
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Village of Antioch Board of Trustees met May 31

Village of Antioch Board of Trustees met May 31.

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Mayor Gartner called the May 31, 2023 special meeting of the Board of Trustees to order at 6:31pm at the Antioch Municipal Building located at 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL and via Zoom.


The Mayor and Board of Trustees led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll call indicated the following Trustees were present: Burman, Bluthardt, McNeill, Pierce*, Macek and Pedersen. Also present were Mayor Gartner, Attorney Vasselli, Administrator Keim and Clerk Romine.

*indicates attendance via Zoom

IV. Absent Trustees Wishing to Attend Remotely

There were no objections to Trustee Pierce attending remotely.

V. Mayoral Report

1. Recognition of Lakeland Predators Wrestling State Champion Lila Carson – Mayor Gartner recognized Lila, who is 10 years old and has been wrestling since the age of 4. Lila is currently finishing up 4th grade at Oakland Elementary School. She had an exceptional year going 54-14, winning 2 national events, USA Winter Nationals in the boys division and Tulsa Nationals, known as the toughest youth tournament in the country. She Capped off the season off with her 3rd Illinois Girls State Champion title.

2. Re-Appoint Robert McCarty to the Planning and Zoning Board with a term ending 2026 3. Re-Appoint Jessica Sanfilippo to the Planning and Zoning Board with a term ending 2026 4. Re-Appoint Shelly Christian to the Police Pension Board with a term ending 2025 5. Re-Appoint Julie Nellessen to the Police and Fire Commission with a term ending 2026 6. Re-Appoint Kelly Nawrocki to the Historic Preservation Commission with a term ending 2026 7. Re-Appoint Margaret Cole to the Historic Preservation Commission with a term ending 2026

Trustee Bluthardt moved, seconded by Trustee Pedersen, to combine and approve items 2-7. Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Burman, Bluthardt, McNeill, Pierce, Macek and Pedersen.

NO: 0.



Citizens Wishing to Address the Board

There were no citizens wishing to address the board.

VI. Consent Agenda

Trustee Pedersen moved, seconded by Trustee Burman, to approve the following consent agenda items as presented:

1. Approval of the May 10, 2023 Regular Meeting Minutes as presented.

2. Approval of a Resolution ratifying the execution of a contractual agreement with Antioch Waves Swim Team for facility usage – Resolution No. 23-29

3. Approval of a Resolution authorizing a special event liquor license for the Antioch Moose Lodge for the 2023 Thursday Night Concert Series, waiving all fees - Resolution No. 23-30

Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Burman, Bluthardt, McNeill, Pierce, Macek and Pedersen.

NO: 0.



VII. Regular Business

4. Consideration and approval of payment of accounts payable as prepared by staff in the amount of $504,768.13 – Trustee Bluthardt moved, seconded by Trustee McNeill, to approve payment of accounts payable in the amount of $504,768.13. Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Burman, Bluthardt, McNeill, Pierce, Macek and Pedersen.

NO: 0.



5. Consideration and approval of a Resolution accepting and awarding a bid for the Downtown Community Open Space Project, Awarding the project to Boller Construction Company, Inc. as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for said project contingent upon DCEO approval, and authorizing the Mayor or his designated representative to enter into an agreement for such project work for the Village of Antioch – Trustee Pierce moved, seconded by Trustee Pedersen, to approve Resolution No. 23-31 accepting and awarding a bid for the Downtown Community Open Space Project, awarding the project to Boller Construction Company, Inc. as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for said project contingent upon DCEO approval, and authorizing the Mayor or his designated representative to enter into an agreement for such project work for the Village of Antioch.

Trustee Burman said she is not in favor of the alternate bids, and feels that the price tag is getting large. She asked what kind of impact the project will have on surrounding village roads. Administrator Keim said it is well positioned on Route 83, and doesn’t expect any more impact than Route 83 and Orchard currently have.

