
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

City of North Chicago City Council met July 17

City of North Chicago City Council met July 17.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

The City Council of North Chicago met in a Regular Council meeting, Monday, July 17, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.in the City Council Chambers at 1850 Lewis Avenue with Mayor Leon Rockingham, Jr. presiding.





Upon roll call being taken, the following members were present:

Present: Jackson, Coleman, Evans, Allen, Smith

Absent: January, Murphy

4-1 Presentation/Recognition for Firefighter of the Year: Wilton Hill, by the North Chicago Fire Department and Exchange Club of North Chicago

Fire Fighter, Wilton Hill received a plague that was read and North Chicago Exchange Club also recognized him.

The Mayor announced that Alderman January could not participate due to illness and asked to attend remotely.

Alderman Coleman moved, seconded by Alderman Allen to allow Alderman January attend remotely. 

Attorney Simon explained that ordinance 2018 - 26 allowing to attend remotely due to personal illness, for employment purpose or business of the City and family or other emergency.


Ayes: Jackson, Coleman, Evans, Allen, Smith

Nays: None

Absent: Murphy



5-1 Approval of Minutes for Regular Council Meeting, July 5, 2023 

5-2 Approval of GP Liquor and Gaming License for Ella Bar & Grill at 2851 Frontenac St.

Alderman Allen moved, seconded by Alderman Evans to approve the Omnibus Vote Agenda from item 5-1 thru 5-2 as presented. 


Ayes: Jackson, Coleman, Evans, Allen, Smith

Nays: January (RP)

Absent: Murphy



Jahniece Haye – Sounds of the Caribbean

Ms. Haye expressed appreciation to Mayor with support for the Golf Outing Fundraiser, Sunday, July 16, 2023 for Multiple Myeloma Awareness Foundation. The event was located at the Foss Park Golf Course.

Secondly, she asked for donation support with Sounds of Caribbean event; incorporating all independent islands and stated she appreciated the City and Foss Park District support the previous year assistance and expressed her love of the North Chicago community.

Rayon Edwards -

Mr. Edwards acknowledged Ms. Sharon Epps for her birthday; he came in peace yet frustration and anger of no progress. The children don’t have a real community center as a safe place; the school Superintendent should collaborate with the City before any final decisions and noted that Superintendent was not a resident. The community was unaware of what was happening in the district. The community never hears from the City Officials; there were (2) young black girls deceased by gun violence from another community and no response from the leaders; the seniors aren’t safe at the centers. During election season, the leaders were at the resident’s doors for their support.

Alderman Allen appreciated Mr. Edward’s sentiments; Alderman Allen provided the updated development in the City and the Mayor ceased the communication before it escalated.

Alderman Coleman was appreciative of the information conveyed from Mr. Edwards in behalf of others in the community acknowledging him. He stated he also was previously in the same position as him considered an activist; difficult at times to express himself; yet commended Mr. Edwards with how he fought for the school district. He, Alderman Coleman, and other legislative council were collaborating together on issues. He asked the Mayor if he could speak with Mr. Edwards.

The Mayor clarified had conversation prior with Mr. Edwards including Police Chief Perez and Deputy Chief Lunn; reached out to him with to discuss his concerns, tried to schedule a meeting on several occasions with Mr. Edwards and was unsuccessful.

Mayor was united together and trying to move the City forward.

Jeff McBride

Mr. McBride stated that he was Mr. Edward’s mentor and understood he was fighting for injustice. Mr. McBride was a crossing guard speaking on behalf of the other crossing guards; he asked for an increase in pay which hadn’t been received in the last 15-20 years. He was concerned of a needed light for the students crossing the street safely. In the winter season, the sidewalks needed to be plowed and he agreed with Mr. Edwards near the senior citizen buildings there was selling of drugs.

Debra McIntosh – Allendale Organization

Alderman Jackson suggested to extend the 3-minutes to speak since the agenda item was inadvertently not placed on the agenda. The Mayor agreed.

Alderman Coleman moved, seconded by Alderman Smith to allow Ms. McIntosh extended time for public comments.


Ms. McIntosh introduced herself and stated her tenure of 20 years with Allendale; recently opened a shelter for ages 14-17 on the main campus in Lake Villa, housing provided for (4) months; another shelter just opened in Waukegan for ages 18-24; volunteered as they were homeless; after age of 24 they weren’t eligible.

