
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Libertyville Appearance Review Commission Met August 17

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Village of Libertyville Appearance Review Commission met Aug. 17.

Here is the minutes provided by the commission:

The regular meeting of the Appearance Review Commission was conducted virtually due to public health concerns and called to order by Chairman John Robbins at 7:00 p.m.

Members Present: Chairman John Robbins, Tom Flader, Brad Meyer and Jennifer Tarello.

Members Absent: Rich Seneczko.

A quorum was established.

Village Staff Present: John Spoden, Director of Community Development; and Christopher Sandine, Associate Planner.

Commissioner Tarello made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Meyer, to approve the July 20, 2020, Appearance Review Commission meeting minutes, as written.

Motion carried 4 - 0.




ARC 20-30    Lauren Drew, Authorized Agent for Riva Ridge Umbrella Association

Riva Ridge Umbrella Association

Request is for new landscaping.

Ms. Lauren Drew, authorized agent for Riva Ridge Umbrella Association, presented the proposed landscaping for the Riva Ridge Subdivision. Ms. Drew reminded the Commission that she appeared before them a year ago with a multi-phased tree removal plan. Ms. Drew stated Phase 1 focused on the perimeter streets, including Kempton, Riva Ridge, and Red Top. Ms. Drew stated Phase 1 requested the removal of 111 trees. Ms. Drew stated the trees scheduled as replacements for Phase 1 will be replanted in September 2020. Ms. Drew stated the scope for this meeting is regarding Phase 2, which includes about half of the remaining geography of the Subdivision. Ms. Drew stated she surveyed the landscaping with a certified arborist and noted about 90 trees within the boundaries are dead. Ms. Drew stated there were several other dead trees in the subdivision, so their total request for Phase 2 is to remove 136 total trees. Ms. Drew stated the Phase 2 replacement plan includes replacing 52 trees. Ms. Drew stated she anticipates returning next year with a Phase 3 plan, followed by a yearly maintenance plan.

Chairman Robbins noted he has driven through Riva Ridge recently and stated the landscaping appears to be overcrowded. Chairman Robbins stated it sounds like a good long-term plan to remove the dead trees and maintain the trees accordingly. Chairman Robbins hoped the Homeowners Association and the Commission will not need to go through this process in the future, with proper planning and maintenance moving forward. Chairman Robbins noted the list is a little difficult to read, as it is not filtered by tree tag number. Ms. Drew noted the trees were filtered by address and stated there were an abundance of Austrian Pines planted. Commissioner Flader questioned the delay in replacing the trees. Commissioner Flader stated best practices typically allow for planting in the Spring. Ms. Drew stated their landscaper advised planting in the Fall. Ms. Drew stated their arborist and landscaper are on target to remove the identified trees this Fall. Commissioner Flader stated the proposal looked good.

Commissioner Flader made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Tarello, to recommend the Village Board of Trustees approve the application for new landscaping at Riva Ridge Umbrella Association, in accordance with the plans submitted.

Motion carried 4 - 0.

ARC 20-31     John Millison, Authorized Agent for Riva Ridge Umbrella Association 

Riva Ridge Umbrella Association

Request is for new signage.

