Met June 22

Meeting 02

Village of Libertyville Plan Commission met June 22.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

The regular meeting of the Plan Commission was conducted virtually due to public health concerns and called to order by Chairman Mark Moore at 7:38 p.m.

Members present: Chairman Mark Moore, Amy Flores, Walter Oakley, Richard Pyter, and Eric Steffe.

Members absent: Matthew Krummick and Kurt Schultz.

A quorum was established.

Village Staff present: John Spoden, Director of Community Development; David Smith, Senior Planner, Chris Sandine; Associate Planner; Heather Rowe, Economic Development Coordinator; and Jeff Cooper, Village Engineer.

Commissioner Steffe moved, seconded by Commissioner Oakley, to approve the May 11, 2020, Plan Commission meeting minutes.

Motion carried 5 - 0.

Commissioner Flores moved, seconded by Commissioner Pyter, to approve the May 18, 2020, Plan Commission meeting minutes.

Motion carried 5 - 0.



PC 20-21 Dr. David Honey, Applicant

1441 N. Milwaukee Avenue

Request is for an Amendment to the Village of Libertyville Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map to reclassify a parcel of land from Multiple Family Residential to Office/Commercial in order to construct a dental office building on property currently located in an R-8, Multiple Family Residential District.

PC 20-22 Dr. David Honey, Applicant 

1441 N. Milwaukee Avenue

Request is for an Amendment to the Village of Libertyville Zoning Map to rezone a parcel of land from R-8, Multiple Family Residential District to C-3 General Commercial District in order to construct a dental office building on property currently located in an R-8, Multiple Family Residential District.

Mr. David Smith, Senior Planner, introduced the requested amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map. Mr. Smith stated that the applicants, David and Oana Honey, are seeking approval for an Amendment to the Village of Libertyville Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map in order to re-classify a parcel of land approximately 16,000 square feet in area from Multiple Family Residential to Office/Commercial and an Amendment to the Village of Libertyville Zoning Map in order to re-zone the same parcel of land from R-8, Multiple Family Residential District to C-3, General Commercial District in order to construct a dental office building on property currently located in an R-8, Multiple Family Residential District at 1441 N. Milwaukee Avenue.

Mr. Bob Bleck, architect representing the applicants, introduced the intended dentist office site plan and building elevations. He stated Walnut Street is planned to eventually connect to the Lake County Government property which abuts the subject site along its southern property line. He stated that the applicant understands the requirement to connect to the existing utilities.

Commissioner Pyter stated that it seems like that proposal will be inconsistent with the zoning established for the Winchester House located to the south.

Commissioner Oakley stated that it is his understanding that the subject site once had a billboard sign located on it.

Mr. John Spoden, Director of Community Development, stated that the property once had a veterinarian office as well but is currently vacant.

Commissioner Oakley stated that he supports keeping the future land use designation and zoning district as it is today and not changing it.

Commissioner Flores stated that it seems like there is a potpourri of land uses and zoning districts along North Milwaukee Avenue including various parcels that could be considered Spot Zoning. She stated that the subject site was once commercial and supports the change to the C-3, General Commercial District.

Commissioner Steffe stated that the subject site is a unique parcel. He stated that it has been vacant for a long time and is not attractive now. He stated that he is concerned that the Village does not yet know how the adjacent Lake County Government campus will ultimately develop, but supports the fact that the applicant desires to develop the subject site. He stated that it appears to be a good project for the site.

Chairman Moore asked if there are other vacant lots nearby. Mr. Spoden stated that there are not any vacant lots on the east side of Milwaukee Avenue across from the subject site. He stated that the Comprehensive Plan would allow residential on the subject site. He stated that the owner of the subject site proposed a multifamily residential development several years ago but it was never constructed.

Lindsey Coleman asked when the property was a veterinarian clinic. Mr. Spoden stated that it was a vet clinic sometime around 1998-1999.

Mr. Bleck stated that the proposed dentist building would be 65% owner occupied with the remaining 35% to be leased to a second tenant.

Commissioner Oakley asked how the applicant will address the utility connections and whether or not there will be a flooding issue. Mr. Bleck stated that they understand that the water and sewer connections may require IDOT approval, but that this will be properly engineered. He stated that the applicant wanted to progress through Plan Commission and Village Board with their Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map amendments first before investing in the necessary engineering for the project.

Commissioner Oakley asked how much stormwater goes through the property now. Mr. Bleck stated that the only existing impermeable surface on the parcel now is a driveway and it drains to the marshy area located to the south of the property.

Chairman Moore asked the petitioner if they are ready for the Plan Commission to make a recommendation for their requests tonight.

Dr. David Honey, petitioner, stated that he is ready for the Plan Commission to vote for their requests.

