
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

City of North Chicago Public Safety Committee met May 15

City of North Chicago Public Safety Committee met May 15.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Alderman Jackson called the meeting to order.


Present: Jackson, Coleman, Evans, Murphy, January

Absent: Allen, Smith


Fire Chief John Umek provided an overview of the Fire Department Report. There was a question addressed by Alderman Allen at the last meeting with the final information on opioid overdoses in the City of North Chicago. Alderman January asked for clarification if the stats had increased for the City; Chief Umek acknowledged that it had. He continued; Narcan was an over-the-counter; opioid reversal medication if used in enough time of over-dose. He said it was non-addictive; the provided link was for public purpose; could obtain the Narcan through the Lake County Health Department.

Alderman Jackson questioned if any storage restriction for the medication; Chief Umek said there weren’t but did not recommend storing in vehicles because it’s hotter.

He alerted; if anyone suspected an opioid overdose to contact 911; trying to maintain their alertness, lying subject on their side to prevent any choking and staying with them until emergency arrive. He instructed how to administer the Narcan.

Alderman Smith asked if any liability with anyone who administered the medication; Chief Umek was unaware. Alderman January added that 911 would be able to manage the situation.

Alderman Smith questioned the composition of the opioid medication being distributed; Chief Umek explained.

Chief Umek stated were pushing education towards the youth in the communities. Alderman January explained Home Health Organizations were providing Narcan for any Vicodin drug overdoses and pharmacies were also distributing it at this time.

Chief Umek announced the “Touch a Truck Event”, featuring the new ambulance, that would be located in Gurnee and there were available flyers.

Alderman Coleman commented on the helpful information received from the North Chicago Fire Department.

Alderman Jackson asked if they had received the new ambulance; Chief Umek acknowledged a 2022 Ambulance arrived days prior and he offered the council members to view it.

Alderman January moved, seconded by Alderman Smith that the Public Safety Committee Meeting stand adjourned.


Ayes: Jackson, Coleman, Evans, Smith, Murphy, January

Nays: None

Absent: Allen

The meeting adjourned at 7:36 p.m.
