
Lake County Gazette

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Village of Hawthorn Woods Updated News

Swim lessons  3

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Don't Forget About Spring Ahead This Sunday, March 13th!
This Sunday, March 13th, don't forget to set your clocks ahead 1-hour for Daylight Savings Time. This change in time will take effect at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday morning.
St. Patrick's Day Family Barn Dance - Registration Deadline This Friday!
Saturday, March 19
6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Village Barn, 2 Lagoon Drive
Young children ages 3-12 can have a date night with their mom, dad, or grandparent! Spend an evening out together dancing the night away in our rustic community barn. Individually wrapped snacks and refreshments will be available. Our DJ will play your favorite songs and lead fun games.
Formal attire is suggested. All children are encouraged to wear their favorite dress, princess gown, tie, or bow tie. Pre-registration is required for all attendees (children and adults); registration is per person; children must be accompanied by at least 1 adult.
Masks are optional based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations in March. Please register by March 11.
Lake County Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation Questionnaire
Lake County is currently updating their community All Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan, and they want to hear from you! As part of the plan update, Lake County is conducting a study to better understand the emergency preparedness needs and risk perceptions of residents. Lake County has created an online questionnaire that should only take about 10 minutes to complete. All responses are confidential, and participation is voluntary. Click here to complete the questionnaire now.
Why You Should Complete the Questionnaire
You may be asking, what is the All Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan (ANHMP)? Well, in 2006, Lake County and participating municipalities created an ANHMP to identify activities and projects to reduce the damage caused by natural hazards, such as tornadoes, floods and severe storms. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) requires communities to develop and adopt a FEMA-approved ANHMP in order to be eligible for hazard mitigation grant funds. The ANHMP is required to be updated and re-adopted every five years to maintain grant eligibility.
This plan has helped Lake County remain eligible for millions of dollars in grant funds, thus enabling the community to mitigate natural hazards, especially flooding. Mitigation is essential because there are an increasing number of flood events, escalating costs for response and recovery, and repetitive loss from those events in Lake County.
Many of the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission's day-to-day operations focus on flood mitigation efforts, and regularly fund projects to reduce or eliminate flood damages with those grant funds.
Your participation in this survey is not only welcomed, but critical in assisting to update the plan to better serve the residents of Lake County.
An Update From Mayor Dominick DiMaggio
Health Department Offers Reduced Well Water Testing Rates
In observance of National Groundwater Awareness Week, the Lake County Health Department is offering a reduced well water testing fee for homeowners who use well water as their primary source of drinking water. Between March 7 and March 17, 2022, the usual $18.00 fee for testing for bacteria and nitrates will be reduced to $14.00.
"Water is an essential resource that we use to drink, cook, and bathe, but when it’s contaminated it can cause illness," said Mark Pfister, Executive Director of the Lake County Health Department. "We encourage private well owners in Lake County to conduct annual water testing and well maintenance to keep their families healthy.”
Sterile test bottles and sampling instructions are available at the Lake County Central Permit Facility (500 W. Winchester Road, Libertyville), the Lake County Health Department's headquarters (3010 Grand Avenue, Waukegan), and 19 township or municipal offices located throughout Lake County. To find a location nearest you, call (847) 377-8020 or visit www.lakecountyil.gov/726/water-wellsWater sampling kits can also be mailed for $18.00.
All collected water samples must be brought to the Lake County Central Permit Facility between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday. Water sample testing results are available to homeowners in approximately three business days.