Trustee Bluthardt asked when construction would begin. Administrator Keim said quickly, but there is typically a 30-day period in which documents are prepared and mobilization begins. He anticipates the end of June. Trustee Bluthardt asked if there are penalties for being late. Administrator Keim responded that there are liquidated damages, and if delays are without good reason, penalties could be incurred. Trustee Bluthardt asked if there were a period where work would be inactive. Administrator Keim replied that is up to the means and method of the contractor, but expects it to be active most of the time.

Trustee McNeill said she is interested in the babbling brook feature, but understands the cost factor. She asked if that or any other alternate bids need to be approved tonight. Administrator Keim responded that alternates can be entertained after the award and working with the contractor, but should be identified over the next month or two.

Trustee Pierce said this is a momentous occasion for the Village. While he is not pleased with the price, he understands increasing costs. He also thinks the alternate bids should be discussed at the next meeting.

Trustee Macek expressed concern with continued maintenance, and thinks money should be kept in reserve to keep up with maintenance costs. Administrator Keim said it will be similar to maintenance costs at the pool. Nearly all mechanicals are enclosed in the building and cannot be vandalized.

Trustee Pedersen is happy to be moving forward with the Park, and would like to see details about the babbling brook as well. Administrator Keim said the creek is specifically designed for low flow conditions.

Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Burman, Bluthardt, McNeill, Pierce, Macek and Pedersen.

NO: 0.



6. Consideration and approval of a Resolution authorizing the Village Administrator to execute an agreement with Strand Associates, Inc. for Civil Engineering Services – Trustee Macek moved, seconded by Trustee Pedersen, to approve Resolution No. 23-32 authorizing the Village Administrator to execute an agreement with Strand Associates, Inc. for Civil Engineering Services.

Trustee Bluthardt asked for an explanation of what is included in the pricing. Administrator Keim said they are delivering the project in a traditional method, and going into the build phase (Phase 3), which includes construction observation, documentation, requests and clarification of documents. They will keep track of quantities and unit prices, and review proposed changes. He recommended the same engineering firm that designed the project so they can recognize if anything is different. This holds contractor accountable and mitigates any issues from start to finish. Trustee Bluthardt asked if any other firms provided quotes. Administrator Keim responded that he did talk with a Construction Management Firm, which would involve another party that is not the design engineer or the owner. That fee was based on a percentage of the project cost, and was estimated at over $600,000 when the expected project cost was less. Trustee Bluthardt asked about going out to bid for this service. Administrator Keim said an outside agency wouldn’t have the knowledge of the project that the design engineer has. They will also sometimes present another intermediary, and he prefers one contact. He recommends hiring Strand to provide these services.

Trustee McNeill asked if the amount could exceed the proposed cost and if additional funds may be needed. Administrator Keim responded that as long as there isn’t something we are unaware of, he anticipates this coming in at or under the amount in the contract without compromising the value and look of the project.

Trustee Pierce asked what the impact would be if Strand wasn’t selected. Administrator Keim stated it would result in no monitoring of the project, giving the contractor free reign, and having little documentation, which would result in an assumption that quantities and costs were correct. Trustee Pierce expressed concern and asked that construction managers are discussed at the next agenda.

Trustee Macek said he does certificates all of the time for similar services, and this is routinely done with a project manager looking over paperwork. He doesn’t see it as an unusual ask.

Trustee Pedersen is comfortable with approving this tonight.

Mayor Gartner asked for the structure of the hierarchy for the project. Administrator Keim replied that it is a triangle between the Village as owners, the contractor building it, and the designer. Good communication and working relationship with all 3 involved members will be necessary. He is looking forward to delivering the project on time and on budget.

Attorney Vasselli stated that Strand designed the project, and there has been successful relationships with them on this project.

Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Burman, Bluthardt, McNeill, Pierce, Macek and Pedersen.

NO: 0.



7. Acceptance of the annual Treasurer’s Sworn Statement of the Antioch Police Pension Fund for Fiscal Year Ended April 30, 2023 – Director Torres outlined the standard report driven by state statute, providing a total summary for FY23 and YTD totals.

