
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of Zion City Council met June 6

City of Zion City Council met June 6.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Mayor McKinney called the meeting to order.

On call of the roll the following answered present: Commissioners Frierson, Holmes, Fischer, and Mayor McKinney. Commissioner McDowell was absent. A quorum was present.

Also present: Police Chief Eric Barden, Fire Chief Justin Stried, City Administrator David Knabel, Building & Zoning Director Richard Ianson, Public Works Director Ray Roberts and City Attorney James Vasselli. Finance Director Kris Conway was absent.

William Bremner led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.


It was moved by Commissioner Frierson, seconded by Commissioner Holmes to accept the City Council meeting agenda as presented. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Frierson, aye; Holmes, aye; Fischer, aye; and Mayor McKinney, aye. Motion carried.


Mayor McKinney presented Officer Robert Ogden Jr. with a Resolution of Commendation for his pro-activity on felony and drug crimes. The pro-activity has made him a department front runner in recovered illegal firearms. Of the 100 firearms recovered in 2022, Officer Ogden Jr. recovered 18 illegal firearms which is the highest number of any officer under any assignment in the department.


Mary Lou Hiltibran, Zion ESDA Director, gave a monthly report of the recent activities that ESDA performs in assistance to the City. She invited those who wish to serve as a volunteer with ESDA to go to the City’s website and fill out an application. Mayor McKinney thanked ESDA for all they do for the City.

Raymond Gilmore, Zion, stated there was an accident at an intersection in the Cyprus subdivision and someone ran over a light. He would like the damaged light hauled away. He feels they need a “No Outlet” sign at the entrance of the subdivision.

Clyde McLemore, Zion, shared a few of the events going on in Zion:

• Saturday, June 10, 2023 free family bowling at Bertrand Bowl in Waukegan

• Friday, June 15, 2023 from 5-8 p.m. Juneteenth Cook Out at Zion Park District Bandshell Additionally, Mr. McLemore presented a Juneteenth Flag to the City Council.


It was moved by Commissioner Holmes, seconded by Commissioner Fischer that the Minutes be approved as follows:

(a) APPROVAL OF MINUTES: a Regular Meeting held on May 16, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.

The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Frierson, aye; Holmes, aye; Fischer, aye; and Mayor McKinney aye. Motion carried.

It was moved by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Holmes that the Bills be approved as follows:

(a) BILLS: Vouchers 143275 through 143490 drawn on Huntington National Bank, N.A. Total: $2,313,501.98.

The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Holmes, aye; Frierson, aye; Fischer, aye; and Mayor McKinney aye. Motion carried.


A memo (23-DOC-43) was received from Administrator Knabel requesting approval of a Redevelopment Agreement with 1701 Auto Service, Inc. Administrator Knabel stated that the City was approached by 1701 Auto Service, Inc. for TIF assistance for completion of their renovations of their business at 1701 Lewis Avenue. they have renovated a significant portion of the building for expansion of the business. They requested a TIF grant, not to exceed $56,000, for all TIF eligible exterior improvements which include but are not limited to the parking lot and signage. The TIF Board of Review and staff recommends approval of the TIF incentives as presented. Both Commissioner Holmes and Mayor McKinney commented on how great the improvements look.

It was moved by Commissioner Holmes, seconded by Commissioner Frierson that an Ordinance (23-O-30) be passed approving and authorizing a Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Zion and 1701 Auto Service Inc. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Frierson, aye; Holmes, aye; Fischer, aye; and Mayor McKinney aye. Motion carried. Ordinance passed.


A memo (23-DOC-44) was received from Administrator Knabel requesting approval of a Redevelopment Agreement with Pollo Bacano, Inc. Administrator Knabel stated prior to the closure of TIF #3 at the end of 2022, the City earmarked $300,000 specifically for the improvement or demolition of the property at 3467 Sheridan Road. The City was subsequently approached by the new owners of the property to request TIF assistance for completion of their renovations of their business that is planned at that location. They have completed a significant portion of the improvements on the building already. A grant request was submitted for an amount not to exceed $278,134 for all TIF eligible exterior improvements which include but are not limited to parking lot replacement, fencing around the property and new signage. The TIF Board of Review and staff recommends approval of the TIF incentives as presented. Commissioner Fischer asked when the restaurant will open. Representatives from Pollo Bacano, Inc. stated at the end of July. The updates inside are mostly completed but they are waiting to start on the outside. Mayor McKinney stated he has been watching the renovations and is happy to see activity on the west side of town.

