
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Lake County Financial & Administrative Committee Met October 29

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Lake County Financial & Administrative Committee met Oct. 29.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Addenda to the Agenda

4. Public Comment

5. Chair's Remarks

6. Old Business

7. New Business

CONSENT AGENDA (Items 7.1 - 7.16)


7.1 20-1544

Minutes from October 1, 2020.


7.2 20-1536

Joint resolution authorizing a one-year contract with AutoMon LLC, Scottsdale, Arizona to provide software maintenance and service to Lake County Nineteenth Judicial Circuit Court in an estimated annual amount of $94,464.78.

· Lake County Nineteenth Judicial Circuit Court has contracted with AutoMon LLC for software license and maintenance for various case management modules associated with specialty courts since 2004.

· Currently the modules have been contracted individually and staff has sought to bundle all of the software license and maintenance agreements into one comprehensive document with for a consistent term and renewal rates.

· This resolution authorizes agreement with AutoMon LLC, to provide software license and maintenance services to Lake County for one year in the estimated annual amount of $94,464.78 with options to renew for two additional one-year periods and increases capped at five percent.

· Pursuant to Article Six, Section 102, the Purchasing Agent has approved the bid exemption on the basis of an existing long-standing successful relationship for services, and the knowledge gained through this relationship adds value integral to the services provided.

7.3 20-1394

Joint resolution authorizing, acceptance of an award with the Illinois Department of Transportation for a Local Alcohol Program (LAP) grant in the amount of $25,803.95 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021.

· The Lake County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) has applied for and been awarded the Local Alcohol Program (LAP) Grant.

· This grant will allow for one deputy who is certified as a Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) to provide training after normal business hours to police officers, Judges, Village Prosecutors and Assistant State’s Attorneys on Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) refresher courses, Advanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) courses and DRE courses. The grant period is from October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021.

· This grant reimburses the deputy’s overtime wage costs and indirect costs on direct salary and wage excluding fringe and will reimburse course and travel expenses for one deputy’s recertification costs as a DRE.

7.4 20-1533

Joint resolution authorizing the acceptance of a Victim of Crime Act (VOCA) grant from the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) to the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office (LCSAO) for a Multi-Victimization Services program, including an emergency appropriation of $137,848 in federal funds, if awarded.

· The LCSAO has applied for a VOCA grant through the (ICJIA).

· The grant term is for one year, starting December 1, 2020 through November 30, 2021. Additional funding to support the program for up to an additional 24 months may be awarded after the initial funding period.

· The ICJIA funding addresses the needs of victims who have experienced multiple types of crime during their lifetime, as experiencing multiple types of crime may result in complex trauma and mental health symptoms that differ from those who experience one type of crime.

· The LCSAO currently receives VOCA grant funding from ICJIA to support two Victim/Witness Coordinator positions in the office. The Victim/Witness Coordinators work with the victims throughout the criminal justice process by providing them with advocacy, on-going support and an understanding of the criminal court process.

· This VOCA Multi-Victimization grant funded program is an expansion on the services that the Victim/Witness Coordinators currently provide. Through this grant funding, trauma-informed counseling services will be offered to violent crime victims who self-report as having experienced multi-victimization, also known as poly-victims.

· Program funding of $172,623 includes $137,848 of federal grant funding (for salary and benefits for a licensed clinical therapist, who also has experience working with victims of crime, a laptop and a program brochure) and in-kind match funding of $34,825 as budgeted in the LCSAO’s budget. No new county funds are required.


7.5 20-1526

Joint resolution accepting the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) grant and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $50,000 for the Community Mental Health Center (CMHC), Certified Recovery Support Specialist (CRSS) grant.

· The $50,000 IDHS grant will be used to support two new positions.

· The $50,000 in additional grant funding has not been previously appropriated because the grant resources were secured after the County’s adoption of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 budget.

· The grant award will be for the period August 1, 2020 through December 30, 2020.

7.6 20-1528

Joint resolution accepting the Steans Family Foundation (SFF) grant and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $16,667 for the Coordinated Intake program.

