
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of Zion City Council met May 16

City of Zion City Council met May 16

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor McKinney called the meeting to order.

On call of the roll the following answered present: Commissioners Fischer, Holmes, McDowell and Mayor McKinney. Commissioner Frierson was absent. A quorum was present.

Also present: Police Chief Eric Barden, Fire/Rescue Chief Justin Stried, Building & Zoning Director Richard Ianson, Accounts & Finance Director Kris Conway, City Administrator David Knabel and City Attorney James Vasselli. Public Works Director Ray Roberts was absent.

Mr. Bremner led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


It was moved by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner Holmes to accept the City Council meeting agenda as presented.

The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; Holmes aye; McDowell, aye; and Mayor McKinney, aye. Motion carried.


There were no Citizen Comments.


It was moved by Commissioner Holmes, seconded by Commissioner McDowell that the Minutes be approved as follows:

(a) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: a Regular Meeting held May 2, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; Holmes, aye; McDowell, aye; and Mayor McKinney, aye. Motion carried.

It was moved by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner McDowell that the Bills be approved as follows:

(a) BILLS: Vouchers 143196 through 143274 drawn on Huntington National Bank, N.A. Total: $481,695.80.

The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; Holmes, aye; McDowell, aye; and Mayor McKinney, aye. Motion carried.


It was moved by Commissioner Holmes, seconded by Commissioner McDowell, that an Ordinance (23- O-26) be passed authorizing a lease between Martha’s Daycare Inc. and the City of Zion for property at 1225 27th Street for use by the daycare facility for an outdoor playground.

The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; Holmes, aye; McDowell, aye; and Mayor McKinney, aye. Motion carried. Ordinance passed.


A memo (23-DOC-40) was received from Chief Stried requesting approval of a preventative maintenance contract for cardiac monitors in the Fire/Rescue Department. Chief Stried stated Bio-Tron, Inc. from Westfield, IN and has been providing preventative maintenance on the Zoll cardiac monitors for the last few years. The cost for this service is $1,900 and is budgeted for in the EMS equipment line. The contract will be effective June 1, 2023 through May 31, 2024. The increase of $400 is due to the addition of one monitor for the fourth ambulance.

It was moved by Commissioner McDowell, seconded by Commissioner Fischer that an Ordinance (23-O 27) be passed authorizing and approving a preventative maintenance contract between the City of Zion and Bio-Tron, Inc. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; Holmes, aye; McDowell, aye; and Mayor McKinney, aye. Motion carried. Ordinance passed.


A memo (23-DOC-41) was received from Administrator Knabel requesting approval of a proposal from Total Paving & Brick Services. Administrator Knabel stated that on April 20, 2023 the Brighton Ponds SSA #1 Commission requested Council approve a proposal for Total Paving & Brick Services to fill sixty (60) potholes located throughout the Brighton Ponds Subdivision. The estimate included cleaning the potholes of debris, priming for adhesion and filling holes with hot bituminous surface and compact. The quote is valid until June 1, 2023. The Commission is requesting an advance of levied taxes from the City to pay for these services. Repayment of these funds would be made in the amount of $3,010 over the next four (4) years with the first payment beginning November 2023. The reason for this request is due to timing. The first round of property taxes is due to the County in June, which is also the expiration date of the quote. The advance payment and repayment proposal will allow the Brighton Ponds SSA to address immediate maintenance needs while leaving some funding to secure snow removal services for the winter. Staff recommends approval of the proposal from Total Paving and Brick Services in the amount of $12,040. Commissioner Holmes asked when new residents move into the subdivision, who is responsible for letting them know the history. Administrator Knabel stated the SSA fee would most likely show up on a current tax bill. The SSA that is in place now has been established by the homeowners currently in the subdivision. He stated it is up to the purchaser to do their due diligence on where they purchase a home. Mayor McKinney stated it should be up to the realtor to disclose that the subdivision has private roads and infrastructure.