Mr. John Millison and Ms. Lauren Drew, authorized agents for Riva Ridge Umbrella Association, presented the proposed signage for the Riva Ridge Subdivision. Ms. Drew stated the Association has explored having stone signs at Kempton/Riva Ridge and Fourth Street/Red Top intersection. Ms. Drew stated the Association is trying to provide an identification point for their community that is attractive. Mr. Millison stated the Association has proposed the installation of two natural stone signs. Chairman Robbins confirmed there is no obligation from the Village to install these signs. Mr. Millison stated they are looking at having a better identity. Chairman Robbins questioned how the lettering will be adhered to the stone. Mr. Millison stated the letters will be incised into the stone and a dark colored epoxy will be poured into the cut letters. Chairman Robbins noted the proposed landscaping does not provide much interest in the winter months. Commissioner Flader agreed with Chairman Robbins, noting the plantings are mostly perennials and mulch. Ms. Drew stated the plantings can be adjusted but noted that the sign at Kempton/Riva Ridge will have three (3) evergreen trees. Ms. Drew stated at Red Top/Riva Ridge requested their landscaper to review options to make it more park-like. Chairman Robbins stated it sounds like there is extensive plantings that may preclude additional plantings installed. Ms. Drew stated it is difficult to commit to additional trees behind the signs, not knowing if it is possible. Commissioner Flader suggested creeping evergreens in front of the sign for interest in the winter months. Ms. Drew suggested a creeping juniper in front of the sign. Chairman Robbins stated the visual interest year-round will assist with trying to establish an identity.

Commissioner Tarello made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Flader, to recommend the Village Board of Trustees approve the application for new signage at Riva Ridge Umbrella Association, subject to the following condition: 1) Install creeping junipers or creeping evergreens in front of the signs for visual interest in the winter months.

Motion carried 4 - 0.

ARC 20-32 Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Libertyville, LLC 1201 American Way

Request is for new building facades, landscaping, lighting, and signage.

Ms. Lesley Netzer and Mr. Eddy Alonso, representatives for Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Libertyville, LLC, presented the proposed building facades, landscaping, lighting, and signage for 1201 American Way. Ms. Netzer reminded the Commission that the proposal was reviewed and approved within the past year, however, conversations with the client have forced several changes to the design. Ms. Netzer stated internal building requirements have required an expansion of the building wing area by approximately ten (10) feet towards Route 45. Ms. Netzer stated larger trucks will be required to make deliveries, which was not previously anticipated. Ms. Netzer stated these changes forced the width of the landscape buffer along Route 45 to be reduced. Ms. Netzer stated a retaining wall will now be required along American Way to accommodate the detention areas, which will also require a 42-inch safety fence per the International Building Code. Ms. Netzer stated the safety fence will be an iron-steel fence, as shown in the packet. Ms. Netzer stated the berm along Route 45 will accommodate a similar amount of landscaping, although there is an approximately three (3) foot retaining wall parallel to Route 45. Ms. Netzer stated the signage has also been revised, as the monument signs are slightly larger in square footage than previously approved. Ms. Netzer stated the wall sign will remain the same size, which was approximately 52 SF.

Chairman Robbins requested moving through the Staff comments. Chairman Robbins stated the new freestanding signs will be in excess of the Zoning Code. Ms. Netzer stated the previous freestanding signs were also in excess. Chairman Robbins noted that Staff indicates the previous signs complied and the new signs will not comply. Mr. Sandine stated a variation will not be required, as this property is located within a Planned Development. Mr. Spoden added that the Village Board has the authority to grant this type of change as a deviation from the Zoning Code. Chairman Robbins confirmed the size of the wall signage has not changed since the previous approval. Chairman Robbins questioned the type of retaining walls along American Way. Ms. Netzer stated the retaining wall will be located on the east side of the two detention ponds. Ms. Netzer stated the northern pond will taper from 0-feet to 7-feet, and the south eastern pond will taper from 0-feet to 4-feet. Ms. Netzer stated it will be a block-retaining wall that will not be seen from the exterior roadways. Chairman Robbins confirmed the retaining walls will be utilized to maintain the same amount of detention areas. Chairman Robbins questioned which way the building shifted. Ms. Netzer stated the North and South wings have elongated approximately eight (8) feet. Mr. Alonso stated Encompass had several interior planning changes that required the building square footage to be shifted. Chairman Robbins confirmed the materials for the building are the same as previously submitted. Mr. Alonso stated the colors and materials are the same as before. Ms. Alonso stated there were few minor changes to the window sizes and locations to fit the proportions. Chairman Robbins questioned if the landscaping materials along the retaining walls have changed. Ms. Netzer stated landscaping along American Way has not changed. Ms. Netzer stated the landscaping is aesthetically the same, however, there is less width in landscaping. Ms. Netzer stated plantings are different, but it has the same feel as before. Chairman Robbins stated the planting materials have not changed, but they have been reapplied.