For further information on water testing, contact the Lake County Health Department at (847) 377-8020, or send an email to HealthEHS@lakecountyil.gov.
2022 Road Referendum
Hawthorn Woods Still Working to Pave the Way! 
In the upcoming General Primary Election on June 28, 2022, the Village of Hawthorn Woods plans to place a referendum question on the ballot with regards to funding the repair, maintenance, and replacement of our Village roads (Darlington Drive culvert collapse pictured here).
What happens if the referendum is passed?
  • The referendum is expected to generate $900,000 annually for Village roads.
  • A property with a fair market value of $500,000, regardless of location within the Village, would pay a road tax of approximately $290 annually, based on an average $0.18 tax rate, or approximately $25.00 a month for properties currently paying into the existing road Special Service Area (SSA) tax.
  • The existing SSA road tax will expire on December 31, 2022. Therefore, the approximate $290 annual replacement road tax would offset the SSA portion of your tax bill. For most residents, there would be little impact to your tax bill. For some residents, this replacement tax would actually reflect a decrease to your tax bill. However, some residents currently don't pay into the current road SSA.
  • If you live in SSA 1 or SSA 3, your taxes will still decrease if the referendum passes.
  • This plan would eliminate all annual Village vehicle sticker fees.
What happens if the referendum is not supported by voters?
  • The current Village tax rate does not provide enough income to fund the necessary road repair and maintenance program. With the current tax rate, the Village is unable to undertake the repair and replacement of our roads and large diameter culverts, currently estimated at $28 million dollars.
  • For every year we delay the program, road conditions worsen and the program expense increases. Pavement on roads will crumble, impacting vehicular traffic and making snow and ice removal difficult. Similar to the Darlington Road collapse (pictured here), additional culverts will fail, forcing emergency road closures and detours.
Please contact the Village at (847) 438-5500 if you have further questions about the referendum. For more information about the 2022 Road Referendum, please click here.
Parks & Recreation
Summer 2022 Fun Guide
Check out what's happening in Hawthorn Woods this summer! We are excited for our Concerts in the Park series, Movies in the Park, and 4th of July festivities. 
Registration for the Hawthorn Woods Aquatic Center season passes, swim lessons, and Woodchucks Summer Camp is now open.
Download the Parks and Recreation Summer 2022 Fun Guide to see what we have to offer you and your family right here in Hawthorn Woods.
Upcoming Spring Programs
Little Jins Taekwondo (Ages 5-7)
Wednesdays 4:20 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
& Saturdays, 10:30 a.m. - 11:10 a.m.
Kids & Family Taekwondo (Ages 8+)
Wednesdays 5:05 p.m. - 5:50 p.m.
& Saturdays, 11:15 a.m. - Noon
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunity
Partner with your parks and make a difference in your community. Our Parks Department is seeking community volunteers to assist with upcoming spring projects.
Spring Into Action Clean-Up
Saturday, March 19, 9:00 a.m. - Noon
Indian Creek Preserve
3-1 Seneca Avenue West
Hawthorn Woods 60047
Volunteer crews will assist in removing invasive species to clear areas for a new public use trail.
Volunteers must be 16 years of age or older. Volunteers, ages 12-15, are welcome and must attend with an adult chaperone 18 years of age or older. Volunteers are asked to register in advance by contacting Brian Sullivan at bsullivan@vhw.org or (847) 847-3531.
Spring Youth Soccer
The Village of Hawthorn Woods Youth Soccer League offers young soccer players an opportunity to learn the game of soccer and build upon their existing skills. This program provides instruction in a recreation-based environment where participants learn by playing together on the field. Our program focuses on player skill development through training, drills, and scrimmage games. All levels welcome. Instructed by Coach Tom and Hawthorn Woods Elite Soccer. Visit vhw.org/YouthSoccer for more information.
Grades Pre-K - 6
April 6 - May 25
Wednesdays, 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
Heritage Oaks Park - Soccer Fields
310 Fairfield Road, Hawthorn Woods, IL 60047

