
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Deerfield Plan Commission met March 28

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Deerfield Mayor Daniel C. Shapiro | Village of Deerfield

Deerfield Mayor Daniel C. Shapiro | Village of Deerfield

Village of Deerfield Plan Commission met March 28.

Here is the agenda provided by the commission:

Public Hearing and Workshop Meeting

Public Comment on a Non-Agenda Item


1. Public Hearing on the Request for Approval of an Amendment to the Deerbrook Shopping Center Commercial Planned Unit Development and Approval of a Preliminary Development Plan with Necessary Exceptions to Redevelop the Rear 10.79 Acres of Deerbrook Shopping Center with a Multi-Family Residential Transit Oriented Development (Gateway Fairview, Inc. and Continental 744 Fund LLC)

2. Public Hearing on the Request for an Amendment to the Existing Walgreens Planned Unit Development (PUD) to Change the PUD Boundaries to Remove the 300, 302 and 304 Wilmot Road Properties and the Walgreens Daycare Building at 202 Wilmot Road from the Existing Walgreens PUD in Order to Allow the Creation of a New Residential PUD with Necessary Exceptions and a Preliminary Plat of Subdivision for the Walgreens PUD Property (Walgreens Co.)

2.a Public Hearing on the Request for a Preliminary Development Plan for a Residential Planned Unit Development (PUD) with Necessary Exceptions; a Rezoning of 300, 302 and 304 Wilmot Road properties and the Walgreens Daycare Building at 202 Wilmot Road from I-1 Office Research Restricted Industrial District to R-5 General Residence District; an Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to Allow the Residential Development of 300, 302 and 304 Wilmot Road and the Walgreens daycare building at 202 Wilmot Road; and a Preliminary Plat of Subdivision of the 300, 302, and 304 Wilmot Road properties and the Walgreens daycare building at 202 Wilmot Road (Pulte Home Company, LLC)


1. March 14, 2024 Plan Commission Minutes

Items from the Commission

Items from the Staff

Designation of Representative for the next Board of Trustees Meeting