Village Board of Trustees approve the application for new building facades, landscaping, lighting, and signage at 1201 American Way.

Motion carried 4 - 0.

ARC 20-33 The Townhomes of Red Top Association, Applicant 180-184 Red Top Drive

Request is for new building facades.

Ms. Justine Gallop and Ms. Julie Berry, representatives for The Townhomes of Red Top Association, presented the proposed building facades for 180-184 Red Top Drive. Ms. Gallop stated that they live in a subdivision with two (2) three-unit townhomes that was built approximately twenty (20) years ago. Ms. Gallop stated that over the past twenty (20) years, the Association has had the cedar shake roofs treated and cleaned, but they have had issues. Ms. Gallop stated the Association was looking into replacing the roofs over the past two years. Ms. Gallop stated two members of the Association called the Village about replacing their cedar shake roofs to asphalt, and the Village agreed that the roofs could be replaced. Ms. Gallop stated they did their research on asphalt shingles and found colors that will match the existing cedar shake roofing. Ms. Gallop stated they hired Euclid Roofing, who applied to the Village. Ms. Gallop stated the application stated the scope of the work includes removing the cedar shake roofing and installing asphalt roofing. Ms. Gallop stated the Village issued a permit that stated cedar re-roofing. Ms. Gallop stated the contractor started working and got to approximately 80% completion before the Village stopped the work. Ms. Gallop stated the Village did allow the roofing company to reach a stopping point, so the integrity of the roof and structure was not compromised. Ms. Gallop stated they would like to work with the Village and find the best route moving forward. Mr. John Spoden, Director of Community Development, confirmed the applicant’s statements. Mr. Spoden stated the Village issued this permit in error. Mr. Spoden stated the permit clerk thought it was a cedar-shake re-roof, although the materials submitted in the application did show it to be an asphalt roof. Mr. Spoden stated this should have been caught prior to issuance of the permit, but it does require the review of the Appearance Review Commission and Village Board as a multi-family structure.

Chairman Robbins questioned if Red Top Subdivision recently requested a change from cedar shake to asphalt roofing materials. Mr. Sandine stated he was unsure which subdivision was recently before the Commission but did confirm that the Commission looked at a re-roofing project recently. Chairman Robbins questioned if there are any covenants that would preclude the Commission from approving this proposal. Mr. Spoden stated the approvals in place for these subdivisions allow for the Appearance Review Commission and Village Board to approve these changes. Chairman Robbins stated he is a proponent of changing cedar shake roofing to asphalt roofing. Chairman Robbins stated that wood roofs look good for about a year but then they start to have maintenance issues. The Commissioners agreed with the Chairman Robbins position on the asphalt roofing. Ms. Gallop stated she appreciated working with the Community Development Staff throughout this process.

Commissioner Tarello made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Flader, to recommend the Village Board of Trustees approve the application for new building facades at 180-184 Red Top Drive, in accordance with the plans submitted.

Motion carried 4 - 0.

ARC 20-34 The Townhomes of Red Top Association, Applicant 190-194 Red Top Drive

Request is for new building facades.

Ms. Justine Gallop and Ms. Julie Berry, representatives for The Townhomes of Red Top Association, presented the proposed building facades for 190-194 Red Top Drive.

Commissioner Tarello made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Flader, to recommend the Village Board of Trustees approve the application for new building facades at 190-194 Red Top Drive, in accordance with the plans submitted.

Motion carried 4 - 0.


With no further discussion, Commissioner Meyer moved and Commissioner Tarello seconded a motion to adjourn.

Motion carried 4 - 0.

Meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m.
