
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Highland Park Zoning Board of Appeals met May 18

City of Highland Park Zoning Board of Appeals met May 18

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1) Call to Order

2) Approval of Minutes:

a) 03/16/2023 Zoning Board of Appeals Draft Minutes

b) 04/20/2023 Zoning Board of Appeals Draft Minutes

c) 05/04/2023 Zoning Board of Appeals Draft Minutes

3) Publication Date for New Business: 05/03/2023

4) Business from the Public

5) Old Business

6) New Business:

a) #2023-VAR-007

Property: 1126 Lincoln Avenue S

Zoning District: R4

Appellant: Robert Shrago

Address: 1171 Beech Lane, Highland Park, IL 60035

The petitioner Robert Shrago of 1171 Beech Lane, Highland Park, IL 60035, on-behalf-of the property owner Andrew Schiller, of 1126 Lincoln Avenue S, Highland Park, IL 60035, requests by authority of Section 150.1204(A)(1), of the Highland Park Zoning Code, variations of provisions of Section 150.105.A and Section 150.711.A, to (i) encroach 10.2 feet within the required 65.44 feet Established Building Setback measured from the east property line along Lincoln Avenue S, in order to construct an addition.

7) Staff Report

8) Miscellaneous

a) Resolution Honoring Outgoing Student Representative

b) Legal Training

9) Adjournment