In the matter of PC 20-21, Commissioner Oakley moved, seconded by Commissioner Steffe, to recommend that the Village Board of Trustees approve an Amendment to the Village of Libertyville Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map to reclassify a parcel of land from Multiple Family Residential to Office/Commercial in order to construct a dental office building on property currently located in an R-8, Multiple Family Residential District, in accordance with the plans submitted.

Motion failed 3 - 2.

Ayes: Flores, Oakley, Steffe

Nays: Moore, Pyter

Absent: Krummick, Schultz

In the matter of PC 20-22, Commissioner Steffe moved, seconded by Commissioner Oakley, to recommend that the Village Board of Trustees approve an Amendment to the Village of Libertyville Zoning Map to rezone a parcel of land from R-8, Multiple Family Residential District to C-3 General Commercial District in order to construct a dental office building on property currently located in an R-8, Multiple Family Residential District, in accordance with the plans submitted.

Motion failed 3 - 2.

Ayes: Flores, Oakley, Steffe

Nays: Moore, Pyter

Absent: Krummick, Schultz

PC 20-08 Village of Libertyville, Applicant

1800, 1850, and 1950 N. US Highway 45

Request is for Concept Approval for an Amendment to the Village of Libertyville Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map, located at 1800, 1850 and 1950 N. US Highway 45 in an O-2 Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District.

PC 20-09 Village of Libertyville, Applicant

1800, 1850, and 1950 N. US Highway 45

Request is for Concept Approval for an Amendment to the Special Use Permit for a Planned Development in order to reduce the land area for the Village of Libertyville Sports Complex and for the removal of the Golf Learning Center and Family Entertainment Center, and to add industrial and commercial land uses for property located at 1800, 1850 and 1950 N. US Highway 45 in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District.

PC 20-10 Village of Libertyville, Applicant

1800, 1850, and 1950 N. US Highway 45

Request is for Concept Approval for an Amendment to the Planned Development Final Plan in order to reduce the land area and add additional parking spaces for the Village of Libertyville Sports Complex, removal of the Golf Learning Center (GLC) and Family Entertainment Center (FEC), and to add industrial and commercial land uses for property at 1800, 1850 and 1950 N. US Highway 45 located in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District.

PC 20-11 Village of Libertyville, Applicant

1800, 1850, and 1950 N. US Highway 45

Request is for Concept Approval for an Amendment to the Special Use Permit for a Sports and Entertainment Complex in order to reduce the land area for the Village of Libertyville Sports Complex, removal of the Golf Learning Center (GLC) and Family Entertainment Center (FEC), and to add industrial and commercial land uses for property located at 1800, 1850 and 1950 N. US Highway 45 in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District.

PC 20-12 Village of Libertyville, Applicant

1800, 1850, and 1950 N. US Highway 45

Request is for Concept Approval for an Amendment to the Site Plan Permit for a Sports and Entertainment Complex in order to reduce the land area for the Village of Libertyville Sports Complex, removal of the Golf Learning Center (GLC) and Family Entertainment Center (FEC), and to add industrial and commercial land uses for property located at 1800, 1850 and 1950 N. US Highway 45 in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District.

PC 20-13 Village of Libertyville, Applicant

1800, 1850, and 1950 N. US Highway 45

Request is for a Preliminary Plat of Subdivision in order to develop industrial and commercial land uses for property located at 1800, 1850 and 1950 N. US Highway 45 in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District.

PC 20-14 Midwest Industrial Funds, Applicant 

1800, 1850, and 1950 N. US Highway 45

Request is for Concept Approval for an Amendment to the Village of Libertyville Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map, located at 1800, 1850 and 1950 N. US Highway 45 in an O-2 Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District.

PC 20-15 Midwest Industrial Funds, Applicant 

1800, 1850, and 1950 N. US Highway 45

Request is for Concept Approval for an Amendment to the Planned Development Final Plan in order to develop industrial land uses for property located in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District at 1800, 1850 and 1950 N. US Highway 45.

PC 20-16 Midwest Industrial Funds, Applicant 1800, 1850, and 1950 N. US Highway 45

Request is for a Preliminary Plat of Subdivision in order to develop industrial and commercial land uses for property located at 1800, 1850 and 1950 N. US Highway 45 in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District.

PC 20-17 45Peterson, LLC, Applicant

1800, 1850, and 1950 N. US Highway 45

Request is for Concept Approval for an Amendment to the Village of Libertyville Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map, located at 1800, 1850 and 1950 N. US Highway 45 in an O-2 Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District.

PC 20-18 45Peterson, LLC, Applicant

1800, 1850, and 1950 N. US Highway 45

Request is for Concept Approval for an Amendment to the Planned Development Final Plan in order to develop commercial land uses for property located in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District at 1800, 1850 and 1950 N. US Highway 45.