· The $16,667 SFF grant will be used for telecommunications and to offset existing salary and fringe benefits.

· The $16,667 in additional grant funding has not been previously appropriated because the grant resources were secured after the County’s adoption of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 budget.

· The grant award will be for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.

7.7 20-1529

Joint resolution accepting the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) grant and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $59,040 for the Drop-In Center grant.

· The $59,040 IDHS grant will be used to support a new position, supplies, and contractual services.

· The $59,040 in additional grant funding has not been previously appropriated because the grant resources were secured after the County’s adoption of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 budget.

· The grant award will be for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.

7.8 20-1459

Joint Resolution - Approval of the Second Amendment to the Program Year 2020 Annual Action Plan (AAP).

· U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires the submission of an Annual Action Plan (AAP) and associated amendments to govern expenditure of federal housing and community development funding for each program year.

· An amendment to an AAP is required to assign program income and/or reallocate prior year funds.

· The proposed Second Amendment to the Program Year 2020 (PY20) AAP allocates $6,041.00 of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program income and $49,597.00 of prior year CDBG funds.

o Youth Conservation Corps. $6,041.00 of program income for affordable housing rehabilitation and resale.

o City of North Chicago $49,597.00 of prior year funds for accessibility improvements at City Hall.


7.9 20-1518

Joint resolution appropriating $50,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the Fiscal Year 2021 repair and replacement of various guardrail and fence installations, under the applicable Illinois Highway Code.

· The County owns miles of guardrails and fences along the County highway system, and annual repairs and replacements must be made to various installations which are included in the Transportation Improvement Program, and designated as Section 21-00000-06-GM.

· Before the purchase of material or a contract service can be procured, an appropriation of $50,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds is required.

7.10 20-1519

Joint resolution appropriating $144,800 of Matching Tax funds for contract documents, inspections, and maintenance of native landscape areas along various County highways.

· The County has planted native landscape areas for various projects on the County highway system that require routine inspection and maintenance and are included in the Transportation Improvement Program, and designated as Section 21-00000- 14-GM.

· The contract documents and inspection work will be done by a consultant, while the maintenance will be completed by a contractor through the formal letting process.

· Before a project letting can be held, an appropriation of $144,800 of Matching Tax funds is needed.

7.11 20-1520

Joint resolution appropriating $33,000 of County Bridge Tax funds and $164,000 of Matching Tax funds to provide for Fiscal Year 2021 acquisition of materials and services needed to maintain items such as drainage and bridge facilities, pavements, shoulders, guardrails, fencing, signage, and right-of-way.

· Miscellaneous maintenance materials and services are needed to maintain the County highways.

· Before materials can be ordered, or work can be done using the County Bridge Tax fund or the Matching Tax fund, an appropriation is needed.

· The acquisition of these materials and services is included in the Transportation Improvement Program, and designated as Section 21-00000-03-GM.

7.12 20-1521

Joint resolution appropriating $92,100 of County Bridge Tax funds, $149,900 of Matching Tax funds and $152,900 of 1⁄4% Sales Tax for Transportation funds for Fiscal Year 2021 general engineering and support services needed to address items such as soil, environmental, drainage, bridge, wetland, easement, and right-of-way purchases.

· General engineering and support services are needed throughout the year to supplement in-house design services and improve the County highway system.

· An appropriation of funds is required each fiscal year for these support services.

· The acquisition of these services is included in the Transportation Improvement Program, and designated as Section 21-00000-02-EG.


7.13 20-1389

Report from Robin M. O’Connor, County Clerk, for the month of September 2020.

7.14 20-1508

Report from Mary Ellen Vanderventer, Recorder of Deeds, for the month of September 2020.

7.15 20-1400

Report of Treasurer Holly Kim for April 2020.

7.16 20-1401

Report of Treasurer, Holly Kim, for May 2020.



7.17 20-1534

Joint resolution ratifying a contract and approving a contract modification with MTG Management Consultants, LLC, Seattle, Washington, to procure Phase Two project management services to oversee implementation of the Circuit Clerk’s Record Digitization Initiative in the amount of $135,120, and emergency appropriate $91,960 in the Document Storage Fund.

