
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Highland Park Zoning Board of Appeals met June 1

City of Highland Park Zoning Board of Appeals met June 1.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


 At 7:34 p.m., Chairperson Cullather called the meeting to order. This Commission meeting takes place on site. Staff was asked to call the roll.


Commissioners Present: Chairperson Cullather; Commissioners Bay, Beck, Hendrick, & Treshansky 

Commissioners Absent: Commissioners Yablon & Zaransky

Councilmembers Present: Ross & Tapia

Student Council Absent: Risko-Juarez

Staff declared that a quorum was present.

Guests Present: Nicholas Siegel, Petitioner

Ramona Choos, Resident

Staff Present: Burhop & Hoffmann.

Others Present: Gale Cerabona/Minute Taker

Senior Planner Burhop extended introductions of new Minute Taker, Gale Cerabona; new Planner II, Patrick Hoffmann; future ZBA City Council Liaison, Councilperson Yumi Ross; and current Councilmember Tapia. 

Chairperson Cullather welcomed Planner Hoffmann who advised he is a recent graduate of UIC and received his degree in Urban Planning. He noted this is his first Planner position.

Commissioner Treshansky arrived at 7:35 p.m.

Councilperson Tapia stated this is his last ZBA meeting as Council Liaison. He noted he learned a lot from the ZBA especially care and empathy for residents along with setbacks, code challenges, etc. Councilperson Tapia gave honor to the ZBA members for their volunteerism. This was his first commission to be Liaison to the ZBA. He will take the knowledge he gained with him.

Councilperson Ross noted she has a Master’s in Architecture as does her husband, Doug. She thanked Councilperson Tapia and the ZBA for their service. This is her first meeting as a City Council Liaison; she will listen and support the conversation.


There were no Minutes to Approve.


The Publication Date for New Business was May 17, 2023.


There was no Business from the Public.


There was no Old Business.


1. #2023-VAR-008

Property: 771 Thackeray Drive

Zoning District: R5

Appellant: Nicholas Siegel

Address: 771 Thackeray Drive, Highland Park, IL 60035

 The petitioner and property owners Nicholas and Samantha Siegel of 771 Thackeray Drive, Highland Park, IL 60035, request by authority of Section 150.1204.A.14., of the Highland Park Zoning Code, variation of provisions of Section 150.707.B.1, to (i) encroach 40 feet within the required 40 feet Subdivision Building line measured from the west (along Saxony Drive) and south (Thackeray Drive) property lines, in order to install a fence.

Senior Planner Burhop explained the proposal:

∙ Site location (corner lot)

∙ Project background

∙ Built in 1971

∙ Proposal includes:

o adding a fence

o requested relief:

▪ to encroach 28’ within 40’ of the Subdivision Building Line (SBL) from the west property line

∙ Aerial view and Site Plan were shown

∙ Subdivision

∙ Applicant photos were illustrated

∙ Other Comments

Commissioner Beck asked if the retaining wall is encroaching within the SBL. Senior Planner Burhop stated fences do not pertain to this.

Petitioner, Nicholas Siegel, owner of 771 Thackeray Drive, was sworn in and stated they have two young children, so a fence is proposed for safety. He noted there was a fence on the west side before the demolition occurred last summer (when they added retaining wall); fence will now go on the retaining wall. 

Chairperson Cullather asked and Mr. Siegel read comments on the standards of review while offering rationale. Mr. Siegel noted 3-5 of the 8 properties have fences. The hardship is safety for their children. The slope goes into the street; cars speed down. It doesn’t change the character. The black aluminum fence will not impact light and air toward the neighbors.

Some ZBA comments are:

∙ Commissioner Bay asked:

o where the fence is. Mr. Siegel noted on the retaining wall. Trees are taller than the fence.  

o if there is a 3’ drop off. Mr. Siegel stated there is.

o if the purpose of the retaining wall is the grading. Mr. Siegel explained the concrete patio noting there is now more play area.