PC 20-18 45Peterson, LLC, Applicant

1800, 1850, and 1950 N. US Highway 45

Request is for Preliminary Plat of Subdivision in order to develop industrial and commercial land uses for property located at 1800, 1850 and 1950 N. US Highway 45 in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District.

Mr. John Spoden, Director of Community Development, described the history of the Village of Libertyville Sports Complex and introduced the requested zoning actions.

Ms. Heather Rowe, Economic Development Coordinator, introduced the proposed changes to the northern 17 acres of the Sports Complex property. She stated that Civiltech Engineering completed the parking study for the Sports Complex building. She identified where additional parking will be added to the property including where landbanked parking spaces are to be identified on the site plan. She stated that KLOA completed a comprehensive traffic impact study for the entire 48 acre campus. She stated that as part of that study it was indicated that the warrants have already been met for a traffic signal at the intersection of Hwy Rt. 45 and Tempel Drive and the main entrance into the Sports Complex and that as part of Staff recommendation a funding study will be completed and submitted as part of the Final Plans for the project.

Mr. Pat Schaner, Development Director from Midwest Industrial Funds, introduced the proposed industrial development for the central 19 acres of the 48 acre Sports Complex campus. He stated that the project proposal includes two (2) office/warehouse buildings each approximately 165,000 square feet (plus) in size. He stated that the two buildings will share a truck court between them. He stated that the existing detention facility located to the east that currently serves the Sports Complex campus will be expanded in order to accommodate the proposed improvements. He stated that there will be a right in/right out access drive at Rt. 45 and a full common access drive at Peterson Road providing access to all lots via cross access easements to be governed by a Reciprocal Easement Agreement. He stated that the proposed parking spaces on the west end of the two industrial buildings will belong to the tenants of the industrial buildings, but the parking lot aisle will be widened to 30 feet in order to accommodate traffic traversing all three facilities. He stated that truck maneuvering can be accommodated within the truck court area between the two industrial buildings and that there will be wayfinding signage through the site.

Mr. Schaner presented the industrial building architectural elevations. He stated that the west end of the industrial buildings will have bump out extensions that will help to visually screen the truck court area from Rt. 45. He stated that the corners of the industrial buildings will have a 45 foot building height. He stated that there will be lighting wall packs throughout. Mr. Schaner presented the proposed landscape plan.

Mr. Brian Johnson, Civil Engineer consultant for Midwest Industrial Funds, introduced the proposed storm water management and utilities plan. He stated that the existing detention area will be expanded in order to accommodate the proposed improvements for the entire 48 acre campus. He stated that the proposed stormwater treatment will comply with ‘Best Management Practices’.

Mr. Schaner stated that the two industrial buildings are speculative with no tenants identified at this point in time. He stated that each building could accommodate up to four (4) tenants each. He stated that the typical tenant would be a light manufacturer or distribution type of land uses. He stated that the Traffic Impact Study completed by KLOA based their data on worse case scenarios relative to truck traffic generated by the site.

Mr. Mike Worthman, KLOA Inc., presented the traffic study. Mr. Worthman stated that that the commercial component to the redevelopment proposed by 45Peterson, LLC includes a fueling station. He stated that 2/3 of the anticipated traffic for this site is already on the adjacent roadway system. He stated that most of the anticipated truck traffic will be generated outside of the peak traffic flow periods. He stated that the Sports Complex traffic will remain the same or lower. He stated that the existing entrance into the Sports Complex is currently wide enough to allow for two lanes each way in and out. He stated that the proposed Peterson Road entrance will be designed to include two lanes out and one lane entering. He stated that an additional right in/right out access point is proposed at Rt. 45 for the industrial development. He stated that truck access will be prohibited from utilizing the main driveway entrance in front of the Sports Complex building from Rt. 45 directly across from Tempel Drive.

Mr. Worthman presented the proposed internal vehicular circulation system. He stated that there is dedicated passenger vehicles access throughout for all three uses on the campus. He stated that turning left out onto Rt. 45 will experience some delays. He stated that a traffic signal is warranted now at the intersection of Rt. 45, Tempel Drive, and the main drive entrance into the Sports Complex facility. He stated that the Village will do a ‘Funding Study’ in order to determine the financial feasibility for the signal.

