
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Lake Forest City Council met April 17

City of Lake Forest City Council met April 17

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

 CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: Mayor Pandaleon called the meeting to order at 7:20p.m., and City Clerk Margaret Boyer called the roll of Council members.

Present: Alderman Morris, Alderman Novit, Alderman Rummel, Alderman Notz, Alderman Preschlack, Alderman Goshgarian, and Alderman Weber.

Absent: none.





Mayor Pandaleon reported that the City received its rating from Moody’s. They have continued the City’s bond rating at Aaa, noting the City’s financial status as stable while noting its pension contribution practices.

Mayor Pandaleon also reported the recent ribbon cutting for Hometown Coffee and Juice, noting that they are another positive addition to the community.

Mayor Pandaleon also reminded residents about the upcoming Ward meetings. He stated that the Ward 1 meeting will be on Tuesday, April 18, 2023, at Gorton Community Center, with the Ward 2 meeting occurring on Tuesday, April 25 at Gorton Community Center.

A. Resolution of Sympathy for former Mayor James E. Swarthout 

Mayor Pandaleon read the resolution and asked for a motion.

COUNCIL ACTION: Approval of a Resolution of Sympathy for former Mayor James E. Swarthout 

Alderman Preschlack made a motion to approve the Resolution of Sympathy for former Mayor James E. Swarthout, seconded by Alderman Rummel. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.

Tom Swarthout, expressed his thanks to the City Council and City staff, noting his father’s dedication to his family and his community.

B. Lake Forest Day Proclamation 

Mayor Pandaleon read the Proclamation.

C. Resolution of Appreciation for Former Fourth Ward Alderman Raymond P. Buschmann 

Mayor Pandaleon read the Resolution and asked for a motion.

COUNCIL ACTION: Approval of a Resolution of Appreciation for Former Alderman Raymond P. Buschmann 

Alderman Weber made a motion to approve the Resolution of Appreciation for Former Alderman Raymond P. Buschmann, seconded by Alderman Rummel. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote.


A. Community Spotlight 

- Lake Forest Lake Bluff History Center 

- Carol Summerfield, Executive Director 

Ms. Summerfield gave a presentation to the City Council outlining the goals of the organization. She noted the benefits of the Garden Initiative, stewardship of the land itself, and architectural design.

The City Council thanked Ms. Summerfield for her work, and had a discussion on environmentally sensitive developments, the progress of the Lake Forest Lake Bluff History Center, and the design history of Lake Forest.




A. Approval of the Comprehensive Fiscal Plan for FY2024 

Alderman Morris, Chairman of the Finance Committee, introduced Elizabeth Holleb to give a presentation on the Comprehensive Fiscal Plan for Fiscal Year 2024.

Ms. Holleb thanked all staff who contributed to the project. She noted long-term planning goals, service levels broken down by fund, general fund estimates for Fiscal Year 2023, and notable Fiscal Year 2024 capital projects, relating back to Strategic Planning initiatives. Based on fund accounting, Ms. Holleb reported the Fiscal Year 2023 revenues combined with the Fiscal Year 2024 expenses. She also reported the 5-year Capital Improvement Program, noting $72.23 million in capital improvements for FY 2024, funded in large part by successful grant funding.

Mayor Pandaleon noted other revenue sources within the community, namely organizations such as IDOT and Metra, that benefit the community with the City’s investment in private partnerships.

Mayor Pandaleon asked if any members of the public would like to comment. Seeing none, he asked for a motion.

COUNCIL ACTION: Approve the Comprehensive Fiscal Plan for Fiscal Year 2024 

Alderman Goshgarian made a motion to approve the comprehensive fiscal plan for fiscal year 2024, seconded by Alderman Notz. The following voted “Aye”: Alderman Morris, Novit, Rummel, Notz, Preschlack, Goshgarian, and Weber. The following voted “Nay”: none. 7-Ayes, 0-Nays, motion carried.

B. Consideration of an Ordinance providing for the issuance of $10,825,000 (subject to change) General Obligation Bonds, Series 2023, of the City of Lake Forest, Lake County, Illinois, for the purpose of financing improvements to the City’s Deerpath Park Athletic Field, including the site work, design and engineering related thereto, providing for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, and authorizing the sale of said bonds to the purchaser thereof. (Second Reading and Final Approval) 

Ms. Elizabeth Holleb, Finance Director, gave a summary of the updated ordinance, noting bond proceeds, the City’s Aaa bond rating, and the bond sale results. She reported Mesirow Financial as the successful bidder. She acknowledged and thanked Speer Financial, and Chapman and Cutler as Bond Counsel.

Mayor Pandaleon asked if any members of the public would like to comment. Seeing none, he asked for a motion.