· The Lake County Board awarded a contract for Record Digitization Services for the Office of the Circuit Clerk at their July 14, 2020 meeting.

· The Circuit Clerk entered into a departmental agreement with MTG Management Consultants in the amount of $43,160 to provide evaluation and quality assurance assistance services to support the digitization of paper and microfilm records maintained by the Circuit Clerk.

· A need has been identified for project management services to oversee the implementation and coordinate the integration with the Integrated Case Management System (ICMS) for the Lake County Justice Agencies in the amount of $91,960.

· This contract modification will provide for 24 months of support to prepare a project repository and establish integrations with the ICMS.

· Pursuant to Article 6, Section 102, the Purchasing Agent convened an ad hoc review group that approved bid exemption on the basis that there exists a long standing, successful relationship for professional services, and the knowledge gained through this relationship adds value integral to the services provided.

7.18 20-1523

Joint resolution approving an intergovernmental agreement (IGA) for renewed contractual police services between the Lake County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) and the Village of Deer Park (Deer Park) from January 1, 2021, to December 31, 2023, in the amount of $4,091,371.39.

· The LCSO has provided police services to Deer Park for nine years.

· Deer Park and the LCSO have agreed on terms to continue the police services contract for an additional three-year period from January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2023.

· The contract includes a continuation of current services, which includes three, eight and a half (8.5) hour shifts per day for the residential areas (24 hours a day seven days a week coverage) and one, 8.5 hour shift per day, from 2:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. for commercial areas (totaling 34 hours per day or 12,410 hours per year.

· The State’s Attorney’s Office and the Lake County Risk Department have reviewed and approved this renewal contract.

· Deer Park will reimburse 100 percent of the cost of the four contract deputy positions for all three years.

7.19 20-1393

Joint resolution authorizing, acceptance of an award with the Illinois Department of Transportation for a Sustained Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP) grant in the amount of $213,365.48 for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021.

· The Lake County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) has applied for and been awarded STEP grants since 2013.

· LCSO has applied and was accepted for a FY 2021 Illinois Department of Transportation STEP grant in the amount of $213,365.48. The grant period is from October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021.

· The grant reimburses the deputies overtime wage costs and indirect costs on direct salary and wage excluding fringe.

· The main objective of the grant is to conduct specific traffic enforcement details that focus on speeding enforcement, distracted driving enforcement, impaired driving enforcement and child passenger safety campaigns that will make the roadways safer.

· LCSO will conduct six mandatory enforcement campaigns and all four optional enforcement campaigns.

7.20 20-1395

Joint resolution accepting the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) grant from the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $294,000.

· In May of 2020, the Lake County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) applied for membership and funding of the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) through the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP).

· The LCSO received notification on September 3, 2020, that it had been awarded $294,000.00. Grant funds will be primarily used to defray the cost of overtime specifically for HIDTA related investigations and for investigative supplies necessary for HIDTA investigations.

· The mission of the HIDTA Program is to enhance and coordinate America’s drug-control efforts among local, state and Federal law enforcement agencies in order to eliminate or reduce drug trafficking and its harmful consequences in critical regions of the United States.

7.21 20-1530

Joint resolution authorizing the acceptance of a Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program: Support for Mental Health Centers grant awarded to the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office (LCSAO) by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), for a

23-hour Crisis Triage Stabilization Center (Center), including an emergency appropriation of $750,000 in federal funds.

· The LCSAO has been awarded a Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program: Support of Mental Health Centers grant through the U.S. DOJ, OJP, BJA for a Crisis Triage Stabilization Center. It is a joint project between the LCSAO and Nicasa Behavioral Health Services, NFP (Nicasa),

· The 23-hour premier Center is a cross-system partnership between the LCSAO, Nicasa, Lake County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO), 46 municipal police agencies, and behavioral health treatment and service providers.