∙ Chairperson Cullather asked if the fence was considered to be behind the trees. Mr. Siegel stated it is consistent with the neighborhood, and it is nicer to see trees inside the fence. 

Senior Planner Burhop asked if, on the site plan, the fence is going to cut back along the north property line. Mr. Siegel said they are unsure as of yet as they like their neighbors, and their children play together. 

Chairperson Cullather then asked Staff, if Petitioner replaced the fence, would this have to come before the ZBA? Senior Planner Burhop stated not if it is no fault of the Petitioner’s. He recommended asking Petitioner if he would like to amend the application tonight.

Chairperson Cullather asked if anyone in the audience wishes to speak. The following was sworn in: 

∙ Ramona Choos 950 Green Bay Road

Mrs. Choos stated when they built their house, they had a Zachary address. They love living on Green Bay Road. It was and is a beautiful area. Fences tend to look like a ghetto (with wood and all different materials). Erecting a fence will not help the situation. The neighbors placed a lannon stone flower box container which is lovely.

She asked what the material of the fence will be, and noted more fences could be forthcoming in the neighborhood. It is not dangerous living on Green Bay Road as she raised 4 children there. Children should play in their backyard. Ms. Choos asked if the fence would be added at the end of the garage. Fences are not needed. Her backyard is on the north side of her house. 

Mr. Siegel replied the fence is slatted black metal. He noted they enjoy the plantings and natural trees. The only fence near the garage is a very small area to the tree line so their children are safe. 

Mrs. Choos responded that a black metal fence is unbecoming to the neighborhood. Foliage could be added. Their sidewalk is narrow. She noted she has trees, bushes, and grass. 

Mr. Siegal understands the concern. One will be able to see through the fence. He reiterated the whole goal is to provide safety for their children. It shouldn’t be a nuisance. Trees will be able to be viewed. Mr. Siegal stated he is happy to work with Mrs. Choos.

Mrs. Choos asked how high the fence is. Senior Planner Burhop stated 4’, and noted other areas of the fence could be higher.

More ZBA comments:

∙ Commissioner Beck stated there is a hardship. It’s a minimal ask. He is in favor. 

∙ Commissioner Hendrick complimented the Petitioner on the presentation. The standards have been met. The hardship is the corner lot. This makes sense.

∙ Commissioner Treshansky concurred. This request is strictly for safety reasons. He is in favor.  

∙ Commissioner Bay concurred and is in favor.

∙ Chairperson Cullather concurs. His personal preference is to place the fence behind the tree. The standards have been met. He noted this is a good proposal and suggests speaking with neighbors for future projects.

Councilperson Tapia reminded the Applicant is open to working with the neighbor. 

Councilperson Ross asked if Petitioner spoke to the neighbor at 957 Green Bay Road. Mr. Siegel noted he has spoken to all of the neighbors. He knocked on Mrs. Choos’ door several times to no avail. His children play with the children who live at 957 Green Bay Road, and the owners are in support of this project. 

Senior Planner Burhop advised he received 4-6 phone calls. He explained the proposal and notified these residents of when this ZBA meeting takes place.

Commissioner Bay moved to adopt the order as written. Commissioner Hendrick seconded the motion. 

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea Chairperson Cullather; Commissioners Bay, Beck, Hendrick, & Treshansky 

Voting Nay: None

Staff declared that the motion passed unanimously. Chairperson Cullather thanked the audience member for participating.


Senior Planner Burhop provided a work plan to the ZBA with cases presented and statistics. Chairperson Cullather noted this relates to code modification. Senior Planner Burhop stated a Text Amendment cannot be initiated by Staff. A system-wide application and data system is beginning. He noted districts with neighbors requesting garages is included, etc. Staff is in favor of presenting same to City Council. 


There were no Miscellaneous matters.


Commissioner Beck moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:27 p.m. Commissioner Treshansky seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea Chairperson Cullather; Commissioners Bay, Beck, Hendrick, & Treshansky 

Voting Nay: None

Staff declared that the motion passed unanimously. 