Alderman Smith added he was employed 10 years at Allendale and commented it was a great program. He questioned clarification; Ms. McIntosh was just sharing the information with the North Chicago community and no DCFS involved. Flyers and business cards were available.



General Corporate Fund $ 176,691.49 

CDBG Fund $ 57,209.99 

Skokie HWY TIF Fund $ 2,643.81 

Water, Sewer & Refuse Fund $ 115,634.52 

Vision Fund $ 206.00 

TOTAL $ 352,385.81 


Alderman Allen moved, seconded by Alderman Evans to pay the City Bills of Council Run 07/17/23 in the amount of $352,385.81 when funds available.

Alderman January asked if there were sufficient funds also when the checks would be cut and sent. Interim Comptroller Tawanda Joyner explained there were sufficient funds checks were already printed and would be mailed Wednesday. Alderman January questioned balance of Water Fund end of week Ms. Joyner stated the amount was $7,102,305.99 

Alderman January asked how much of the revenue was generated from water bills. Mr. Joyner explained the last (2) months; June water bill amount; $655,499.09 and July month until the 14th; $98,598.84 and stated that the information would be included in the Financial Monthly report.


Ayes: Jackson, Evans, Allen, Smith

Nays: Coleman, January (RP)

Absent: Murphy




∙ The Mayor congratulated/commended 1st Ward Alderman Jackson on his position as Director of Homeland Security of Lake County.

∙ Alderman January inquired of 911 Naval Base Housing calls; Police Chief Perez explained conducting a study with Naval Station and Mundelein Dispatch and discovery would take more time. She asked status of Sheridan Crossing Fund; Treasurer Vance Wyatt added there was no additional funding from the State of Illinois or U.S. Treasury thus far.

∙ Alderman Evans announced “Old School Extravaganza,” August 12, 2023; 2:00 p.m.; bring own food/drinks but no alcohol.

∙ Alderman Coleman was concerned with piles of wood at the North Chicago Golf Course attracting unwanted animals; concern of safety. The City had a chipper to remove excess wood; He asked if City Council and Foss Park could support one another through discussion of an IGA (Intergovernmental Agreement) to use the chipper for Foss Park. The Mayor suggested a process to provide use of City equipment.

Foss Park Board Commissioner Carmecia Hawthorne stated was just an idea that was discussed with Alderman Coleman; they were short-staffed and needed assistance.

Attorney Simon asked if Foss Park Commission had reached a consensus for this to occur and if not suggested to wait until internal discuss of the City’s Public Works Committee.

Alderman Smith left at 6:52 p.m. 

∙ Alderman Evans questioned donation procedure to Ms. Haye for Sounds of Caribbean Event; the Mayor said he would check previous year donation. It wouldn’t be approved at the next meeting although after events occurrence.

Alderman Smith returned at 6:55 p.m. 

∙ Alderman Evans questioned the crossing guard compensation; the Mayor suggested negotiating with the school district and explained that the City budget was already established. Alderman Evans suggested discussion prior to next budget and Mayor echoed his sentiments.

∙ Alderman Allen inquired the report of funds for Community Days; Interim Comptroller Tawanda Joyner stated would be provided in the monthly financial report, discussed in Finance/Audit Committee.

Alderman Smith shared information of the city-wide block party in the 5th Ward the weekend; estimated (500) attendees; acknowledged the Fire, Police and Public Works Department involvement in its success; J&J Holmes etc.


Alderman Allen moved, seconded by Alderman Jackson to suspend to 5 ILCS 120 2 (c)(12) – Establishment of Reserves or Settlement of Claims / 2 (c)(1) – Personnel Matters; Appointment, Employment, Compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees at 7:06 p.m.


Ayes: Jackson, Evans, Allen, Smith

Nays: Coleman, January (RP)

Absent: Murphy


Alderman Allen moved, seconded by Alderman Jackson to resume Regular Order of Business at 8:37 p.m. 



There being no further business to come before the Council; a motion was made by Alderman Allen seconded by Alderman Jackson that the meeting stand adjourned. 


Alderman Murphy and January 

The Council Meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.