Mr. Tom Williams, 45Peterson, LLC, presented the concept plan for the commercial proposal for the southwest three (3) acres of the site. He stated that the concept plan envisions a gas station, convenience store, car wash, and potentially a drive-through restaurant. He stated that the plan calls for a truck fueling facility on the east side of the convenience store and a passenger vehicle fueling station on the west side of the convenience store. Mr. Williams stated that the proposed landscape plan and photometric plan will adhere to the regulations of the Zoning Code. He stated that the building elevations of the convenience store are conceptual and may be altered after a specific user of the site has been identified. He stated that they are currently undergoing negotiations with a potential user at this time.

Mr. Jeff Cooper, Village Engineer, stated that the development improvements by all three applicants shall be required to comply with the Lake County Watershed Development Ordinance.

Mr. Schaner stated in response to a letter received from a Bull Creek resident that they are not proposing permeable brick pavers for the parking area in the industrial building proposal, but they intend to engineer the storm water management system over and above what would otherwise be required. He stated that the industrial buildings are speculative so they do not yet know who the tenants will be. He stated that the operating business hours will depend upon what type of tenants will occupy the buildings.

Ms. Sheri Rocco, Bull Creek resident, asked how the impervious surface of the property be changed by the proposed development. Mr. Johnson stated that there will be an approximate 15 acre net increase in the impervious surface.

Ms. Rocco asked how the hydrocarbon run-off will be treated. Mr. Johnson stated that hydrocarbon filters will be installed at the gas station and at Pond ‘A’ in the detention area.

Ms. Rocco stated that she is concerned about the potential impact caused by flooding and the release of hydrocarbons chemicals.

Ms. Chris Geislehart, Bull Creek resident, stated that she is concerned about the impact that hydrocarbon chemicals will have on the Bull Creek subdivision.

Mr. Cooper stated that the Village can require hydrocarbon mitigation and the details of the mitigation will be required upon the submission of Final Plans.

Ms. Geislehart stated that she is concerned about flooding. She stated that direct run-off into the Bull Creek subdivision should be avoided.

Mr. Cooper stated that the Village cannot allow the direction of the existing storm water flow to be altered, but they can prohibit the increase of the storm water flow.

Ms. Geislehart question the accuracy of the data provided by the petitioner. She stated that she is concerned about the emissions that the trucks will produce and inquired if truck idling can be restricted. Mr. Schaner stated that this will not be the type of development that will promote truck idling as they anticipate the trucks will mostly be used by day time drivers.

Mr. John Spoden, Director of Community Development, stated that any land use must comply with the Performance Standards of the Zoning Code including regulations on noise and air pollution.

Ms. Geislehart stated that she is a member of the Sport Complex and that she is concerned about the availability of parking during large events.

Mr. Spoden stated that shared parking with the owner to the south will be investigated.

Ms. Geislehart stated that she will welcome the reduced light levels with the new development.

Mr. Greg Draco stated that he is concerned with the impact that the lighting from the development will have on his neighborhood. He stated that he is concerned with the stormwater management. He stated that the storm sewer is broken on the east side of Rt. 137 where the water drains into the Bull Creek subdivision.

Mr. Cooper stated that the Village will investigate the storm drain at Rt. 137.

Commissioner Flores asked if customers or Sports Complex members can enter into the rear of the building. Ms. Rowe stated that customers will be directed to enter into the front of the building.

Commissioner Flores stated that she is concerned that there is no sidewalk leading from the rear parking area to the front of the building.

Ms. Rowe stated that customers will not typically be parking in the rear. She stated that a sidewalk is proposed from the Midwest Industrial Funds industrial development property which will be useful in those circumstances when shared parking is needed.

Mr. Cooper stated that there is not enough space along the drive aisle on the southside of the Sports Complex building for a sidewalk.

Commissioner Flores stated that pedestrians should have to avoid walking in the drive aisle. She stated that she supports a traffic signal at Rt. 45 and the main Sports Complex entrance.

Mr. Spoden stated that the Rt. 45/Tempel Dr./Sports Complex entrance intersection does meet the warrants for a traffic signal. He stated that they are investigating a funding strategy for the signal.

Commissioner Flores asked how drivers will be able to access the gas station. Mr. Williams described the vehicular path from Peterson Road to the gas station. He stated that IDOT rejected the concept of installing a traffic signal at Peterson Road and Northwind Boulevard.

Mr. Werth stated that IDOT requires a minimum of 1,000 feet separation between a traffic signalized intersection and the next intersection.

Commissioner Flores asked if the proposed gas station right in/right out entrance lines up with the Wendy’s driveway entrance to the south. Mr. Werth stated that these driveway entrances do not line up.

Commissioner Flores asked for additional clarification of the anticipated peak travel times. Mr. Werth stated that peak traffic time is typically weekdays between 4pm and 6pm for the anticipated industrial building tenant users. He stated that the peak travel for the Sports Complex building and its uses are typically between 5pm and 7pm.

