
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Lake Forest City Council Met October 19

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City of Lake Forest City Council met Oct. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the council:





A. Introduction: Report From the Library Board

- Catherine Lemmer, Director, Lake Forest Library

The Library Board, staff and consultants will provide the Council and the Community with an introduction to the proposed Library Capital Improvement Project. This project includes both restoration, repair and much needed upgrades to the original 1931 Library as well as concepts for providing new, forward thinking spaces to accommodate library services and programs long into the future. After its construction in 1931, the Lake Forest Library was recognized as being at the forefront, the facility was not just about books, but about people and community. The original Library and the later modifications have served the community well, but time has taken its toll and the way in which libraries serve communities continues to change. The proposed project focuses on returning the building to its original grandeur while at the same time, finding ways to offer new, flexible spaces that will allow the Library to continue to serve the community long into the future, in a way that is uniquely Lake

Forest. Consistent with the Lake Forest tradition, the project proposes to honor the past while looking forward.

This presentation again, an introduction. An opportunity for the Council and the community to more fully understand the work, study and engagement that has occurred to date to the credit of the Library Board and staff. There is still much work to do and many questions to be answered. This presentation is intended to formally begin the community discussions about the future of the Library. No action is requested of the Council at this time. Questions, comments and requests for additional information are requested. A cover letter and overview of Q & A are included and can be found on page 115.



Members of the public can provide public comment by calling into the following number during the meeting: 847-810-3643



1. Acknowledge Receipt of the FY2020 Treasurer’s Report

STAFF CONTACT: Elizabeth Holleb, Finance Director (847-810-3612)

PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Staff requests that the City Council acknowledge receipt of the Fiscal Year 2020 Treasurer’s Report.

BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Pursuant to Illinois Statute, a Treasurer’s Report must be filed with the City Clerk, the County Clerk, and published in a Lake Forest newspaper within six months after the end of each fiscal year. The report will be published in the October 22, 2020, edition of the Lake Forester. The report may be found beginning on page11


COUNCIL ACTION: Acknowledge receipt of the FY2020 Treasurer’s Report


1. Approve the Extension of the Mayor’s Declaration of a Local State of Emergency until the next City Council Meeting

STAFF CONTACT, Jason Wicha, City Manager

PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: It is requested that the City Council extend the Declaration to the next City Council meeting.

BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Over the past month, the U.S. Government and the State of Illinois have issued multiple orders declaring a state of emergency over the country and the State of Illinois in order to address the impact from the global pandemic from COVID-19. In order to address the impact this pandemic has had on the City of Lake Forest, Mayor Pandaleon exercised his authority to issue a Declaration of a Local State of Emergency on Saturday, April 4, 2020. At the April 6, 2020 City Council meeting, the City Council extended the Declaration to the next City Council meeting which was October 5, 2020.

In order to ensure that the emergency powers authorized by the local declaration remain in effect where necessary, the Mayor is asking the City Council to further extend the Declaration of a Local State of Emergency until the next City Council meeting that takes place after the October 19, 2020.





City Council


City Council Approved the Mayors Declaration

until the next City Council Meeting

City Council


City Council Approved the Mayors Declaration

until the next City Council Meeting

City Council


City Council Approved the Mayors Declaration

until the next City Council Meeting

City Council


City Council Approved the Mayors Declaration

until the next City Council Meeting

City Council


City Council Approved the Mayors Declaration

until the next City Council Meeting

City Council


City Council Approved the Mayors Declaration

until the next City Council Meeting

City Council


City Council Approved the Mayors Declaration

until the next City Council Meeting

City Council


City Council Approved the Mayors Declaration

until the next City Council Meeting

City Council


City Council Approved the Mayors Declaration

until the next City Council Meeting

City Council


City Council Approved the Mayors Declaration

until the next City Council Meeting


Mayor Pandaleon exercised his authority to issue

a Declaration of a Local State of Emergency


COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the extension of the Mayor’s Declaration of a Local State of Emergency until the next City Council Meeting

2. Approval of the October 5, 2020 City Council Meeting Minutes

A copy of the minutes can be found beginning on page 18

COUNCIL ACTION: Approval of the October 5, 2020 City Council Meeting Minutes.

