Village of Libertyville Parking Commission will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 20.
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, as amended by Public Act 100-0640, the mayor of the Village of Libertyville, as the head of the public body, has made a determination that an inperson meeting is not practical or prudent because of disaster. Due to public health concerns this meeting will be conducted virtually.
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (669) 224-3412
Access Code: 399-828-773
1. Approve Minutes - February 18, 2020
2. Discuss Loading Zones
3. Review Downtown Parking Violations
4. Adjournment
Any individual who would like to attend this meeting but because of a disability needs some accommodation to participate should contact the ADA Coordinator at 118 West Cook Avenue, Libertyville, Illinois 60048 (847) 362-2430. Assistive listening devices are available.