Commissioner Flores stated that she is concerned that the Sports Complex building drop- off/pick-up hours will pose vehicular maneuvering conflicts and recommended that consideration be given to designing a wider looped driveway area at the entrance of the Sports Complex building.

Ms. Rowe stated that adjustments can be made for the pick-up/drop-off area to improve the traffic flow.

Commissioner Flores stated that she is concerned about the storm water management.

Commissioner Pyter asked how the storm water management impact the Bull Creek Subdivision. Mr. Johnson stated that the existing detention ponds will be increased and designed so that they will hold the storm water longer and released slower.

Commissioner Steffe asked for clarification regarding vehicular cross access from Peterson Road through the campus to the Sports Complex building. Ms. Rowe stated that the intent is to provide an internal roadway system to allow cross access between all three properties within the campus.

Commissioner Steffe asked how vehicles will know how to navigate through the site depending upon what their destination is. Ms. Rowe stated that the Village will require additional directional signage.

Commissioner Steffe stated that directional signage will be important for those visitors from out of town. He asked if there will be a sign located at the Peterson Road entrance. Ms. Rowe stated that a multi-tenant sign is being discussed.

Commissioner Steffe stated that he is concerned about the ability for semi-trucks to maneuver on the fueling station site. He stated that there should be a sidewalk from the rear of the Sports Complex building to the front of the building.

Ms. Rowe stated that in a shared parking arrangement with the industrial buildings, there would not be an impediment for customers to walk from the industrial building parking lot to the front door of the Sports Complex building.

Commissioner Steffe stated that the overall development proposal appears too dense and that he is concerned about the on-site traffic circulation.

Chairman Moore asked about the zoning district. Ms. Rowe stated that the current zoning is O-2 District.

Chairman Moore stated that he is concerned about the gap between the Sports Complex building lot and the industrial development parcels. He asked about the proposed lot coverage after development. Mr. Cooper stated that Lot 1 of the industrial development is approximately 81%, Lot 2 of the industrial development is approximately 79%, the Sport Complex building lot is over 60%, and the gas station/convenience store lot is over 70%.

Chairman Moore stated that he is concerned about the stormwater management and the lot coverage. He stated that the lighting plan should comply with the Zoning Code.

Commissioner Oakley asked about the timing of development of the proposal. Mr. Schaner stated that the intent is to construct both industrial buildings at the same time and to begin construction next spring.

Ms. Rowe stated that the parking improvements are intended to be complete once Midwest Industrial Funds starts construction.

Commissioner Oakley asked if charging stations for electric vehicles are being contemplated for this project. Mr. Williams stated that they need to identify the specific user first.

Commissioner Oakley stated that charging stations should be considered.

Chairman Moore asked the applicants if they are ready for the Plan Commission to give their recommendation regarding the requests. Mr. Schaner stated that Midwest Industrial Funds is requesting the Plan Commission recommendation tonight.

Mr. Williams stated that 45Peterson, LLC is ready for the Plan Commission to give their recommendation tonight.

Ms. Rowe stated that the Village of Libertyville is ready for the Plan Commission to give their recommendation tonight.

In the matter of PC 20-08, Commissioner Steffe moved, seconded by Commissioner Flores, to recommend that the Village Board of Trustees approve Concept Approval for an Amendment to the Village of Libertyville Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map, located in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District to show that the northern 17 acres of the subject 48 acres devoted to the Sports Complex building and the associated parking will change from the Open Space to Public Institutional; the Midwest Industrial Funds development area, approximately 19.1 acres, will change from Open Space to Industrial/Warehouse; and the 45Peterson, LLC development area, approximately 3.65 acres, will change from Open Space to Retail Services. The lot devoted to the detention area shall be changed to Public Institutional. The colors on the exhibit should reflect the Village of Libertyville Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map colors.

Motion carried 5 - 0.

Ayes: Moore, Flores, Oakley, Pyter, Steffe

Nays: None

Absent: Krummick, Schultz

In the matter of PC 20-09, Commissioner Steffe moved, seconded by Commissioner Pyter, to recommend that the Village Board of Trustees approve Concept Approval for an Amendment to the Special Use Permit for a Planned Development in order to reduce the land area for the Village of Libertyville Sports Complex and for the removal of the Golf Learning Center and Family Entertainment Center, and to add industrial and commercial land uses for property located in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District, in accordance with the plans submitted.

Motion carried 5 - 0.