It was moved by Commissioner Fischer, seconded by Commissioner Holmes that an Ordinance (23-O-31) be passed approving and authorizing a Redevelopment Agreement between the City of Zion Pollo Bacano, Inc. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Frierson, aye; Holmes, aye; Fischer, aye; and Mayor McKinney aye. Motion carried. Ordinance passed.


A memo (23-DOC-45) was received from Chief Barden requesting an amendment to Zion Municipal Code Section 90-133. Chief Barden stated after review of the parking code under Section 90-133 he consulted with the Attorney to clean up the language in the Code. This will better serve the community making it easier to follow the parking restrictions within the City. Additionally, this clean up will allow for Commissioner approval to either address an issue or remove a parking restriction without having to adopt a new ordinance. He recommends approval of the amendment as presented. Commissioner Frierson confirmed that as part of the amendments, the 31 specific locations will be removed and moving forward signage will be used on an as needed basis. Chief Barden stated that signs will either be removed or added based on the needs of the community. He feels this will be clearer for citizens. He noted that there will no be enforcement of a sign until it has been posted for 10 days. Commissioner Frierson suggested using Blackboard as a means of informing the public on a new or removed sign.

It was moved by Commissioner Frierson, seconded by Commissioner Holmes that an Ordinance (23-O-32) be passed amending Section 90-133 of Chapter 90 of the Zion Municipal Code. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Frierson, aye; Holmes, aye; Fischer, aye; and Mayor McKinney aye. Motion carried. Ordinance passed.


A memo (23-DOC-46) was received from Chief Barden requesting approval of a quote from Motorola Solutions. Chief Barden stated due to additional personnel hired under the COPS grant, they need to procure additional police radios. They have been working with Chicago Communications who is a supplier of Motorola Solutions.

The quote includes all the necessary portable radio equipment to outfit five (5) officers including but not limited to radios, microphones and programming & encryption. From the total quote, $39,033.35 will be submitted to JETSB for reimbursement. He requested approval of the quote as presented. He noted that Motorola Solutions is part of Sourcewell and no bid process is required.

It was moved by Commissioner Frierson, seconded by Commissioner Fischer that an Ordinance (23-O-33) be passed authorizing and approving the purchase of police radio equipment for the Police Department. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Frierson, aye; Holmes, aye; Fischer, aye; and Mayor McKinney aye. Motion carried. Ordinance passed.


A memo (23-DOC-47) was received from Chief Barden requesting approval of a quote from Current Technologies. Chief Barden stated the Police Department holds the server for the Milestone camera system for the City. The current unit is at its life expectancy. The quote is for a Dell Power Edge R760XS for the purchase price of $10,136.99 and an amount of $2,640.00 for labor and installation. He requested waving the bid process as they are operating under the Cooperative Purchasing Alliance as they have used in the past. Commissioner Fischer asked what Milestone was. Chief Barden stated it is the system for all City cameras, the jail at the Police Department and the City buildings. He noted it was not part of the body worn cameras. The footage is kept for no more than 90 days. There are 32 cameras on the system and allows for expansion to add cameras as needed. Commissioner Frierson noted that the initial quote for the system was more expensive and asked the Chief how he was able to come in with a less expensive quote. Chief Barden stated the initial quote was for a Milestone Branded Server. After considering a Dell quote, it came in considerably lower due to the Cooperative Purchasing Alliance.

It was moved by Commissioner Frierson, seconded by Commissioner Holmes that an Ordinance (23-O-34) be passed authorizing and approving the purchase of equipment and labor (Police Camera Server and Surveillance Labor) for the City of Zion. The vote on roll call was: Commissioners Frierson, aye; Holmes, aye; Fischer, aye; and Mayor McKinney aye. Motion carried. Ordinance passed.


Director Ianson stated they were still taking applications for a Grass Supervisor and Lawn Crew. Currently they have received only one application.

