
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Lake County Health and Community Services Committee met Jan. 10

Lake County Health and Community Services Committee met Jan. 10.

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call of Members

4. Addenda to the Agenda

5. Public Comment (Items not on the agenda)

6. Chair's Remarks

7. Unfinished Business

8. New Business

CONSENT AGENDA (Items 8.1 - 8.2)


8.1 23-0061

Committee action approving the Health and Community Services Budget Hearing minutes from October 18, 2022.

8.2 23-0060

Committee action approving the Health and Community Services minutes from November 1, 2022.



8.3 22-1644

Joint resolution approving a Substantial Amendment to the Neighborhood Stabilization Program Round 1 (NSP1) Action Plan.

∙ In 2008, Lake County was awarded $4,600,800 of Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) funds for the purpose of investing in housing in neighborhoods impacted by the foreclosure crisis.

∙ The $6,057,853 of program income generated when homes are resold, has been reinvested in additional projects.

∙ The final unallocated balance of NSP1 funds of $3,837 will be assigned to Community Partners for Affordable Housing (CPAH) for the active rental project at 2101-2107 Georgetown Lane, Waukegan.

∙ This final allocation will allow staff to close out the NSP program with HUD.

8.4 22-1645

Joint resolution approving a Substantial Amendment to the Neighborhood Stabilization Program Round 3 (NSP3) Action Plan.

∙ In 2011, Lake County was awarded $1,370,422 of Neighborhood Stabilization Program funds for the purpose of investing in housing in neighborhoods impacted by the foreclosure crisis.

∙ The $1,021,596 of program income generated when homes are resold, has been reinvested in additional projects.

∙ Unallocated NSP3 funds in the amount of $88,212 will be assigned to Community Partners for Affordable Housing (CPAH) for the active rental project at 2101-2107 Georgetown Lane, Waukegan.

∙ The balance of NSP3 funds ($64,007) will be allocated to future Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) eligible activities as part of the NSP closeout process.

8.5 23-0122

Homeless Point in Time Count Event and Data Presentation.

9. County Administrator's Report

10. Executive Session

11. Members' Remarks

12. Adjournment

Next Meeting: January 31, 2023