· Grant funds will provide prearrest diversion to include a free-standing facility for police drop-off of low-level offenders experiencing mental illness (MI) or mental illness and co-occurring substance abuse (CMISA) to be screened, assessed, and receive referrals to treatment and services. The Center will provide an additional safe resource rather than the alternative, transport of these individuals to jail or an Emergency Department.

· The Lake County Opioid Initiative (LCOI), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose Board approved purchasing the Center’s physical building from cash donations and local grant funds, is part of this cross-system collaboration.

· This Project will improve public safety responses and outcomes for individuals with MI or CMISA who come into contact with law enforcement. It will reduce recidivism by addressing individuals’ criminogenic needs and deflect them from further intrusion into the criminal justice system.

· The grant term is for three years, starting October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2023.

· During the planning phase, Lake County will tour and network with an existing crisis/triage facility, complete policies and protocols, memorandum of understandings, train law enforcement officers on the center’s drop-off process, and purchase the building (leveraging previous cash donations and other grant funds). During implementation, the grant will fund the project coordinator, clinical director, and counselor salaries.

· This cross-system planning collaboration to open the crisis triage center resulted from examining existing county resources and gaps. Over 70 community members and stakeholders participated in a crisis center visioning session in April 2019. Thereafter, a core team worked on the center’s sustainability to identify three-year operational costs and to plan for funding after grant periods. The LCOI Board and its Sustainability Sub-Committee will oversee funding the Center after the grant period.

· The Center will leverage existing Lake County treatment and service provider resources, peer recovery specialists, crisis hotline, LCSO and Lake County Health Department Crisis Outreach and Support Team (COAST) and LCSO law enforcement Crisis Intervention Team training.

· Program funding of $1,057,333 includes $750,000 of federal grant funding for project director, project coordinator, clinical director, and counselor personnel expenses, and other project expenses including travel, supplies and other costs.

· Additional in-kind match funding of $307,333 includes previous cash donations and leveraging of other non-federally funded staff, including the Safety and Justice High-Utilizer MacArthur Foundation grant funded staff and partner agency non-federally funded staff. No new county funds are required.

7.22 20-1532

Joint resolution authorizing the acceptance of a Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office (LCSA) Intelligence Driven Prosecution (IDP) - Hot Spot Prosecution program, through an Innovative Prosecution Solutions (IPS) for Combating Violent Crime grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), including an emergency appropriation of $305,000 in federal funds, if awarded.

· The LCSAO has applied for an (IPS) for Combating Violent Crime grant through the U.S. DOJ, OJP, BJA.

· The grant term is for two years, starting October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2022.

· The purpose of the IPS for Combating Violent Crime Program is to provide local prosecutors with resources to reduce crime and increase public safety.

· This BJA funding that supports prosecutors’ offices to reduce caseloads, improve the effectiveness and efficiency of prosecutors’ processes and procedures, and provide modern technology to better manage and track cases.

· The IDP Lines of Effort are: Priority Offender Prosecution, Hot Spot Prosecution and Opioid Epidemic.

· Funding will be used for a security measure known as the ShotSpotter Gunfire Location, Alert and Analysis Service to be installed in three geographic areas in Lake County, based on crime analysis, all having been identified as hot spots, where there has been a significant spike in firearm incidents.

· The ShotSpotter tool will help to reduce gun-related crimes, assist in arrest, assist in the confiscation of weapons, and can also be used as evidence in court and assist in the prosecution and conviction of criminals where the system is deployed.

· Program funding of $305,000 in federal funds includes ShotSpotter deployment in three Lake County locations for two years each and ShotSpotter expert witness testimony and travel costs for both years. No county funds are required.


7.23 20-1525

Joint resolution accepting the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) grant and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $296,130 for the Early Intervention Child and Family Connections (EICFC) grant.

· The $296,130 IDHS grant will be used to offset existing staff salary and fringe benefits.

· The $296,130 in additional grant funding has not been previously appropriated because the grant resources were secured after the County’s adoption of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 budget.

· The grant award will be for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.

7.24 20-1527

Joint resolution accepting the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS) grant and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $178,114 for the Family Case Management (FCM) grant.

· The $178,114 IDHS grant will be used to offset existing staff salary and fringe benefits.

