
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Island Lake Village Board met Jan. 20

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Village of Island Lake Village Board met Jan. 20.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:

1. Call to Order at 7:03 p.m. by Mayor McLaughlin

2. Roll Call Present: Trustees Chuck Cermak, Thadd Lewis, Dan Powell and Stacey Pyne and Will Ziegler (remotely). Absent: Trustee Julie McManus. Also present: Mayor Richard McLaughlin, Clerk Georgine Cooper, Attorney David McArdle (remotely), Treasurer Dennis Murray, Police Sgt. James Gainer, Public Works Director Chris Carlsen, Planning and Zoning Chair Joe Zeinz (remotely), Building Official Ken Adkins (remotely), Engineer Kurt Baumann (Baxter & Woodman)

3. Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor McLaughlin

Mayor McLaughlin asked to move Agenda 8 up to be after the health insurance presentation.

4. Health Insurance Presentation, Colleen Roos

Colleen distributed a packet for February 1, 2022 insurance renewal. Current provider is Blue Cross Blue Shield. Initial renewal was 20% increase initially and was negotiated down to 14% ($267,000 annual premium). Recommendation for United Health Care that would save Village $22,000.

Trustee Powell: Does transition affect current providers for employees? Response: Only facility excluded was Northwest Community but they have been purchased by an in-network provider so that could change. Insurance business is cyclical; many carriers have experienced double digit increases. Deductible has decreased to $3,000. Trustee Pyne: Prescription drugs? Response: included in 3-tier options. Trustee Pyne: Emergency room costs

Mayor McLaughlin asked for consensus to accept the recommendation and to ratify it at the 2/10/2022 agenda and received it.

5. Public Comment included: none

6. Committee and Department Reports

a. Public Works, Trustee Powell

b. Lakes, Parks, Recreation, and Education, Trustee Pyne

c. Economic Development and Grants (no report)

d. Building and Zoning, Trustee Cermak

e. Police, Public Safety, and Ordinances, Trustee Lewis

f. Finance and Administration, Trustee Ziegler

7. Consent Agenda

a. Approve payment of bills totaling $299,231.65

b. Approve Minutes of the 12/09/2021 Village Board Meeting

c. Approve Mayor McLaughlin’s Village Board Standing Committee Appointment revisions

d. Approve payment to Berger Excavating Contractors in the amount of $111,887.07 for Water Improvement Project subject to receipt of certified payroll records and waivers

e. Approve Agreement between the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission and the Village of Island Lake for Island Lake Lake Management Plan in the amount of $10,350.00

f. Approve Power Remodeling Solicitor Permit

g. Grant permission for 2022 Annual Girl Scout Cookie Sale

Motion to approve consent agenda as presented by Trustee Powell, Second by Trustee Lewis Question: Trustee Powell: The amount of the third payment for Berger will be under the original amount.

Ayes: Trustees Cermak, Lewis, Powell, Pyne and Ziegler. Nays: none. Motion carried.



8. Approve plat of subdivision for Dollar General [moved to after health insurance presentation] Discussion: Alex Phelan: The goal is to get approval for plat of subdivision; asking to split off small part from a tract of land. Displayed site plan that was worked on with Building Official Ken Adkins and Baxter & Woodman Engineer Kurt Baumann.

Mayor McLaughlin: Question about trees and landscaping at the back of the store; pointed out that this is due to roots of trees interfering with storm water detention. Trustee Pyne asked about entrance and egress. Responses: Response: We are not able to fit landscaping in there; we don’t have an entrance on Route 176; IDOT and the Village of Engineer had no problem.

Trustee Cermak: Will there be a berm? Can you share the cost with owner of land behind the store? RE: Can timing of deliveries be change to a later time? Responses: There will be a fence. We haven’t been approached by land owner. They do not want to have trucks there when customers are there, so 6:00 a.m. is needed. Trustee Powell: There will be no backup on Route 176. Response: 50 feet to property line; won’t have front profile to most of the building. We can ask HOA to look at it. Trustee Pyne: Consider the impact of trucks on the entrance road. Trustee Powell: Will a 57’ trailer be accommodated? Noise should not be a problem. Route 176 has road noise all day long. Our Public Works starts early in the summer. Responses: 57’ trailer will be accommodated; noise should be no more than current level.

Motion to approve plat of subdivision by Trustee Cermak, Second by Trustee Powell

Ayes: Trustees Cermak, Lewis, Powell, Pyne and Ziegler. Nays: none. Motion carried.