3. Approval of Resolutions Committing Local Funds for the 2020 Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program for The City of Lake Forest Project Grant Applications and the Authorization of the City Manager to Execute Related Grant Application Documents

STAFF CONTACT: Jim Lockefeer, Public Works Management Analyst (810-3542)

PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: City staff requests approval of Resolutions committing local funds for the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program for the City of Lake Forest Deerpath Streetscape Improvement Project, Illinois & Woodland Bike Path Bridge Replacements, and Rte. 60 Bike Path Project grant applications and the authorization of the City Manager to execute related grant application documents.

BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: ITEP is a federally and state funded competitive grant program that expands travel choices and enhances the transportation experience by improving the cultural, historic, aesthetic and environmental aspects of transportation infrastructure and promotes the opportunity for communities to beautify their streets and/or develop means of transportation facilities such as bike/pedestrian trails or paths.

ITEP funds are awarded competitively and any local government or state agency with taxing authority is eligible to apply. Project sponsors may receive up to eighty (80) percent reimbursement for eligible project costs. This year ITEP will provide $105.6 million in state and federal funding. The deadline for application submittals is November 2, 2020 and successful application awards will be announced in the Spring of 2021.

City staff and the Public Works Committee have identified three projects that are all ITEP eligible; Deerpath Streetscape Improvement Project, Illinois & Woodland Bike Path Bridge Replacements, and Rte. 60 Bike Path Project. In order to submit the project applications, ITEP requires a Resolution committing local funds for each project. On page 22 of the packet a copy of the proposed project Resolutions for the commitment of local funds can be found. A brief summary of each project follows below.

Deerpath Streetscape Improvement Project: This project features infrastructure improvements and the overall beautification of the Deerpath Streetscape from Oakwood Avenue to Western Avenue. A project recommendation report and plans have been approved by an interdisciplinary Deerpath Streetscape Ad-Hoc Committee which was appointed by the City Manager in 2019 to study, review public comment, and make recommendations for this portion of Deerpath. The City has already invested local funds by completing a Phase I design in anticipation of submitting an ITEP grant application for Phase II design and construction funding. Currently, the project is identified in the City’s Capital Improvement Program as a Priority 5, grant dependent project in Fiscal Year 2022 and 2023.

Illinois & Woodland Bike Path Bridge Replacements: This project calls for the replacement of the two pedestrian bridges on the McClory Bike Path in downtown Lake Forest. The bridges, installed in 1994, span Illinois Road and Woodland Road and are 110 feet long and 220 feet long respectively. The Robert McClory Bike Trail spans 26.5 miles from Highland Park to the Wisconsin state line and is an integral component of both the Grand Illinois Trail and US Bike Route 37 which begins in Chicago and ends in Northern Wisconsin where the trail ties into other national routes. The bridges have been identified as high priority replacement projects in the recently completed 2020 Bridge Study. Currently, the replacements are identified in the City’s Capital Improvement Program as a Priority 1 funded projects in Fiscal Year 2022 and 2023.

Rte. 60 Bike Path Project: This project will provide safe bicycle and pedestrian access along the north side of Illinois Route 60 between Academy Drive and the existing sidewalk located at the Field Drive entrance to the Conway Business Park. Once completed, the shared-use path will connect Conway Park to the recently completed path at Middlefork Savanna which includes a 10’ wide bridge over the Metra tracks. This path will provide a vital east – west connection for bicyclists and pedestrians as depicted in The City of Lake Forest Bicycle Master Plan and as further identified in the Rte. 60 Corridor Chapter Comprehensive Plan Update. The City has already invested local funds by completing a Phase I design in anticipation of submitting an ITEP grant application for Phase II design and construction funding. Currently, the project is identified in the City’s Capital Improvement Program as a Priority 5, grant dependent project in Fiscal Year 2022.





