
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Highland Park Housing Commission Met March 3

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City of Highland Park Housing Commission Met March 3.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

I. Call to order

II. Roll Call

III. Business from the Public

IV. Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes – February 3, 2021

V. Scheduled Business

1. Items for Omnibus Vote Consideration

 Payment of Invoices

 Ratification of Payments

2. Peers, Walnut, Ravinia, and Sunset Woods Associations and Housing Trust Fund

 Consideration of ERES Management Reports and Financials

 Housing Trust Fund Financials

 Sunset Woods Financials

 Other Association Business

 Housing Association Audits

VI. Old Business

VII. Potential Refinance of Ravinia and Peers

VIII. New Business

1. 1063 Half Day Road (Pilot Project Home) Refinance Approval

IX. Staff Report

X. Adjournment