9. Approve Ordinance 1643-22 Amending Title 1 and Title 3, RE: Video Gaming Discussion: Mayor McLaughlin: State allows us maximum of $250 per terminal, up from $25. Do we want to make a gradual change? Trustee Cermak: It’s a tax deductible amount for businesses; they get high revenues from video gaming. Trustee Powell: We have no more liquor licenses or video gaming available; believe we should go half way; our businesses support activities; both parts of ordinance should say $150. Mayor McLaughlin: Wouldn’t want to lose support for events. Trustee Cermak: Can you guarantee businesses would donate the difference. Trustee Pyne: Hear small businesses saying they stay alive because of the gaming machines. Trustee Lewis: The lowest earning machine made $60,000 for business.

Approve Ordinance 1643-22 Amending Title 1 and Title 3, RE: Video Gaming for $150 terminal fees by Trustee Lewis, Second by Trustee Pyne

Ayes: Trustees Lewis, Powell, Pyne and Ziegler. Nays: Cermak. Motion carried.

10. Approve Ordinance 1644-22 Amending Title 2, Boards and Commissions, Section 2-1-1 Discussion: To make our ordinance consistent with the State code so that our chair is a member as well.

Approve Ordinance 1644-22 Amending Title 2, Boards and Commissions, Section 2-1-2 by Trustee Powell, Second by Trustee Lewis

Ayes: Trustees Cermak, Lewis, Powell, Pyne and Ziegler. Nays: none. Motion carried.

11. Discussion of Project Prioritization for 2022-2023 Budget Year

Trustee Pyne: We need to discuss our priorities as a Board so that they can be reflected in the budget. Trustee Powell: Departments make wish list and bring it to the Finance Committee, as was done last year with Treasurer McGinty; we got a lot done within the budget. Trustee Pyne: How we decide we are all on the same page and make decisions? Trustee Ziegler: One thing we need to do that we haven’t is to have a vision and a mission that guides finance discussion. We need to have discussions to decide how to steer the ship. We discuss at the Finance Committee meetings what directors put together as needs. We’re coming up on Finance season; we can factor vision in. Trustee Lewis: We are separate elected people am conveying to budgetary people what the department needs; projects, equipment and needs will come from department heads and the needs of the community. Mayor McLaughlin: Do your homework with your departments in preparation for budget meetings. Chair Zeinz: We are working on Comprehensive Plan; would be ready by April at the earliest.

Mayor McLaughlin asked for consensus to cancel 1/27/2022 board meeting; it was received.

12. Mayor Comments included: New houses to be built in Walnut Glen; should be close to 30 – 40 houses; phase 2 of Walnut Glen will be next; looking a property on Dowell and Neville. Businesses need population to sustain them. Ice skating ring is in use; good job by Public Works to get it ready. Office closure is due to COVID surge; are sanitizing and protecting residents. Public Works Director suggested it was a good time to do repairs and improvements. We are looking to have a display case for veterans; working with Senator McConchie to get grant for ADA accessibility at Converse Park. Rep. Lauren Underwood will come here next week for funding for water. Thanked Treasurer Murray for getting Village on track with finances. Building Official Adkins: Will issue 12 new construction permits by the end of the month; are talking with Pulte about Phase 2.

13. Trustee and Staff Comments included: Trustee Lewis: Clarification: Village is not closed—lobby is; praise to staff who works hard to continue to serve the Village; kudos to Public Works for improvements to the lobby. Trustee Powell: Praised Public Works for building refurbishments; good news about data for time in Public Works for evaluating costs—should be ready in fall of 2022; manpower goes to park maintenance, grass cutting and storm water management; will have better understanding to allocate resources. Trustee Pyne: In the packet is the agreement with Lake County Stormwater Management for lake study; continue to work on refining what the work will be—should be ready in February. Trustee Ziegler: Praised Public Works for projects; praised Treasurer Murray for getting books in line and working on policy. Clerk Cooper: Many ways to pay when office is closed to the public; office is helping with special needs; mayor is the only one who can sign contracts—they should all be reviewed by him and approved by the board; we have currently sold about 31% of vehicle stickers. Official Adkins: Getting permits issued and waiting for weather to break; Dollar General would like to break ground late March/early April.

14. Public Comment included: Resident: Looking at moving a business into a warehouse in Island Lake and is looking at renting a space to breed bugs for reptile feeding. He can call the office to be directed to allowable uses in the ordinances.


Motion to adjourn by Trustee Powell Second by Trustee Cermak

Ayes: Trustees Cermak, Lewis, Powell, Pyne and Ziegler. Nays: none. Motion carried at 8:30 p.m.