Hawthorn Woods Aquatic Center
Early Bird Rates Available Through March 31
Save 10% on your season pass! 
Hawthorn Woods Aquatic Center summer season passes for 2022 are now available for purchase at discounted early bird rates! The Aquatic Center features a 6-lane, 25-yard competition pool, a zero depth activity pool, a diving well with 2 diving boards, 2 water slides, as well as a spray and activity area for children. Don’t wait to purchase your 2022 season pool pass. Visit www.vhw.org/HWAC for more information. 
Swim Lessons, Dive Camp and Swim Team
Registration is now open for all summer aquatic programs, including swim lessons, Dive Camp, and the Water Dragons Swim Team. Swimming is an essential skill. Our programs ensure your child will learn to swim gradually to include the introduction and mastery of various skill sets before progressing onto new skills. We will assist your child in growing more confident in a safe and loving aquatic environment. Visit www.vhw.org/HWAC for more information. 
Woodchucks Summer Camp
Let’s take an adventure this summer... a Woodchuck adventure! Registration for the 2022 summer camp season is now open. Campers explore and discover with friends through various crafts, activities, and games. Each week a theme will guide us on our adventures of music, art, sports, and more! Our variety camps are designed to encourage socialization, exploration, and discovery in a structured and fun environment. Our new sports camp will utilize the play of various sports to teach teamwork and sportsmanship. 
Our counselor-in-training program allows the opportunity for your future counselor to work alongside our experienced counselors learning leadership and teamwork skills, all while enjoying the fun of the camper experience. 
All campers will visit the Hawthorn Woods Aquatic Center once per week for one hour of swimming, weather permitting. 
Please register by May 15, 2022. Registration is limited. Woodchucks Summer Camp will follow all local, state, and federal COVID-19 precautions and guidelines. Visit www.vhw.org/Woodchucks for more information. 
Now Hiring Seasonal Summer Staff
Hawthorn Woods Summer Job Fair
Wednesday, March 30
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Hawthorn Woods Aquatic Center
Come meet our team and learn more about our summer job opportunities at summer camp and the Aquatic Center. We will speak with you to determine the best fit to ensure you have an enjoyable summer while earning money. There is no commitment to stop in. Snacks and games will be provided. Previous employees are welcome to come in and say hello! Attendees will have the opportunity to complete a job application or interview on the spot. This is a come-and-go as you please event. We look forward to meeting you! 
Be part of an amazing team! We are currently accepting applications from individuals 16 years of age and older to join our team this summer. Work outdoors, build professional skills, and enjoy your summer working in a team environment. Available positions:
  • Camp Counselors
  • Lifeguards
  • Aquatic Center Office Attendants
  • Swim Lesson Instructors
  • Parks & Recreation Intern
Village News
Tremendous Volunteer Effort To Clear Indian Creek Preserve!
On Saturday, February 19, the Stevenson Green Team, the residents of The Conservatory of Indian Creek subdivision, as well as additional community members (pictured here), spent the morning diligently clearing invasive Buckthorn at the Indian Creek Preserve, an 11-acre parcel of land in considerable need of restoration. 
The preserve is located on Seneca Avenue West in The Conservatory of Indian Creek and is composed of an upland forest, a wetland complex, and a creek. Over an acre of Buckthorn was cleared to create a new public use trail and three large garage bags of debris were collected by this incredible group of volunteers!
The Stevenson Green Team is a Stevenson High School student organization looking to promote a “greener” way of life for the Stevenson community. The students meet weekly to discuss, coordinate, and participate in events intended to create a more environmentally aware and friendly community.
Buckthorn is an invasive plant detrimental to the preservation of our woodlands, prairies, wetlands, and parks. Buckthorn squeezes out native plants. Its foliage creates dense shade, in which wildflowers, grasses, and shrubs are unable to survive. Its shade also prevents the growth of young oaks and damages soil and wildlife habitat.
A total of sixteen volunteers participated in this clearing effort!
The Village of Hawthorn Woods would like to applaud this group’s volunteerism in assisting to restore this park site. We are so very grateful for your service to our community!
The Village would like to thank Larry and Judy Friedrichs for organizing the neighborhood volunteer effort. Larry is the Executive Director and Founding Member of the Friends of Indian Creek Wetlands. Thank you, Larry and Judy!
The Village would also like to thank Peter and Jinah Waitzman, residents of The Conservatory of Indian Creek, for generously providing lunch for the volunteers that day. Thank you, Peter and Jinah!
Finally, we would like to acknowledge America in Bloom (AIB), a non-profit organization which promotes community enhancement programs, and the Canadian National Railway (CN), for generously providing $25,000 towards the upcoming reforestation of Indian Creek Preserve through the AIB/CN EcoConnexions From the Ground Up grant opportunity.
The next Indian Creek Preserve Volunteer Clean-Up Day (mentioned above) is scheduled for Saturday, March 19, from 9:00 a.m. to Noon, 3-1 Seneca Avenue West, Hawthorn Woods. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Brian Sullivan, Director of Parks and Recreation, at bsullivan@vhw.org or (847) 847-3531.
Partner with your parks and make a difference in your community! 
Hawthorn Woods Happenings Spring 2022 Newsletter 
Now Available Online!
The Village of Hawthorn Woods is pleased to announce that the Hawthorn Woods Happenings quarterly newsletter for the Spring of 2022 is now available online!
The contents of the newsletter include the following:
  • A message from Mayor DiMaggio
  • June 28, 2022 Road Referendum
  • What is Light Pollution?
We want all residents to stay connected and up-to-date on all events, programs, and Village business.
We look forward to seeing you out and about this spring!
Coffee And Conversation With Illinois State Representatives
Upcoming Meeting Calendar
Finance Committee Virtual Meeting
Monday, March 14, 6:00 p.m.
Village Board Meeting
Monday, March 28, 5:00 p.m.
If you would like to attend a virtual meeting, the meeting agenda will be posted 48 hours prior to the meeting on our Village website at vhw.org with Zoom link instructions.

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Village Administration
Chief Operating Officer

Chief Administrative Officer/Village Clerk

Your Elected Officials
2 Lagoon Drive | Hawthorn Woods, IL 60047
Ph: (847) 438-5500 | Fx: (847) 438-1459 
Village of Hawthorn Woods | 2 Lagoon DriveHawthorn Woods, IL 60047