Trustee Macek moved, seconded by Trustee Burman, to Accept the annual Treasurer’s Sworn Statement of the Antioch Police Pension Fund for Fiscal Year Ended April 30, 2023. Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Burman, Bluthardt, McNeill, Pierce, Macek and Pedersen.

NO: 0.



8. Consideration and approval of an Ordinance Amending Sections 8-4-1 and 8-4B-2 of the Antioch Village Code regarding hours that public parks and the sanctuary will be open to the public - Trustee Macek moved, seconded by Trustee Bluthardt, to approve Ordinance No 23-05-10 Amending Sections 8-4-1 and 8-4B-2 of the Antioch Village Code regarding hours that public parks and the sanctuary will be open to the public, waiving the second reading.

Trustee Macek further discussed the gate at Pedersen Park, and thinks that should be considered. Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Burman, Bluthardt, McNeill, Pierce, Macek and Pedersen.

NO: 0.



VIII. Administrator’s Report

Administrator Keim reported on the big concert next week, and his recent meeting with IDOT regarding funding and potential grants. He discussed a meeting with the grant writer, and upcoming projects. He also discussed the consolidation of the 911 dispatch services in Lake County. He provided updates on Williams Architects work with Village Hall and Public Works facilities, Grimm Road easements and right-of-way acquisitions, and the clarifier project at the Wastewater Treatment Facility.

Mayor Gartner spoke with the Veterans Committee and soil borings, and the design has been submitted. Trustee McNeill asked about donations to the committee. Payments can be sent to a PO Box and it is in its initial phases.

IX. Village Clerk’s Report

Clerk Romine reported on licensing and records retention.

X. Department Reports: Finance, Public Works, Communications, Parks

Finance Director Torres discussed the budget process, and the comprehensive budget books prepared for the Village Board. She discussed the audit season, and the first day of field day work.

Public Works Director Heimbrodt reported on mulching and weeding efforts, planters and hanging baskets, and continued work on landscaping efforts. He is considering in-house striping of certain roads, and with Lake County Division of Transportation. He is currently organizing interviews for summer help. Director Heimbrodt said the water department has been busy with repairs and relocations. He discussed washing the water towers, and the Joint Operation Center Training with ComEd. Trustee Macek asked about painting certain roads in order to slow traffic similar to what occurred on Toft.

Communications Manager Jim Moran highlighted the Village’s participation in Lake County Restaurant Week. He also reviewed the merchant meeting held in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce and Shop Antioch where a speaker came in with different ideas for businesses to enhance their presence. He discussed upcoming events, such as the kickoff concert, and the August 25 Chamber golf outing. He discussed radio promotions of the upcoming wine walk, and press releases related to village board action. Trustee Bluthardt asked for a brief summary of what is going on next Thursday. Mr. Moran discussed the plans for the concert. Trustee Macek asked to include the historical society with the construction of the park.

Special Events Coordinator Maritza Bluma discussed the status of the Parks Master Plan, and opening of the pool this past weekend. She reported on day camp starting next week, and the Farmers Market beginning June 8. She presented the theme for the 4th of July is and announced that the Grand Marshall is the Veterans Memorial group. They plan to bring back the bike and golf cart entries for the parade.

Trustee Pierce asked about including and promoting non-alcoholic events, and asked why they are charging for the bike parade. Ms. Bluma said they are planning a hot chocolate event, and she was hoping to create a cash prize for the bike contest, and that is why there was an entry fee. Those present agreed not to charge for the bike contest, and try get a corporate sponsor.

XI. Trustee Reports

Trustee Burman discussed the skate park maintenance, and vandalism and trash present at the park. Chief Guttschow is aware of the issue, and the Police Department is dealing with that on a targeted basis. She also discussed graffiti at the Standard Oil building.

Trustee Pedersen said the Lions Club has permission to put up a bench, but are waiting for concrete to be poured. Director Heimbrodt hopes to get to it when landscaping is completed.


There being no further discussion, the Village Board of Trustees special meeting adjourned at 7:51 pm.
