
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Lake County Stormwater Management Commission met Jan. 11

Webp 6

Ann Maine (District 3) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website

Ann Maine (District 3) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website

Lake County Stormwater Management Commission met Jan. 11.

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


The SMC meeting was called to order by Chairman Schmit at 6:00 p.m.



Others present: Lisle Stalter, Chair Sandy Hart (V), Grant Benjamin (V), Paula Randall (V) and SMC staff: Kurt Woolford, Arnold Donato, Kelcey Traynoff, Mike Prusila, Brian Frank, Ernesto Huaracha, Dijana Silber, Sharon Østerby, Mike Dietrich

Present 8 - Commissioner Hewitt, Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Hunter, Commissioner Maine, Commissioner Schlick, Commissioner Schmit, Commissioner Sode and Commissioner - Alternate Weidenfeld


Chairman Schmit asked if there were any public comments. There were none.

5.0 24-0077

Approval of December 7, 2023 meeting minutes

Approval was requested for the December 7, 2023 meeting minutes.

A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Hewitt, seconded by Commissioner Sode. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Aye: 8 - Commissioner Hewitt, Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Hunter, Commissioner Maine, Commissioner Schlick, Commissioner Schmit, Commissioner Sode and Commissioner - Alternate Weidenfeld


6.1 Director's Report

Mr. Kurt Woolford stated that the DCEO Round 1 projects are wrapping up and there should be an update after the House’s return-to-session on the second release of $30M. SMC staff has projects ready for this second release of funds. The second item Mr. Woolford discussed the update of the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan.

Section 1 of the 2002 Comp Plan (attached) was passed out to the Commissioners providing initial plan development background. There will be a more in-depth discussion on the Comp Plan update at the next SMC meeting.

6.2 Chairman's Report

Chairman Schmit thanked Vice Chair Pedersen for filling in for him and running the SMC meeting in December.

6.3 Commissioner's Report


7.1 24-0078

Approval of December 2023 Treasurer’s Report

Mr. Arnold Donato presented the December 2023 Treasurer’s Reports. Motion to approve made by Weidenfeld, second by Hunter.

A motion to approve was made by Commissioner - Alternate Weidenfeld, seconded by Commissioner Hunter. Motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote.

Aye: 8 - Commissioner Hewitt, Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Hunter, Commissioner Maine, Commissioner Schlick, Commissioner Schmit, Commissioner Sode and Commissioner - Alternate Weidenfeld

7.2 24-0076

Approval of Contract Agreement and Emergency Appropriation for FY2023 Community Project Funding (CPF) Grant for the Lake Bluff Downtown Flooding Mitigation Project funded by Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Ms. Sharon Østerby requested approval of the contract agreement and emergency appropriation for the FY2023 Community Project Funding (CPF) Grant for the Lake Bluff

Downtown Flooding Mitigation Project. This project will be funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Schlick, seconded by Commissioner Sode. Motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote.

Aye: 8 - Commissioner Hewitt, Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Hunter, Commissioner Maine, Commissioner Schlick, Commissioner Schmit, Commissioner Sode and Commissioner - Alternate Weidenfeld

7.3 24-0068

Approval of Contract amendment #1 with Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. for Engineering and Design Services, West Scranton Avenue Viaduct Project, Lake Bluff, Illinois in the not-to-exceed amount of $875,098.00.

Mr. Ernesto Huaracha requested approval of contract amendment #1 with CBBEL for engineering and design services for the West Scranton Avenue Viaduct Project in Lake Bluff, in the not-to-exceed amount of $875,098.00.

County Board Chair, Sandy Hart, thanked the Commission for their approval of the amendment to the Christopher Burke Engineering contract and the HUD grant for the Lake Bluff project.

A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Hewitt, seconded by Commissioner - Alternate Weidenfeld. Motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote.

Aye: 8 - Commissioner Hewitt, Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Hunter, Commissioner Maine, Commissioner Schlick, Commissioner Schmit, Commissioner Sode and Commissioner - Alternate Weidenfeld

7.4 24-0089

Approval of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the Lake County Forest Preserve District for Grainger Woods Hydrologic Restoration Project with a Total Not-To-Exceed Amount of $354,695.00 Reimbursable by SMC (Wetland Restoration Fund)

Mr. Ernesto Huaracha requested approval of contract amendment #1 with CBBEL for engineering and design services for the West Scranton Avenue Viaduct Project in Lake Bluff, in the not-to-exceed amount of $875,098.00.

A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Maine, seconded by Commissioner Hunter. Motion passed by a unanimous roll call vote.

Aye: 8 - Commissioner Hewitt, Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Hunter, Commissioner Maine, Commissioner Schlick, Commissioner Schmit, Commissioner Sode and Commissioner - Alternate Weidenfeld

7.5 24-0079

Approval of Watershed Development Ordinance (WDO) Community Recertifications

• Village of Antioch (Standard & Isolated Wetland)

• Village of Kildeer (Standard & Isolated Wetland)

Mr. Frank requested approval of WDO Community Recertification for the following communities.

• Village of Antioch (Standard & Isolated Wetland), no conditions

• Village of Kildeer (Standard & Isolated Wetland), no conditions

A motion to approve was made by Commissioner Sode, seconded by

Aye: 8 - Commissioner Hunter. Motion passed by a unanimous voice vote. Commissioner Hewitt, Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Hunter, Commissioner Maine, Commissioner Schlick, Commissioner Schmit, Commissioner Sode and Commissioner - Alternate Weidenfeld


8.1 Regulatory Reports

8.1 December 2023 Regulatory Reports

Ms. Kelcey Traynoff presented the Regulatory Reports for December 2023.

8.2 Correspondence

8.3 Community Relations/Public Info

Mr. Woolford explained that, as part of the process to update the Comp Plan, he would like to hold public meetings. Mr. Woolford discussed the four maps that were set up during the meeting. These maps depicted 1. Sub-watersheds, 2. library districts, 3. Municipal boundaries, and 4. County Board districts. The purpose of these maps was to help determine how many meetings to have and where to hold them. This will be a discussion item at the next SMC meeting. Commissioner Maine suggested showing the four main watersheds on the sub-watershed map. Mr. Woolford stated he will provide additional maps including the four main watersheds and the six SMC representation districts.



A motion to adjourn was made by Member Hunter, seconded by Member Weidenfeld. Motion passed by a unanimous voice vote. Meeting adjourned at 6:24pm.

Aye: 8 - Commissioner Hewitt, Commissioner Hood, Commissioner Hunter, Commissioner Maine, Commissioner Schlick, Commissioner Schmit, Commissioner Sode and Commissioner - Alternate Weidenfeld