Public Works Committee


Reviewed & Recommended City Council Approval

BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACT: ITEP grants provide 80% federal grant funding, The City of Lake Forest would be responsible for the 20% local agency matching funds if one or more of the project applications were successful. Below is a prospective grant funding assessment for each project.


 Estimated Total Project Cost

ITEP Funding Estimate (80%)

Total Local Share Estimate (20%)

Amount Budgeted in FY2021

Deerpath Streetscape Improvement Project





Illinois & Woodland Bike Path Bridge Replacements





Rte. 60 Bike Path Project





Approval of these Resolutions affirms that the City is committed to the projects and pledges to fund the required local share if grant funding were awarded.

COUNCIL ACTION: Approval of Resolutions committing local funds for the 2020 Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program for The City of Lake Forest Project Grant Applications and the Authorization of the City Manager to Execute Related Grant Application Documents

4. Consideration of Ordinances Approving Recommendations from the Zoning Board of Appeals. (First Reading, and if Desired by the City Council, Final Approval)

STAFF CONTACT: Catherine Czerniak, Director of Community Development (810-3504)

PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: The following recommendations from the Zoning Board of Appeals are presented to the City Council for consideration as part of the Omnibus Agenda.


1088 Griffith Road – The Zoning Board of Appeals recommended approval of variances from the front, side and rear yard setbacks to allow construction of a replacement residence generally in the same foot print of the house to be demolished. The Board received correspondence from neighboring property owners in support of the project. In response to questions from a neighbor about construction impacts on the surrounding neighborhood given the tight site, the Board included a condition requiring a construction staging and parking plan and noted that at times, some contractors may need to park off site. The Board welcomed the petitioners, new owners of the property, to Lake Forest. This petition was also considered by the Building Review as detailed in the next agenda item. (Board vote: 7 - 0, approved)

587-589 Ivy Court – The Zoning Board of Appeals recommended approval of variances from the front yard setback to allow replacement of the existing open front porch which is in deteriorating condition and a variance from the side yard setback to allow replacement of the window air conditioning units with central air conditioning units. There was no testimony presented to the Board on this petition. The Board commended the petitioner, the new owner of the property, for making much needed improvements to this duplex structure. (Board vote: 7 - 0, approved)

The Ordinances approving the petitions as recommended by the Zoning Board of Appeals, with key exhibits attached, are included in the Council packet beginning on page 25. The Ordinances, complete with all exhibits, are available for review in the Community Development Department.

COUNCIL ACTION: If determined to be appropriate by the City Council, waive first reading and grant final approval of the Ordinances approving the petitions in accordance with the Zoning Board of Appeals’ recommendations.

5. Consideration of Ordinances Approving Recommendations from the Building Review Board. (First Reading, and if Desired by the City Council, Final Approval)

STAFF CONTACT: Catherine Czerniak, Director of Community Development (810-3504)

PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: The following recommendations from the Building Review Board are presented to the City Council for consideration as part of the Omnibus Agenda.


1088 Griffith Road – The Building Review Board recommended approval of demolition of the existing single family residence and construction of a new residence and attached garage. Public testimony in support of the petition was presented by neighboring property owners. The Zoning Board of Appeals also heard this petition and recommended approval as detailed in the previous agenda item. (Board vote: 6 - 0, approved)

114 Washington Circle – The Building Review Board recommended approval of a building scale variance to allow construction of an addition at the rear and side of the house. The building scale variance as recommended allows the house, with the addition, to exceed the allowable square footage for the property by five percent. Approval of a replacement garage is also recommended. No public testimony was presented to the Board on this petition. (Board vote: 6 - 0, approved)

The Ordinances approving the petitions as recommended by the Building Review Board, with key exhibits attached, is included in the Council packet beginning on page 42. The Ordinances, complete with all exhibits, are available for review in the Community Development Department.

