
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Beach Park Community Consolidated School District 3 Board Met July 13

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Beach Park Community Consolidated School District 3 Board met July 13.

Here is the minutes provided by the board:

The Board of Education of the Beach Park Community Consolidated School District No. 3, Lake County, Illinois met for the Regular Meeting held via a Virtual Meeting.

ROLL CALL: 6:31 P.M.

The Regular Meeting was called to order and the roll call was requested. Upon the roll call being had, there was present: Mrs. Johnson, Ms. Jesiel, Mr. Luther, Ms. White, and Mr. Lenzi.

Not present: Mrs. Coletta

Administrators present: Dr. Craig M. Doster, Superintendent; Dr. O’Brien, Director of Business; Mr. Seda, Director of Student Services; Dr. Wilcox, Director of Curriculum; Mr. Ongena, Director of Technology; Mr. Medina, Supervisor Building and Grounds.

Also present was Mrs. Contreras, Secretary of Record to the Board of Education. A list of others that attended this meeting is in the district office.



● Construction Project Update

o Weekly updates with pictures are posted on our website. Much work has been done thus far. Roofs are being installed, air conditioning is scheduled to be completed mid-August. We are on schedule to open as planned.

● Summer Curriculum Writing Update

o All common summative assessments for k-8 ELA are complete and have been reviewed by the entire district. Feedback was provided and revisions are currently being made. Work continues on writing the framework by developing units of study using the backward design process. K-12 ELA will be implemented this fall. Our Dual Language k-1 is also ready to be implemented.

● District Summer Hours (2020)

o Summer hours began on June 6 (4 ten hour days) and will go through August 21. Maintenance will work the regular schedule, 5 days a week.

● 2020-2021 District Calendar Revision

o A new law was passed regarding election day being a state holiday. We have to revise our calendar to include November 3, 2020 as a state holiday. The school district will be closed on that day. We will still have voting booths open at KM and Dr. Doster will assign one of our maintenance crew members to be in the building that day.

● 2020-2021 Re-Entry Plan Information

o Dr. Doster and the Cabinet members have been working on the 2020-2021 reentry plan for several weeks. Part of the process has included a staff and parent survey, along with creating a steering committee. Dr. Doster reviewed the PowerPoint that he presented to the committee. The committee is working on a reentry handbook that will be completed on/or before July 30. I will then be recommending it to the Board of Education for approval at our August 10 meeting.

● Ribbon Cutting Ceremony

o We are planning a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. We would like to have it on August 27, 2020 at Oak Crest at 5:30 pm. More information will be communicated to the Board.


A motion was made by Mr. Luther and seconded by Ms. White to approve an Agenda.

The Vice-President called for the question and upon a roll call being had, those members present voted as follows:

Ms. White, aye; Mr. Luther, aye; Ms. Jesiel, aye; Mr. Lenzi, aye; and Mrs. Johnson, aye.

Thereupon the Vice-President declared the motion carried.


A motion was made by Mr. Luther and seconded by Ms. White to approve the Minutes, Regular Session of June 8, 2020 and Closed Session of June 8, 2020.

The Vice-President called for the question and upon a roll call being had, the members voted as follows: Mr. Luther, aye; Mrs. Johnson; aye; Ms. White, aye; Ms. Jesiel, aye; and Mr. Lenzi, aye.

Thereupon the Vice-President declared the motion carried.


No correspondence was received




Long-Range Planning Committee -

Mr. Lenzi stated that the long-range planning committee lost a member with the resignation of Ms. Gembarski. Working on committee realignments. The committee did not meet last week as originally planned. They will meet soon to go over the construction to see what’s been done and a committee walk-thru.

Finance Committee -

Mrs. Johnson stated that the finance committee met before the Board Meeting.

● They discussed the Tentative Budget with Dr. O’Brien. They went over the various components and items that may be topics of conversation on the expense increase , and how the referendum funds will be accounted for.

● They reviewed the billing report, and there were no issues. The committee recommended payment.


Ms. White provided the following update:

● SEDOL plans on opening mid-August, and they will be utilizing masks, and face-shields for the students with different disabilities where they need to see their face/mouth movement.

Community Outreach -


Department Updates -

Board members were provided with written updates from the following departments:

● Buildings and Grounds

■ No questions from the Board

● Curriculum

■ No questions from the Board

● Finance

■ Dr. O’Brien provided a brief overview of the Tentative Budget Draft for 2020-2021

● The overview included Revenue, Expenditures, Projected Fund Balances and Next Steps.

● The overview was a preliminary budget. In August we will analyze the budget. Our expenditures will be finalized within the next 30 days. After the August Board Meeting, the budget will be displayed for 30-days. In September Dr. O’Brien will ask the Board to approve the final FY21 budget.