It was moved by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Holmes, that an Ordinance (23-O 28) be passed authorizing a proposal from Total Paving and Brick Services Inc. to provide special services to the Brighton Ponds Subdivision Special Service Area No. 1. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; Holmes, aye; McDowell, aye; and Mayor McKinney, aye. Motion carried. Ordinance passed.


A memo (23-DOC-42) was received from Director Ianson requesting a Variance from Section 102-32(b) of the Zion Municipal Code. Mr. Jeff Swansey of Swansey Enterprise is seeking a Variance to request a 5-foot reduction in lot width for PIN numbers 04-16-303-038, 04-16-303-039, 04-16-303-40 and 04-16- 303-041, Zoning Docket 23-Z-8. In the year 2000, the final Plat of Subdivision was approved with the current approximate widths of 55 feet. The current code in R-8 Zoning District is 60 feet. At the May 4, 2023 Planning & Zoning meeting, they recommended to approve the Variance request.

It was moved by Commissioner Holmes, seconded by Commissioner McDowell that an Ordinance (23-O 29) be passed granting a Variance from Section 102-32(b) of the Zion Municipal Code to allow a 5-foot reduction in lot width for PIN numbers, 04-16-303-038, 04-16-303-039, 04-16-303-40 and 04-16-303-041. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; Holmes, aye; McDowell, aye; and Mayor McKinney, aye. Motion carried. Ordinance passed.


It was moved by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner McDowell to appoint:

Christopher Fischer as Commissioner of Accounts and Finance/Mayor Pro Tem Mike McDowell as Commissioner of Public Health & Safety

Jacqueline Holmes as Commissioner of Public Works & Engineering

Richard Frierson as Commissioner of Building, Zoning and Public Property

Billy McKinney as Commissioner of Public Affairs

The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; Holmes, aye; McDowell, aye; and Mayor McKinney, aye. Motion carried.


Mayor McKinney recommended appointments for Department Heads, Legal Counsel and City Treasurer.

It was moved by Commissioner Holmes, seconded by Commissioner Fischer to appoint Department Heads, Legal Counsel and City Treasurer from May 1, 2023 through April 30, 2024 as follows:

Ottosen Dinolfo Hasenbalg & Castaldo, Ltd. City and Prosecuting Attorneys David Knabel Director of Accounts & Finance Sheryl Spooner City Clerk

Eric Barden Police Chief

Justin Stried Fire/Rescue Chief

Ray Roberts Director of Public Works & Engineering Rich Ianson Director of Building, Zoning & Public Property Mary Lou Hiltibran ESDA Field Director

Brandon Busch Assistant ESDA Field Director

Eric Bradley City Treasurer

The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; Holmes, aye; McDowell, aye; and Mayor McKinney, aye. Motion carried.


It was moved by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner McDowell to appoint the following members to City Boards and Commissions:

Accident Review Board

Lake Mound Cemetery Board  

Fire Chief Justin Stried Brian Haske

Lt. Derek Zaloudek

Officer Piotr Jamka

Electrical Commission

Rich Ianson

Merlin Kreis

Justin Stried

Dave Geer

John Hucker

Pat Buchanan

Fire and Police Commission 

Tim Bartlett

Fire Pension Board

Matt Henby

Lake Mound Cemetery Board 

David Knabel

Sheryl Spooner

Blake Rogers

Liquor Control Board 

Beverly Mull

Police Pension Board 

Mariann Carlton 

TIF Review Board

Eric Bradley

Takeisha Adams  

The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Fischer, aye; Holmes, aye; McDowell, aye; and Mayor McKinney, aye. Motion carried.


Director Ianson stated they are still taking applications for their seasonal lawn crew. They are looking for a Supervisor that must be 18 years or older and grass cutters that must be at least 16 years or older. Information is posted on the City of Zion website. Mayor McKinney stated in the meantime Lead Property Inspector Bob Surano is doing the mowing of the vacant properties. He asked that residents be patient as the City gets to the lawns.

Chief Stried reminded residents that they still have free smoke detectors available for residents. They also have staff that will come to the home and install them. Additionally, they also offer CPR training. Information is available on the City of Zion website.