COUNCIL ACTION: If determined to be appropriate by the City Council, waive first reading and grant final approval of the Ordinances approving the petitions in accordance with the Building Review Board’s recommendations.

COUNCIL ACTION: Approval of the five (5) omnibus items as presented.




1. Consideration of a Recommendation from the Plan Commission to Deny the Request for an Amendment to the Gimbel Plat of Subdivision. (Motion or Direction to Staff)

PRESENTED BY: Catherine Czerniak, Director of Community Development (810-3504)

PURPOSE AND ACTION REQUESTED: Consideration of a recommendation from the Plan Commission to deny a request for an amendment to the previously approved and recorded plat of subdivision for the Gimbel Subdivision.


On September 9, 2020, the Plan Commission held a public hearing to consider a request for an amendment to a previously approved plat for the Gimbel Subdivision. The Gimbel Subdivision was originally approved by the City and subsequently recorded in 1997. The request, as presented by the petitioner’s attorney at the public hearing, was to eliminate a covenant on the recorded plat of subdivision which prohibits an additional curb cut on Westminster for Lot 1 of the subdivision.

The original approval of the subdivision included a provision that the newly created lot, the front lot of a lot-in-depth subdivision, must share the existing curb cut with Lot 2 of the subdivision, the rear lot. This limitation is reflected on the recorded plat of subdivision. The intent of the restriction, based on the record of the deliberations on the Gimbel Subdivision that occurred during the course of several years in the 1990’s, was to preserve the historic and landscaped character of the streetscape and minimize impacts on the significant historic estate to the east.

No change to the number of lots, the configuration of the existing lots, the setbacks or the buildable area on either lot is requested.

At the public hearing, the Plan Commission heard a presentation from the petitioner and received both written and verbal testimony from neighboring property owners and other interested parties. The testimony presented was consistently in opposition to the proposed amendment. It was noted by some who testified that as property owners in the area, they relied on prior development approvals, recorded plats, covenants and restrictions when making decisions about their properties. The Plan Commission’s report, detailed minutes of the Commission’s deliberations and copies of the written correspondence submitted to the Commission are included in the Council’s packet beginning on page 68.

After deliberation, the Plan Commission voted 6 to 0 to recommend denial of the request to amend the plat of subdivision based on the following findings.

1. The original approval of the Gimbel Subdivision including all of the notes, covenants and restrictions on the recorded plat were granted after a thorough public process and full public hearing.

2. The restrictions were specifically stated on the plat for the purpose of preserving the streetscape.

3. The plat was recorded over 23 years ago and the restrictions were known, or should have been known, to the current property owners when they purchased the property in 2001.

4. The testimony presented to the Commission included testimony from neighboring property owners that they relied on the clear and comprehensive language on the recorded plat for the Gimbel Subdivision.

5. The petitioner has not demonstrated a change in the circumstances or conditions upon which the original approvals were based in order to support the requested amendment.

6. Lot 1 of the Gimbel Subdivision is a buildable lot under the terms and conditions as approved in 1997 and consistent with the final plat of subdivision which was submitted to the City for recording by the then owners, the Gimbels.

BUDGET/FISCAL IMPACTS: Two lots were created by the Gimbel Subdivision in 1997. No change to the number of lots is proposed. The second lot will remain available for future development with or without amendment to the plat.


Approve a motion accepting the Plan Commission’s recommendation and denying the request for amendments to the previously recorded plat for the Gimbel Subdivision.


If the Council desires to approve the request for amendment to the previously recorded plat of subdivision for the Gimbel Subdivision, 1) direct the petitioner to prepare an amended plat of subdivision reflecting the removal of the prohibition of a second curb cut on Westminster and 2) direct staff to prepare detailed findings in support of approval and present an Ordinance to the Council, along with the amended plat of subdivision for Council action at a future meeting.