● Dr. Doster commented that he believes the Presentation takes place in September, followed by the Approval in October (30-day grace period between September and October).

■ No questions from the Board

● Student Services/SEDOL

■ No questions from the Board

● Technology

■ No questions from the Board

FOIA Requests -

We received one FOIA Request that Dr. O’Brien complied with.

■ No questions from the Board

Policy Update -

There are fifteen policy updates to be reviewed by the Board. Approval for these policies will be requested at the September’s Board Meeting.


From 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm a Google Form was open to the community for questions and comments.

There were no questions/comments from visitors.


Approval of the 2020-2021 District Calendar Amendment

A motion was made by Ms. Whitei and seconded by Ms. Jesiel to approve 2020-2021 District Calendar Amendment.

The Vice-President called for the question and upon a roll call being had, the members voted as follows:

Mr. Luther, aye; Ms. Jesiel, aye; Mr. Lenzi, aye; Mrs. Johnson, aye; and Ms. White, aye.

Thereupon the Vice-President declared the motion carried.

Approval of 2020-2021 Handbooks

A motion was made by Mr. Luther and seconded by Ms. White to approve the 2020-2021 Handbooks.

The Vice-President called for the question and upon a roll call being had, the members voted as follows:

Ms. Jesiel, nay; Mrs. Johnson, aye; Ms. White, aye; Mr. Luther, aye; and Mr. Lenzi, aye.

Thereupon the Vice-President declared the motion carried.

Approval to Adjust SRO Agreement with Lake County Sheriff

A motion was made by Mr. Luther and seconded by Ms. White to approve the Adjusted SRO Agreement with Lake County Sheriff.

The Vice-President called for the question and upon a roll call being had, the members voted as follows: Mr. Luther, aye; Mrs. Johnson, aye; Mr. Lenzi; aye; Ms. Jeisiel, aye; and Ms. White, aye.

Thereupon the Vice-President declared the motion carried.

ADJOURN OPEN SESSION – 7:26 p.m. There being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Luther and seconded by Mrs. Johnson to adjourn to Closed Session for discussion of Closed Session Minutes, discussion of the selection of a person to fill a public office, as defined in this Act, including a vacancy in a public office, when the public body is given power to appoint under law or ordinance, and for discussion of possible property acquisition.

The Vice-President called for the question and upon a roll call being had, those members present voted as follows:

Ms. White, aye; Mrs. Johnson, aye; Mr. Luther, aye; Mr. Lenzi, aye; and Ms. Jesiel, aye.

Thereupon the Vice-President declared the motion carried.



There being no further business, a motion was made by Ms. White and seconded by Mr. Luther to adjourn Closed Session.

The Vice-President called for the question and upon a roll call being had, those members present voted as follows:

Mr. Luther, aye; Mr. Lenzi, aye; Ms. Jesiel, aye; Mrs. Johnson, aye; and Ms. White, aye.

Thereupon the Vice-President declared the motion carried.

OPEN SESSION - 8:26 p.m.


A motion was made by Ms. White and seconded by Ms. Jesiel to approve the Consent Agenda consisting of:


PROPOSED ACTION BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION: Approve an Amended Treasurer's Report for bills for May 2020/June 2020 - hold off on paying Durham until we verify if they are receiving federal funds.



Personnel Report approved as presented.

The Vice-President called for the question and upon a roll call being had, those members present voted as follows:

Ms. Jesiel, aye; Mr. Lenzi, aye; Ms. White, aye; Mr. Luther, aye; and Mrs. Johnson, aye.

PROPOSED ACTION BY THE BOARD OF EDUCATION: Approve an Amended Treasurer's Report for bills for May 2020/June 2020 - hold off on paying Durham until we verify if they are receiving federal funds.

Thereupon the Vice-President declared the motion carried.

Approval of Closed Session Minutes

A motion was made by Mr. Luther and seconded by Ms. White to approve to Declassify Closed Session Minutes, to Keep in Confidence, to Keep in Confidence 18 months or Less, and to Destroy Closed Session Recordings.

The Vice-President called for the question and upon a roll call being had, the members voted as follows:

Mr. Luther, aye; Ms. Jesiel, aye; Mr. Lenzi, aye; Mrs. Johnson, aye; and Ms. White, aye.

Thereupon the Vice-President declared the motion carried.


A motion was made by Mr. Luther and seconded by Ms. White to adjourn Open Session.

The Vice-President called for the question and upon a roll call being had, those members present voted as follows:

Ms. Jesiel, aye; Mrs. Johnson, aye; Mr. Lenzi, aye; Mr. Luther, aye; and Ms. White, aye.

Thereupon the Vice-President declared the motion carried.