· The $178,114 in additional grant funding has not been previously appropriated because the grant resources were secured after the County’s adoption of the Fiscal Year (FY) 2020 budget.

· The grant award will be for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021.

7.25 20-1428

Joint Resolution - Approval of the fourth amendment to the 2019 United States Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Annual Action Plan (AAP).

· The U.S. Department of HUD announced a second allocation of Emergency Solutions Grant Program funding through the CARES Act to Lake County in the amount of $1,520,868

· The Housing and Community Development Commission (HCDC) approved an open application round on July 15, 2020.

· Funding recommendations were reviewed and approved by the Homelessness Advisory and Recommendation Committee on September 25, 2020.


Resolution accepting the annual Emergency Management Intergovernmental Grant Agreement from the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) for Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2020 Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) in an amount not to exceed $193,167.41.

· Lake County applied for, and has been awarded, an annual allocation for IEMA, on behalf of the Lake County Emergency Management Agency (LCEMA).

· This grant funding supports Lake County in developming and maintaining an effective integrated EMA and Program.

· The agreement shall be effective between October 1, 2019 and shall expire on September 30, 2022.

· The actual amount of grand funding is dependent on:

o The federal budget and FEMA grant program guidance; o Availability of federal funds to IEMA; and

o Actual EMA expenditures.

· The maximum grant funding to Lake County is $193,167.41.

· Revenue from this grant will offset currently budgeted expenses. No additional expenses are budgeted as a result of this grant.

7.27 20-1537

Resolution authorizing a three-year contract renewal with CDW Logistics Inc. (CDW), Vernon Hills, Illinois, in an estimated annual amount of $1,252,882 for volume licensing of Microsoft Enterprise products and services through 2023.

· The County’s current contract for Microsoft Enterprise products and services will expire on November 30, 2020.

· Microsoft products and services includes Office, email, calendar, SharePoint, Teams, OneDrive, security, server/computer licenses, and administrative tools.

· The County’s Microsoft products and services, with the exception of Teams Voice Calling, will be renewed for a three-year agreement in the estimated annual amount of $1,252,882.

· Microsoft Teams Voice Calling services are currently being implemented using CARES Act funds due to remote working requirements as a result of the COVID-19 public health emergency. The contract will be brought back to the board for amendments with any additional ongoing licensing costs associated with this implementation.

· Pursuant to Article 10-101 of the County Purchasing Ordinance, Cooperative Purchasing, the County may participate in a cooperative purchasing agreement for the procurement of goods, services or professional services with one or more public procurement units in accordance with an agreement entered into between the participants.

· A cooperative purchasing contract has been identified through an OMNIA Partner, National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance (NIPA) 2018011-01 to procure needed goods, services or professional services that was competitively solicited and awarded.

7.28 20-1538

Committee action approving Contract Modification Number One with DLT Solutions, of Herndon, Virginia for next generation managed security service in the estimated amount of $61,732.

· Lake County Board authorized a contract with DLT Solutions on August 11, 2020, for next generation managed security services in the amount of $177,914.

· This managed security service offers a fully managed incident response team and endpoint protection to reduce risk and impact of malicious activity such as Ransomware.

· This Committee Action authorizes Contract Modification Number One with DLT Solutions in the estimated amount of $61,732 and is a change to the original contract due to the need for additional endpoint licenses.

· In accordance with Article 8, Section 101 (2) of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, this contract modification is germane to the original contract as signed and is in the best interest of Lake County, it is hereby requested that the Purchasing Agent be authorized to enter into Contract Modification Number One.

7.29 20-1556

Discussion regarding Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 budget.

· Additional program funding.

7.30 20-1557

Discussion regarding Winchester House Levy Reserve Fund balance.

7.31 20-1568

Update on Lake County CARES Act Funding Plan.

8. Executive Session

9. Director's Report

9.1 20-1541

Director’s Report.

· Facilities and Construction Services.

· Finance and Administrative Service.

· Human Resources.

· Information Technology.

10. Public Comment

11. County Administrator's Report

12. Members Remarks

13. Adjournment