Director Roberts gave an update on the current TIF project. They are starting to lay down the binder for 33rd, 34th and 33rd from the east side from Sheridan all the way to the end. They have replaced 3,000 linear feet of water main from 1928 and have upgraded it from a 6-inch to an 8-inch. They have also added in 600 linear feet of new sanitary along Colgate Avenue and rerouted it through City property. This will make it more viable for future development. There is also an additional 3,000 linear feet of sanitary that is existing that they will be lining to extend the life of it. About 80% of the underground work is complete and they will be starting the paving. This includes a new road cutting through from Sheridan to Colgate. This is an extension of Yale Court which will provide a new access for Popeyes any future development there. Colgate is getting reconstructed along with the T alley behind Pizza Hut and Penny’s Slots. They will be starting on the binder tomorrow. All paving should be completed within the next two weeks. In talking with Popeyes they are looking to open in August. Mayor McKinney asked what a binder was. Director Roberts stated it is the first layer of asphalt for structural strength and is typically 2-3 inches. The surface course (very last layer) is placed on top of the binder.

Chief Stried stated that they are still working on the Emergency Siren System as only 1 of the 4 are working. The siren company continues to work with dispatch center. If there is a need to notify the public, they will use Blackboard or Social Media. Additionally, there is a Blood Drive this Saturday June 10, 2023 from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.at Station 1. Mayor McKinney ask if a resident gives blood, will they be able to identify their blood type. Chief Stried stated yes, they would.

Chief Barden reminded residents Sheridan Road will be closed for Nostalgia Days on June 18, 2023. He thanked Mary Lou Hiltibran and ESDA for their help with the Elite Striders parade. They had a good turn out but they learned a few things that they will think about for next year. Additionally, he thanked the Council for helping him with the recognition of Zion Police Officers. The Officers do hard work and put themselves in danger every day. Mayor McKinney stated he appreciates the job they do. He hopes in the future to also acknowledge residents and businesses.

Administrator Knabel commented on the following:

• Director Roberts recently took him on a tour of the entire TIF project. He said it is one thing to see it on paper but amazing to see in person. It is the largest infrastructure project the City has ever done and learning about all the moving pieces is really remarkable to see. He also gave accolades to Director Roberts for his coordination of the project. To see what they are getting done is very impressive. He noted TIF dollars were used for the project.

• Brochures will be going out in the water bills outlining the changes to the garbage and recycling that will take place beginning September 5. The week of August 2nd, Waste Management will be sending out a brochure with the details of the front street garbage pick-up and the recycling going to every other week. Then the last week before Labor Day they will be putting tags on the containers reminding residents of the changes. Mayor McKinney asked if the information will include the time frame of when garbage can be put out and must be brought in. Administrator Knabel stated they will be doing compliance checks to make sure the cans are not left in the street. He knows there will be growing pains but eventually it will become the new normal.

• He recently attended the ICSC show at the Convention Center in Las Vegas with Sonolito Bronson and the Mayor. The idea is to walk around to different booths and visit vendors to try and sell Zion. ATI, Starbucks, Popeyes and Little Caesars are just a few of the businesses that have come out of attendance at the show. Along with Retail Strategies, they put together a plan that fits Zion. They are also looking at Brokerage Services to market the ballfield property, the Touhy Lumber property and the property across from Walmart. Mayor McKinney stated with Starbucks out on Route 173, it brings other opportunities and more interest to the ballfield property. Additionally, he noted that Imperien recently put out a press release that they are coming to Zion. It has been a long time in the works. The project is a 750,000 square foot facility. An incentive package was put together through TIF. The hope is to bring in jobs to the community.

Commissioner Holmes noted that June is Pride month.

Commissioner Fischer stated that it was the 79th Anniversary of D-Day. He asked that citizens take a minute to remember this moment in history.

Mayor McKinney stated as they move into the summer months they will be more vigilant about fireworks. There will be no warnings this year and residents will be fined immediately. The City ordinance makes fireworks illegal as does the State of Illinois. He asked that people be respectful of their neighbors. He also noted that the reason for the Park District fireworks being on June 29th is due to finding a reasonably priced vendor. The cost of fireworks has increased tremendously and this was the most cost-effective way to have a quality celebration.


June 20 6:00 p.m. Zion Township Board Meeting 7:00 p.m. Zion City Council Meeting

June 29 7:30 p.m. Zion Park District Independence Day Celebration

July 4 City Offices Closed for the Holiday

July 18 6:00 p.m. Zion Township Board Meeting 7:00 p.m. Zion City Council Meeting


There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, it was moved by Commissioner Frierson, seconded by Commissioner Holmes and unanimously approved the meeting be adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Motion carried.