Ayes: Moore, Flores, Oakley, Pyter, Steffe

Nays: None

Absent: Krummick, Schultz

In the matter of PC 20-10, Commissioner Flores moved, seconded by Commissioner Steffe, to recommend that the Village Board of Trustees approve Concept Approval for an Amendment to the Planned Development Final Plan in order to reduce the land area and add additional parking spaces for the Village of Libertyville Sports Complex, removal of the Golf Learning Center (GLC) and Family Entertainment Center (FEC), and to add industrial and commercial land uses for property located in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District, subject to the following conditions to be submitted at time of application for the Final Approval for an Amendment to the Planned Development Final Plan:

1. That the photometric plan is revised to show that the footcandle illuminations do not exceed 2.0 along the property line south of the building, along the eastern property line adjacent to the proposed diagonal parking spaces and along the primary vehicular driveway entrance adjacent to U.S. Highway Route 45.

2. That additional lighting is added as necessary on the east side of the building to enhance security for the rear parking area.

3. That the applicant submit a comprehensive way-finding sign program for the entire 48 acres to be both pedestrian and vehicle friendly.

4. That all Engineering Division Review Comments listed in the Development Review Committee Report dated June 17, 2020 shall be satisfactorily addressed.

5. A funding study for a traffic signal for the intersection located at Tempel Drive and Rt. 45.

Motion carried 5 - 0.

Ayes: Moore, Flores, Oakley, Pyter, Steffe

Nays: None

Absent: Krummick, Schultz

In the matter of PC 20-11, Commissioner Steffe moved, seconded by Commissioner Pyter, to recommend that the Village Board of Trustees approve Concept Approval for an Amendment to the Special Use Permit for a Sports and Entertainment Complex in order to reduce the land area for the Village of Libertyville Sports Complex, removal of the Golf Learning Center (GLC) and Family Entertainment Center (FEC), and to add industrial and commercial land uses for property located in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District, in accordance with the plans submitted.

Motion carried 5 - 0.

Ayes: Moore, Flores, Oakley, Pyter, Steffe

Nays: None

Absent: Krummick, Schultz

In the matter of PC 20-12, Commissioner Pyter moved, seconded by Commissioner Flores, to recommend that the Village Board of Trustees approve Concept Approval for an Amendment to the Site Plan Permit for a Sports and Entertainment Complex in order to reduce the land area for the Village of Libertyville Sports Complex, removal of the Golf Learning Center (GLC) and Family Entertainment Center (FEC), and to add industrial and commercial land uses for property located at 1800, 1850 and 1950 North US Highway 45 in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District Libertyville subject to the following conditions to be submitted at time of application for the Final Approval for an Amendment to the Planned Development Final Plan:

1. That the photometric plan is revised to show that the footcandle illuminations do not exceed 2.0 along the property line south of the building, along the eastern property line adjacent to the proposed diagonal parking spaces and along the primary vehicular driveway entrance adjacent to U.S. Highway Route 45.

2. That additional lighting is added as necessary on the east side of the building to enhance security for the rear parking area.

3. That the applicant submit a comprehensive way-finding sign program for the entire 48 acres to be both pedestrian and vehicle friendly.

4. That all Engineering Division Review Comments listed in the Development Review Committee Report dated June 17, 2020 shall be satisfactorily addressed.

5. A funding study for a traffic signal for the intersection located at Tempel Drive and Rt. 45.

Motion carried 5 - 0.

Ayes: Moore, Flores, Oakley, Pyter, Steffe

Nays: None

Absent: Krummick, Schultz

In the matter of PC 20-13, Commissioner Steffe moved, seconded by Commissioner Pyter, to recommend that the Village Board of Trustees approve a Preliminary Plat of Subdivision in order to develop industrial and commercial land uses for property located in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District, in accordance with the plans submitted.

Motion carried 5 - 0.

Ayes: Moore, Flores, Oakley, Pyter, Steffe

Nays: None

Absent: Krummick, Schultz

In the matter of PC 20-14, Commissioner Steffe moved, seconded by Commissioner Flores, to recommend that the Village Board of Trustees approve Concept Approval for an Amendment to the Village of Libertyville Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map, located in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park Commercial District to show that the northern 17 acres of the subject 48 acres devoted to the Sports Complex building and the associate parking will change from the Open Space to Public Institutional; the Midwest Industrial Funds development area, approximately 19.1 acres, will change from Open Space to Industrial/Warehouse; and the 45Peterson, LLC development area, approximately 3.65 acres, will change from Open Space to Retail Services. The lot devoted to the detention area shall be changed to Public Institutional. The colors on the exhibit should reflect the Village of Libertyville Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map colors.

Motion carried 5 - 0.