Chief Barden asked that residents call Crime Stoppers at 847-662-2222 with any information that could help police solve crimes. All calls are anonymous. Additionally, he reminded residents to sign up for Blackboard Connect so they may receive emergency or informative information.

Director Conway reminded residents that vehicle stickers are expired and renewal stickers are available. The cost is $50 for two years, $25 for 65 and older and free for 70 years and older.

Administrator Knabel stated the CEJA notification for the funding from the State has become available as of May 9, 2023. The information included the amount each taxing body will receive until the year 2045. He believes the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) has over reached on the language and put restrictions on the funds. He is looking to reach out to them to make sure the taxing bodies will qualify for the grant. He asked the Council to consider what they believe is the best use of the $2 million in funds. He stated currently the City has many aging facilities that need attention but realized that there is a tax burden on the community since the closure of the nuclear plant. He stressed that the purpose of the funds was to help offset the high taxes. He proposed that 25% of additional funding go to the City of Zion ($498,174) and the remaining 75% ($1,494,523) be abated. He is trying to guide the rest of the taxing bodies to do the same. He stated unfortunately, the City’s abatement would have minimal impact on the tax bill (a 1 ½% reduction) and will put the City at a financial disadvantage. The goal is to get all the taxing bodies to abate 75% of their funding in order to make an impact on taxes. He believes the grant gives them a huge opportunity to help move Zion forward. Mayor McKinney stated they have spent a lot of time working with the taxing bodies and DCEO to change the language in the grant so they may use the money as they see fit. Administrator Knabel stated the language in the Act is unclear. DCEO is a grant-based organization and used their template that they have for other grants for this particular grant. For now, the deadline to submit the application for the grant is June 30th. Commissioner Fischer asked if they would be locked into future uses based on the restrictions. Administrator Knabel stated the grant will be disbursed on an annual basis but they must still re-apply annually. He believes that the City will continue to qualify based on their project needs. He would like to consider a long-term project in the future. Commissioner McDowell stated that he appreciates that Administrator Knabel will present the proposal to the taxing bodies as it should be a joint decision. He asked that he bring the results of the discussions with the taxing bodies back to the Council. He wondered if the City of Zion was specifically identified on the application. Additionally, he noticed that there are other taxing bodies on the list that have not been part of the process. He noted that this should be brought to the attention of the Legislators. He asked what leverage they have for the other taxing bodies to abate. Administrator Knabel stated they do not have any leverage just peer pressure. Commissioner Fischer stated they should fulfill the intent that was originally discussed. If they did receive money from the State the idea was for all of the taxing bodies to abate the taxes. Commissioner McDowell confirmed that if they get money from the Federal Government, then the money from the State would go away so as not to “double dip”.

Commissioner McDowell noted that a grass roots effort campaign has been formed to help restore Ester’s Well. There will be a ground breaking on June 21st at 6:00 p.m. and the ribbon cutting for the restoration will take place on July 12th at 6:00 p.m. He noted that the original well was dedicated in July 1902. He asked for the public’s help in obtaining the funds for the restoration. Pledge sheets are available at the Township office or a GoFundMe page is set up under the name Ester’s Well. Donations may also be dropped off at the Zion Historical Society. He shared the history of Ester’s Well and how it became a place to gather for prayer and meditation. He noted that it has even been used more recently to pray for District 6 Superintendent Keely Roberts and her family following the Highland Park parade tragedy.

Commissioner Holmes shared an invitation for an event at United Methodist Church. The State of the City event will take place on May 27th at 1:00 p.m. at the Fellowship Hall. This will give the elected officials a chance to talk about why they ran for their positions.


May 29 City Offices Closed for the Holiday 

June 6 7:00 p.m. Zion City Council Meeting

June 20 6:00 p.m. Zion Township Board Meeting 

7:00 p.m. Zion City Council Meeting


There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Holmes and unanimously approved the meeting be adjourned at 8:43 p.m. Motion carried.
