
Lake County Gazette

Monday, March 31, 2025

Weber: 'Illinois has all the resources to become a top state for growth, but our burdensome taxes and regulations'


Rep. Tom Weber | repweber.com

Rep. Tom Weber | repweber.com

In a recent Facebook post, Illinois State Representative Tom Weber expressed his concerns about the state's burdensome taxes and regulations that hinder opportunities for residents. Weber shared an article from the Journal Star, which highlighted Illinois' ranking for business taxes. According to a study conducted by Simplify LLC, Illinois ranked 42nd out of 50 states for tax friendliness, with low rankings in taxes on corporations, personal income, property, sales, and unemployment.

One of the major concerns raised in the article was the high property tax in Illinois, which is the fourth highest in the country at 4.95%. The average property tax in the state stands at 15.05%. Additionally, the study also revealed that Illinois had a low five-year survival rate for new businesses, with only 51.5% of businesses opened in March 2015 surviving.

Weber, who represents the 64th House District, is a lifelong Illinois resident himself. He grew up in Lake Villa on the Weber Duck Farm, which was a well-known supplier of Peking Ducks until its closure in 1989. Weber's background as a small business owner and his experiences with the challenges of high taxes and regulations make him an advocate for change.

As Illinois continues to struggle with its tax policies and business environment, Weber believes that the state has the potential to become a top destination for job creators if these challenges are addressed. By reducing the burdensome taxes and regulations, Illinois could create a more favorable environment for businesses to thrive and provide more opportunities for its residents.