COUNCIL ACTION: to approve Ordinance providing for the issuance of $10,770,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2023, of the City of Lake Forest, Lake County, Illinois, for the purpose of financing improvements to the City’s Deerpath Park Athletic Field, including the site work, design and engineering related thereto, providing for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, and authorizing the sale of said bonds to Mesirow Financial, Inc., New York, New York 

Alderman Goshgarian made a motion to approve Ordinance providing for the issuance of $10,770,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2023, of the City of Lake Forest, Lake County, Illinois, for the purpose of financing improvements to the City’s Deerpath Park Athletic Field, including the site work, design and engineering related thereto, providing for the levy and collection of a direct annual tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest on said bonds, and authorizing the sale of said bonds to Mesirow Financial, Inc., New York, New York, seconded by Alderman Preschlack. The following voted “Aye”: Alderman Morris, Novit, Notz, Preschlack, Goshgarian, and Weber. The following voted “Nay”: Alderman Rummel. 6-Ayes, 1-Nay, motion carried.

C. Consideration of an Ordinance making a Supplemental Appropriation for the Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2022, and Ending April 30, 2023 (First Reading, and if Desired by the City Council, Final Approval) 

Ms. Elizabeth Holleb gave the Council a summary of the agenda item, noting that the Liability Insurance Fund is expected to go over budget due to the Intergovernmental Risk Management Agency expenses.

Mayor Pandaleon asked if any members of the public would like to comment. Seeing none, he asked for a motion.

COUNCIL ACTION: If determined to be appropriate by the City Council, waive first reading and grant final approval of the Ordinance making a supplemental appropriation for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2022 and ending April 30, 2023. 

Alderman Preschlack made a motion to waive first reading and grant final approval of the Ordinance making a supplemental appropriation for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2022 and ending April 30, 2023, seconded by Alderman Rummel. The following voted “Aye”: Alderman Morris, Novit, Rummel, Notz, Preschlack, Goshgarian, and Weber. The following voted “Nay”: none. 7-Ayes, 0-Nays, motion carried.


1. Approval of April 3, 2023, City Council Meeting Minutes 

2. Consideration of a Request to Waive the Fidelity Bond Requirement in Connection with Holding a Raffle in the City of Lake Forest for Lake Forest High School Foundation (Approval by Motion) 

3. Approval of Three Year Contract with Linebarger Goggan Blair & Sampson, LLP for Collection Services

4. Approval of FY24 Administrative Directives Updates 

5. Approval to Engage The Driscoll Firm, LLC; Kennedy & Madonna, LLP; SL Environmental Law Group PC; Douglas & London, P.C.; Levin, Papantonio, Rafferty, Proctor, Buchanan, O’Brien, Barr, Mougey, P.A., and Taft Stettinius & Hollister, LLP Legal Services 

6. Consideration of a Contribution to the History Center in the Amount of $75,000 to Support the Garden Initiative Project (Approve by motion). 

7. Approval of Two Items for the Lake Woodbine Bridge- First: Approval of an Illinois Department of Transportation Resolution Appropriating an Additional $150,000 (Total $400,000) in Rebuild Illinois Funds to be used for Phase II Design Engineering Services of the Lake Woodbine Bridge. Second: Approval of Phase II Design Engineering Services for the Lake Woodbine Bridge Project to H.W. Lochner, Inc., and Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Agreement in the Amount of $380,058 to Include a 5% Contingency in the Amount of $19,003 for a Total Cost of $399,061 in addition to authorization to complete additional paperwork as required by IDOT related to work on this Project 

8. Award of the Low Bid for the 2023 Patching & Resurfacing Project to J.A. Johnson Paving Co., and Authorize the City Manager to Execute an Agreement in the Amount Not to Exceed $1,595,000 

9. Award of Proposal for ADA Transition Plan Design Services to LCM Architects in the Amount of $50,000 

10. Consideration of the Waiver of Permit Fees Related to the Construction of a Monument in Veterans Park on the Southeast Corner of Deerpath and Green Bay Road. (Approval by Motion) 

11. Consideration of an Ordinance Approving a Recommendation from the Building Review Board. (First Reading, and if Desired by the City Council, Final Approval) 

COUNCIL ACTION: Approval of the eleven (11) Omnibus items as presented. 

Mayor Pandaleon asked members of the City Council if there were any items that they would like removed or taken separately. Seeing none, he asked for a motion.

Alderman Weber made a motion to approve the eleven (11) Omnibus items as presented, seconded by Alderman Preschlack. The following voted “Aye”: Alderman Morris, Rummel, Novit, Notz, Preschlack, Goshgarian, and Weber. The following voted “Nay”: none. 7-Ayes, 0-Nays, motion carried.

Information such as Purpose and Action Requested, Background/Discussion, Budget/Fiscal Impact, Recommended Action and a Staff Contact as it relates to the Omnibus items can be found on the agenda. 




Alderman Goshgarian stated that Lake Forest has the lowest tax rate in Lake County and noted the incredible services provided. Alderman Weber thanked Reagan Walsh and Dana Olson for all their work at the Ward meeting. Alderman Morris thanked Catherine Czerniak for all her work associated with all the new restaurants in town.


There being no further business Mayor Pandaleon asked for a motion. Alderman Preschlack made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Alderman Notz. Motion carried unanimously by voice vote at 8:26p.m.
