Park District of Highland Park issued the following announcement on Nov. 2.
The Park Board of Commissioners has approved an update to the Lakefront Master Plan. Updating the plan was an initiative of 2024 GreenPrint, the Park District’s ten-year master plan.
The Lakefront Plan, initially drafted in 2007 in collaboration with community-wide stakeholders, provided a roadmap for improvements at all lakefront parks, beaches, and ravine ecosystems. Since 2007, much has been accomplished along the lakefront, including significant development at Rosewood Beach, a Moraine Park Sculpture Garden, expansion of lakefront programming, and natural areas restoration at Millard, Moraine, and Rosewood.
This update intended to build upon recent accomplishments and ensure the Lakefront Master Plan reflected current community priorities and the changing landscape of the lakefront. In 2018, Park District staff conducted community engagement efforts to collect resident feedback and determine our lakefront priorities. Since that time, the Park District staff evaluated community feedback and considered operational and physical improvements to reflect the community’s current attitudes and interests, all while navigating and understanding the immediate complexities of our dynamic lakefront.
The Lakefront Master Plan Update details the planning process summarizes survey findings, and outlines recommended objectives and strategies to guide improvements, maintenance, and management of the Park District’s lakefront properties. The recommendations are intended to guide lakefront operations beaches, capital planning, and support possible future grant opportunities. To view the plan, click here.
Original source can be found here.
Source: Park District of Highland Park