Ayes: Moore, Flores, Oakley, Pyter, Steffe

Nays: None

Absent: Krummick, Schultz

In the matter of PC 20-15, Commissioner Flores moved, seconded by Commissioner Pyter, to recommend that the Village Board of Trustees approve Concept Approval for an Amendment to the Planned Development Final Plan in order to develop industrial land uses for property located in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District, subject to the following conditions to be submitted at time of application for the Final Approval for an Amendment to the Planned Development Final Plan:

1. That there shall be not less than a minimum of 10% of parking lot interior landscaping shall be provided in all new parking lot areas in accordance to Zoning Code Article 13- 3.2. Identify the percentage on the landscape plans and architectural site plans.

2. That a combination of enhanced landscaping and wing walls at both ends of the truck court be incorporated to screen the truck court area located between the two office/warehouse buildings.

3. That proper cross access, private and public utility easements with appropriate easement provisions and signature blocks on the proposed final plat of subdivision.

4. That that roof top mechanical units shall be screened to the full height of such equipment by a parapet wall or other screening structure constructed of the same or compatible materials as the principal building façade. Screening by line of sight is not acceptable.

5. That Perimeter Landscaped Open Space landscape plantings shall comply with the Zoning Code Article 13-2.1 and 13-2.2 and Parking Lot Screening landscape plantings as required in Zoning Code Article 13-3.1. The minimum shall be included in addition to what is currently proposed on the applicants Landscape Plans.

6. All architect, engineering and landscape plan sheets shall be revised in order to address any discrepancies between them. The Partners in Design site plan sheet A1.1, the Pinnacle Engineering Group Overall Site Plan sheet and the Pinnacle Engineering Group Overall Site Dimensional and Paving Plan Sheets C-8, C-9, C-11, Overall Grading Plan Sheets C-13, C-14, C-16, and other sheets in the civil engineering plans indicate a sidewalk running along the western edge of the proposed parking lot areas west of Buildings 1 and 2. The IRG Ives/Ryan Group Inc. landscape plan sheets do not show this sidewalk. Please rectify this discrepancy.

7. Provide a minimum of seven (7) additional evergreen trees adjacent to the front property line (on the berm) in front of Building 1 (north building) in order to comply the minimum required Perimeter Landscape Open Space planting requirements.

8. Provide a minimum of 18 additional evergreen trees along the north side of the parking lot area of Building 1 (north building) in order to comply with the minimum required Perimeter Landscape Open Space planning requirements.

9. Provide a minimum of two (2) additional evergreen shrubs along the north side of the parking lot area of Building 1 (north building) in order to comply with the minimum required Perimeter Landscape Open Space planning requirements.

10. Provide a minimum of two (2) additional shade or ornamental trees along the south property line south of Building 2 (south building) in order to comply with the minimum required Perimeter Landscape Open Space planning requirements.

11. Provide a minimum of twenty (20) additional evergreen trees along the south property line south of Building 2 (south building) in order to comply with the minimum required Perimeter Landscape Open Space planning requirements.

12. Provide a minimum of eight (8) additional evergreen trees adjacent to the front property line (on the berm) in front of Building 2 (south building) in order to comply the minimum required Perimeter Landscape Open Space planting requirements.

13. Provide a minimum of two (2) additional evergreen shrubs adjacent to the front property line (on the berm) in front of Building 2 (south building) in order to comply the minimum required Perimeter Landscape Open Space planting requirements.

14. Please identify all plant species and planting sizes on the revised landscape plan.

15. That the applicant submit sign criteria for free standing and wall signs for the industrial development for Lots 1 and 2 to include maximum permitted size, number, material, color, type, location, etc. that will regulate tenant signs. In addition, coordinate with the Sports Complex, (Lot 4 to the north) and the commercial development in Lot 3 to the south to create a directional/wayfinding sign program for the entire site that is both

vehicular and pedestrian oriented.

16. That the pedestrian connectivity between all three areas with additional sidewalks

throughout shall be enhanced.

17. That all Engineering Division Review Comments listed in the Development Review Committee Report dated June 17, 2020shall be satisfactorily addressed.

Motion carried 5 - 0.

Ayes: Moore, Flores, Oakley, Pyter, Steffe

Nays: None

Absent: Krummick, Schultz

In the matter of PC 20-16, Commissioner Steffe moved, seconded by Commissioner Pyter, to recommend that the Village Board of Trustees approve a Preliminary Plat of Subdivision in order to develop industrial and commercial land uses for property located in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District, in accordance with the plans submitted.

Motion carried 5 - 0.

Ayes: Moore, Flores, Oakley, Pyter, Steffe

Nays: None

Absent: Krummick, Schultz

In the matter of PC 20-17, Commissioner Steffe moved, seconded by Commissioner Flores, to recommend that the Village Board of Trustees approve Concept Approval for an Amendment to the Village of Libertyville Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map, located in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park Commercial District to show that the northern 17 acres of the subject 48 acres devoted to the Sports Complex building and the associate parking will change from the Open Space to Public Institutional; the Midwest Industrial Funds development area, approximately 19.1 acres, will change from Open Space to Industrial/Warehouse; and the 45Peterson, LLC development area, approximately 3.65 acres, will change from Open Space to Retail Services. The lot devoted to the detention area shall be changed to Public Institutional. The colors on the exhibit should reflect the Village of Libertyville Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map colors.

