
Lake County Gazette

Monday, November 18, 2024

City of North Chicago Judiciary Committee met Aug. 7

City of North Chicago Judiciary Committee met Aug. 7.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Alderman Jackson called the meeting to order.


Present: Jackson, Coleman, Evans, Allen, Smith, Murphy, January

Absent: None


Alderman Jackson explained that Alderman Evans had requested item I; Attorney Welch explained determined what item was to be discussed; he questioned clarification for the attorney’s presence at the Committee discussion; Attorney Welch explained there was a retainer fee involved; Alderman Evans agreed and suggested reviewing it more thoroughly; Alderman Jackson asked for a copy of the attorney contract for council review.

Alderman January suggested the last (2) years of attorney invoices for their charges and the contract for comparison to the contract; the Mayor clarified that the invoice information wasn’t in the contract excluding council meetings and would verify it accordingly.

Treasurer, Vance Wyatt explained the process to Alderman January.

Alderman Coleman suggested an Attorney representation as Speaker of the House in the council chambers; Alderman Jackson called “Point of Order;” the discussion had nothing to do with Speaker of the House; Attorney Welch was represented as the City Attorney. Alderman Coleman continued Suggesting a second opinion from another attorney due to possible conflict of interest; Attorney Welch Offered a general consensus of the council members moving forward and explained the process.

Alderman January suggested the existing ordinance to review at the next meeting, August 21, 2023.

She ensured the council members that they could terminate the Mayor’s appointment at any time if felt done wrongly and needed to be mindful with discussion of attorneys; Attorney Welch explained his tenure as an attorney since year 1997; allowed to practice law in Illinois and never put himself in jeopardy; he volunteered to substitute for his fellow attorneys; he recused himself and accusations made; he had an ethical obligation; Alderman January explained there was no intention towards

Attorney Welch; she disagreed with the partners and was provided misinformation from other attorneys. She appreciated his ethics statement.

Alderman Coleman apologized if Attorney Welch perceived as being personally attacked; he stated only today was to discuss aldermanic spending; Attorney Welch clarified it was a separate role as an attorney representing council in the most ethical way possible.


Alderman Coleman requested to hold the Cell Phone Policy until the next Committee Meeting,

Alderman Allen moved, seconded by Alderman January that the Judiciary Committee Meeting stand adjourned.


Ayes: Jackson, Coleman, Evans, Allen, Smith, Murphy, January

Nays: None

Absent: None

The meeting adjourned at 8:46 p.m.
