
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, December 22, 2024

City of North Chicago Finance/Audit Committee met April 1

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City Of North Chicago | City Of North Chicago / Facebook

City of North Chicago Finance/Audit Committee met April 1

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Alderman Allen called the meeting to order.


Present: Jackson, Coleman, Evans, Allen, Smith, Murphy, January

Absent: None


Tawanda Joyner, Comptroller provided 2025 budget highlights; tax rate was remaining the same as 2022; there was a surplus of $1.9 mil after transfers for the year, listed General Capital Projects should start in the fiscal year, the scheduled 2025 Proposed Road Programs possibly in the fiscal year and she discussed the Facilities Plan Items.

Alderman Coleman questioned if Foss Park was in the budget. Ms. Joyner acknowledged it was.

His focus was more on the development of Sheridan Rd, needing additional funding in the budget for the downtown Sheridan Rd. area.

Alderman Jackson left at 8:13 and returned at 8:14 p.m.

Trotter Engineer, Steve Cieslica explained a $400,000 corridor study on Sheridan Rd with IDOT that would include the landscaping improvement items. Alderman Coleman suggested that the light poles curbs and storefronts were painted, facia updated, surrounded by wildflowers. He suggested a special tax for downtown businesses networking and joint effort with the storefront owners.

Alderman Jackson left at 9:17 p.m. and returned at 9:19 p.m.

Ms. Joyner continued, explaining there was decrease in 2025 Budget due to the Grant Place Debit of $966,000.

She provided an ongoing overview of the 2025 Budget. Alderman Jackson asked for a copy of the overview on behalf of the council members. Ms. Joyner acknowledged she would.

Alderman Evans asked for itemized items for increase of lobbyist from $40,000 transferred to the Mayor’s Budget with increase of $110,000. Ms. Joyner explained for a Full-Time position – Chief of Staff including health benefits and insurance, the lobbyist amount increased from $40,000 to $150,000.

Alderman Evans had concerns with the increase.

The Mayor elaborated further for a “true” lobbyist in Springfield and Washington D.C., State or Federal would be requesting grants. The estimated money needed was $150,000. The City had lost revenue without a lobbyist.

Chief of Staff Jackson had experience with lobbying. The intent was to bring more money, the key roles of lobbyists were accruing the grants for the municipalities and ensure as priority. He encouraged council members to act upon it. It was an accurate amount for $150,000. He highly recommended a contract for a lobbyist.

Alderman Smith questioned clarification of initial amount of $40,000. Ms. Joyner explained last year attempted that amount for seeking a part-time individual. Secondly, he asked why the item was moved from the legislative to the Mayor’s budget. Chief of Staff Jackson stated he was from the Mayor’s Office and would be managing it. He, Alderman Smith asked who selected the lobbyist, Chief of Staff Jackson clarified the council members. It would follow the same procedures as any interview, it would be contractual and the Council could name the terms.

Alderman January questioned clarification with lobbyist compensation, asked if the council members could have a base pay with a compensation type of package. Chief of Staff Jackson indicated couldn’t be due to ethics laws.

Alderman Coleman suggested balancing amounts in both Executive and Legislative Accounts. Chief of Staff Jackson elaborated further that the lobbyists worked with Executive, Legislative and Bureaucracy. He elected to place in administrative account which was neutral. Clarified was working with the council members and Mayor’s Office.

Alderman January asked for a job description of a lobbyist. He, Chief of Staff Jackson explained it would be returned for discussion. She questioned if there would be a certain annual dollar amount required. He stated keeping it ethically with performance measures and could be non-monetary.

There were no percentages accrued for grant writers or lobbyists.

Treasurer Wyatt mentioned a reduction from $7,000 to $5,000 for Travel & Training including the gasoline allowance. It would result in being unable to afford the IML Conference. Alderman Jackson asked to add $2,000. Alderman Coleman requested the gas cards. Ms. Joyner added needing to confirm the business mileage. There was no method of legally tracking the miles. Treasurer Wyatt did follow calculated miles and was reimbursed. Ms. Joyner asked Clerk Collins if she was suffice with her budget. Clerk Collins drew attention to the software needing adjustment.

Alderman Allen asked why certain amounts in the treasurer budget. Treasurer Wyatt explained needed that information if liquidated. It was in the category of revenue. Ms. Joyner stated was on page 6.

Treasurer Wyatt reiterated was no city loss. The amount was available if it was liquidated. The bonds affected the interest rate. There was more “cash on hand” than investments. Currently was buying higher interest bonds. The City had an amount of $1.4 mil including investments and bank accounts.

There was $207,000 in actual investments. The amounts would be higher if not changed in Year 2022.

Alderman Coleman suggested that each Department Head presented their need. Ms. Joyner clarified had met with the Department Heads since October 2023 and exception of the Clerk’s Office and Treasurer. Chief of Staff Jackson chimed in that he had exchanged e-mails and conversations accordingly. The Clerk mentioned would need software adjustments. Every municipality managed it differently and he was deferred to the Comptroller’s Office for North Chicago. Chief of Staff Jackson would explore other potential methods for delivering the budget accordingly.

Ms. Joyner explained the Water Revenue category; there was 10.1 MIL in revenue expected and 10.7 mil in expenditures, 2024 $6 mil projected for IEPA Loan at 16th & Kemble Ave., Water Department; she highlighted projects for the water expenditures. Alderman Coleman asked if any painting on the wall at the beach. Engineer, Steve Cieslica mentioned that area was referred to the the next phase. The General Grant Fund listed grants for various projects. Sheridan Crossing was expected to be 2 mil and DECCO; 4 mil for Federal Grant. Ms. Joyner explained the MFT Fund. The CDBG Fund was related to a grant of lead sewer lining. The Federal Forfeiture Fund involved the Substation and police equipment. Seizure Fund an its amount, The TIF District had no activity due to closing. The Skokie Hwy TIF was the most active currently. The City was to receive property tax increment and expenditures etc. No activity in the Grant Place operating or Capital Fund. There are remaining fund balance for 2023. It still needed to be listed until council approved to close it. It was required to be filed with the County. Alderman January asked for the anticipated timeline of closing. Ms. Joyner explained need contract signed to close with Phil McKenna and no more than (3) months.

She explained the Vision Fund and Retiree Fund including the revenue and expenditures. The Library Fund had its own bank account. Alderman January noticed police overtime and asked how it would be eliminated. Assistant Chief Lunn explained the (4) lateral transfers would decrease the overtime. She suggested that the overtime was monitored. Assistant Chief Lunn elaborated more on the reduced number of police officers. Attempting to hire within the North Chicago Community.

Any additional questions were to be addressed to the Chief of Staff and Comptroller.

This will be placed on the next Council Agenda, April 15, 2024.


This will be placed on the next Council Agenda, April 15, 2024.


Chief of Staff, Greg Jackson explained on behalf of the I.T. Department that Item III was needed if a power outage occurred needed for a back up. The amount increased from $9,891.05 to $17,000.

This will be placed on the next Council Agenda, April 15, 2024.


Chief of Staff, Greg Jackson explained on behalf of the I.T. Department that Item IV was already budgeted.

Alderman Jackson moved, seconded by Alderman January that Finance/Audit Committee Meeting stand adjourned.


Ayes: Jackson, Coleman, Evans, Allen, Smith, Murphy, January

Nays: None

Absent: None

The meeting adjourned at 9:36 p.m.