Motion carried 5 - 0.

Ayes: Moore, Flores, Oakley, Pyter, Steffe

Nays: None

Absent: Krummick, Schultz

In the matter of PC 20-18, Commissioner Steffe moved, seconded by Commissioner Oakley, to recommend that the Village Board of Trustees approve Concept Approval for an Amendment to the Planned Development Final Plan in order to develop commercial land uses for property located in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District, subject to the following conditions to be submitted at time of application for the Final Approval for an Amendment to the Planned Development Final Plan:

1. That all new parking lot light standard poles shall not exceed a height of 25 feet as measured from the adjacent finished grade to the highest point of the light pole and fixture.

2. Provide a minimum of thirteen (13) additional evergreen trees adjacent to the south property line in order to comply the minimum required Perimeter Landscape Open Space planting requirements.

3. Provide a minimum of one (1) additional evergreen shrub adjacent to the south property line in order to comply the minimum required Perimeter Landscape Open Space planting requirements.

4. Provide a minimum of one (1) additional shade or ornamental tree adjacent to the east property line in order to comply the minimum required Perimeter Landscape Open Space planting requirements.

5. Provide a minimum of five (5) additional evergreen trees adjacent to the east property line in order to comply the minimum required Perimeter Landscape Open Space planting requirements.

6. Provide a minimum of six (6) additional evergreen shrubs adjacent to the east property line in order to comply the minimum required Perimeter Landscape Open Space planting requirements.

7. Provide a minimum of one (1) additional shade or ornamental tree adjacent to the north property line in order to comply the minimum required Perimeter Landscape Open Space planting requirements.

8. Provide a minimum of fourteen (14) additional evergreen trees adjacent to the north property line in order to comply the minimum required Perimeter Landscape Open Space planting requirements.

9. Provide a minimum of one (1) additional shade or ornamental tree adjacent to the west property line that abuts the Rt. 45 right of way in order to comply the minimum required Perimeter Landscape Open Space planting requirements.

10. Provide a minimum of four (4) additional evergreen trees adjacent to the west property line that abuts the Rt. 45 right of way in order to comply the minimum required Perimeter Landscape Open Space planting requirements.

11. Provide a minimum of five (5) additional evergreen shrubs adjacent to the west property line that abuts the Rt. 45 right of way in order to comply the minimum required Perimeter Landscape Open Space planting requirements.

12. Identify the plant species and sizes on the landscape plan.

13. Please verify that a minimum of 10% of parking lot interior landscaping is provided in

the parking lot area surrounding the Gas Station C-Store in accordance to Zoning Code Article 13-3.2. Identify the percentage on the landscape plans.

14. That location(s) of refuse containers and screening details shall be provided on revised plans.

15. That roof top mechanical unit screening shall be provided on the architectural elevation sheets.

16. That architectural building plans shall have proper title blocks, scale, north arrow, etc. be provided.

17. That the applicant shall submit a propose sign criteria for free standing and wall signs for the commercial development for Lot 3 to include maximum permitted size, number, material, color, type, location, etc. that will regulate tenant signs. In addition, coordinate with the Sports Complex, (Lot 4 to the north) and the industrial development in Lots 1 and 2 to the north to create a directional/wayfinding sign program for the entire site that is both vehicular and pedestrian oriented.

28. That all Engineering Division Review Comments listed in the Development Review Committee Report dated June 17, 2020 shall be satisfactorily addressed. To be submitted with the application for the Final Approval for an Amendment to the Planned Development Final Plan.

Motion carried 5 - 0.

Ayes: Moore, Flores, Oakley, Pyter, Steffe

Nays: None

Absent: Krummick, Schultz

In the matter of PC 20-19, Commissioner Oakley moved, seconded by Commissioner Flores, to recommend that the Village Board of Trustees approve a Preliminary Plat of Subdivision in order to develop industrial and commercial land uses for property located in an O-2, Office, Manufacturing and Distribution Park District, in accordance with the plans submitted.

Motion carried 5 - 0.

Ayes: Moore, Flores, Oakley, Pyter, Steffe

Nays: None

Absent: Krummick, Schultz


Commissioner Steffe moved, seconded by Commissioner Flores, to adjourn the Plan Commission meeting.

Motion carried 5 - 0.

Meeting adjourned at 11:08 p.m.



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