
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of North Chicago Economic Development/Planning/Zoning Committee Met October 19

Webp meeting240

City of North Chicago Economic Development/Planning/Zoning Committee met Oct. 19.

Here is the minutes provided by the committee:

Alderman Allen called the meeting to order.


Present: Jackson, Mayfield, Evans, Allen, Markham, Runnels, January 

Absent: None


Senior City Planner, Nimrod Warda explained the lease renewal at Grant Place for Boys & Girls Club. The tenants had signed a one-year contract with a 90-day clause. Under the new rent structure, it included maintenance expenses, the monthly amount was $2,800; $10+ sq. ft.

Alderman Allen had concerns of the other tenants following the same during the COVID Pandemic.

II. BID OPENING – DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS PROPERTY – 0 FAIRWAY LANE (PIN: 08-31- 414-08) AND 0 GREEN BAY ROAD: (PIN#’S: 12-06-204-032; 12-06-204-033; 12-06-204-014; 12-06-204-015

Mr. Warda explained there were no bids received for the properties. He perceived that the tree cost removal impacted the development decision. He highlighted previous (4) options; retaining conditions placed on the property to build; reduce bid amount or remove it, remove conditions to build retaining minimum bid amount, removing conditions to build increasing minimum bid amount, not recommended to retain the property with potential sale at a future date. There was discussion with interested parties for the property yet there were risk factors with the trees. He recommended a minimum lower threshold amount at the council’s discretion. Currently it was a “hot housing market.”

Attorney Simon advised reviewing the parcels separately; Alderman Allen mentioned property at the corner of Green Bay Rd. and Argonne Dr. had various issues including requested accessing from Argonne Dr. vs. Green Bay Rd and questioned cost of water. Attorney Simon advised access from Argonne Dr. yet unaware of the water access. Alderman Allen suggested amount of $2,500.

Attorney Simon clarified that each parcel individually was unique and resulted in different conclusions.

The Mayor questioned if an easement accessing back of the property were possible; Mr. Warda suggested possibly removing several of the conditions while lowering its price-point. The City wasn’t required in selecting highest bidder yet the best city interest/use. He provided various scenarios.

Attorney Simons explained when advertised through an auction method, it was supposed to describe future use of the property. The appraisal method would need 80% of the appraised property value to anyone which he recommended.

Alderman Evans suggested the decision was recorded with the named properties.

Alderman Allen echoed Attorney Simon’s sentiments that each parcel was unique what was entailed.

Attorney Simon explained that staff was always finding some method of maximizing both current and future property value.

Alderman Allen questioned recommendation. Mr. Warda suggested to retain conditions to build due to prime real estate property and possible end user. There were interested parties who would purchase properties without the conditions. He lowered price to $2,000.

Alderman January echoed Alderman’s Allen sentiments refraining from building on Green Bay Rd. and a major thorough-way on prime property contingent upon the fair housing market. She was o.k. with decision with Fairway Lane.

The Mayor questioned type of dwelling space on Green Bay Rd. address. Mr. Warda stated it was better as a single-family dwelling.

Alderman January reiterated the same adding contingent to the pandemic. Anticipate several months and attempt to sell the property. Alderman Allen explained that the buyer would be required to build.

Alderman Jackson agreed holding on the purchase; The Mayor suggested stipulation to develop within a year. Mr. Warda stated there were some cost challenges with the Green Bay Rd. property.

Alderman Jackson questioned if Green Bay Rd. property was a flood-prone area; Mr. Warda stated it wasn’t nor wetlands procuring development.

0 Green Bay Rd; (PIN#’S; 12-06- 204-032; 12-06- 204-033; 12-06-204-014; 12-06-204-015) Alderman Jackson suggested cost of $5,000, Mayfield; $2,000; Evans; $2,000, Allen; $2,000, Markham; $5,000, Runnels; $5,000, January; $5,000.

0 Fairway Lane; PIN: 08-31-414; Alderman Jackson suggested cost of $2,000; Alderman Mayfield, Evans, Allen, Markham, Runnels and January agreed with the price.

Attorney Simon advised received substantial council direction for staff to advertise. The bids would be opened at the council meeting. Mr. Warda said it would be within (30) day timeline.



Economic & Community Development Director, Victor Barrera explained the update was scheduled, November 02, 2020.

Alderman Jackson moved, by Alderman Markham, that Economic Development/Planning/Zoning Committee Meeting stand adjourned.


Ayes: Jackson, Mayfield, Evans, Allen, Markham, Runnels, January 

Nays: None

Absent: None

The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
