
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Lake County Financial & Administrative Committee met May 30

Webp 6

Ann Maine (District 3) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website

Ann Maine (District 3) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website

Lake County Financial & Administrative Committee met May 30

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call of Members

4. Addenda to the Agenda

5. Public Comment

6. Chair's Remarks

7. Unfinished Business

8. New Business

CONSENT AGENDA (Items 8.1 - 8.5)


8.1 24-0657

Committee action approving the Financial and Administrative Committee minutes from May 2, 2024.

F&A 5.2.24 Final Minutes

8.2 24-0658

Committee action approving the Financial and Administrative Committee minutes from May 9, 2024.

F&A 5.9.24 Final Minutes


8.3 24-0666

Cash & Investment Report from Holly Kim, Treasurer, for the month of April 2024.

FSG April 2024


8.4 24-0670

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Muscat Co., Dundee, Illinois, for fire hydrant preparation and painting at various locations within Lake County Public Works operating systems in the estimated annual amount of $60,950, with renewal options.

• Lake County Public Works has a need to repaint approximately 530 hydrants.

• In accordance with the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, bids were called for by publication of the Fire Hydrant Preparation and Painting Project and sealed bids were received ranging from $51,940 to $190,800.

• Muscat Co. submitted the lowest responsive and responsible bid. Unit prices were provided as part of the bid.

• The term of the contract will be two years with three one-year renewal options to allow for future projects with services based on approved contracted unit prices.

• This resolution authorizes and directs the County Purchasing Agent to execute a contract with Muscat Co. of Dundee, Illinois in the estimated amount of $60,950.

24-0670 Hydrant Painting Bid Final

24-0670 Hydrant Painting Bid Tab FINAL

24-0670 Hydrant Painting Muscat Vendor Disclosure Form

8.5 24-0671

Joint resolution authorizing execution of a contract with William T. Connelly Inc., dba Connelly Electric Co., Addison, Illinois, in the amount of $72,000 for an electrical upgrade at the Lake County Public Works (LCPW) Rollins Lift Station.

• LCPW operates the Rollins Lift Station that serves residents in unincorporated Lake County. This includes sections of Lake Villa, Grant, and Avon Township.

· The Rollins Lift Station requires an electrical upgrade that will enhance the performance of the pumps in place. This will also allow the station to continue to provide economical and reliable sanitary sewer service.

• The County received bids from two contractors for this work ranging from $72,000 to $103,000.

• The award of this contract is recommended to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Connelly Electric Co.

• Funds included in the County’s Adopted Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Budget will be utilized for this Project.

• This resolution authorizes and directs the Purchasing Agent to execute a contract with Connelly Electric Co. of Addison, Illinois, in the amount of $72,000.

24-0671 Rollins Lift Station Connelly Electric Bid Tab

24-0671 Rollins Lift Station Connelly Electric Front End Bid Docs

24-0671 Rollins Lift Station Connelly Electric Map

24-0671 Rollins Lift Station Connelly Electric Vendor Disclosure Statement



8.6 24-0677

Joint resolution authorizing an agreement with Axon Enterprise, Inc., Scottsdale, Arizona for a cloud-based digital evidence storage solution for the Public Defender’s Office in the amount of $66,527.74 and authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $84,197.08 in the Supreme Court Public Defender Fund.

· The Public Defenders Office has no unified storage solution in place for the growing volume of digital discovery received on every case, functionality that is essential to the operation of the Public Defender’s Office.

· Axon Enterprise, Inc., the solution utilized by the State’s Attorney’s Office, has only recently developed its “Axon Justice” platform, guaranteeing cloud based digital storage solution separated from their law enforcement and prosecution platforms in every way, ensuring required confidentiality.

· In accordance with Section 33.115 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, the County Purchasing Division has identified a competitively solicited and awarded cooperative purchasing contract for telecommunication services offered by Axon Enterprise, Inc., Scottsdale, Arizona through Sourcewell.

· The initial annual cost to procure the software, implementation, and unlimited storage is $66,527.74. The vendor has waived the implementation cost. The ongoing software maintenance and storage cost for years two through five increases by four percent each year.

· These services were not anticipated in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 budget; however, these expenses can be absorbed in the Supreme Court Public Defender Fund, which is a special revenue fund that allows for this type of expense.

· It is necessary to perform an emergency appropriation for all revenue received in FY 2024 to be able to authorize spend in this fund. The Supreme Court Public Defender Fund has received $84,197.08 and the full amount will be authorized for expenditure. Without additional funding, the Supreme Court Public Defender Fund will not be able to absorb the expense in future years.


Lake County-Vendor Disclosure Statement

8.7 24-0713

Joint resolution authorizing the adoption and execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) Establishing Lake Consolidated Emergency Communications (LakeComm).

• Since 2018, the County of Lake (Lake County Board) has been a leader and committed partner in Lake County Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) consolidation efforts with the goal of providing timely, effective, and efficient 9-1-1 and emergency dispatch service to Lake County residents, visitors, and first responders.

• Since the Fall of 2022, the County has been a partner through an IGA (“Planning IGA”) to, “develop an Implementing Intergovernmental Agreement (“Implementing IGA”) that establishes a NEW CONSOLIDATED PSAP in Lake County, Illinois to replace and consolidate the PSAPs operated by the Parties to this Agreement.”

• This IGA is the “Implementing IGA” that establishes LakeComm as the NEW CONSOLIDATED PSAP to replace and consolidate partner Lake County PSAPs.

• All cities, villages, fire protection districts, the County, the Sheriff, and other units of local government that directly provide public safety service, that are located, wholly or partly within Lake County or geographically adjoin the boundaries of an existing PSAP Member located within Lake County are invited to be a member of LakeComm.

• The County is a full partner in LakeComm with the Lake County Board appointing the County’s position on the Member Board of Directors and the LakeComm Executive Committee.


8.8 24-0714

Joint resolution authorizing the adoption and execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) Establishing the Joint Emergency Telephone System Board of Lake County, Illinois.

• An Emergency Telephone System Board (ETSB) receives 9-1-1 Surcharge funds and oversees the implementation and operation of the 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone System in a defined service area.

• Public Act 99-0006 has encouraged consolidation of ETSBs and 9-1-1 systems to advance public safety and to encourage the best use of government funds.

• The Lake County, Northeast Lake County, Joint Central Lake County, Vernon Hills, CenCom, and Fox Lake ETSBs were created by ordinance or intergovernmental agreement and certified to operate a 9-1-1 system.

• As part of 9-1-1 consolidation in Lake County, the authorities that established the above ETSBs desire to cooperate and form the new Joint ETSB of Lake County to support 9-1-1 consolidation and the new consolidated PSAP, Lake Consolidated Emergency Communications (LakeComm).

• The Parties have determined that a Joint ETSB would be beneficial on an individual and mutual basis to the residents and agencies served by all the individual units of local government.

• The Effective Date for the new Joint ETSB of Lake County will occur with the:

(1) adoption by the individual corporate authorities of the Parties to this IGA and

(2) final approval by the State 9-1-1 Administrator.

• In accordance with State statute, upon establishment of the Joint ETSB of Lake County on the Effective Date, the County will rescind its ETSB Ordinance and disestablish the Lake County ETSB.

• After the Effective Date, 9-1-1 surcharge monies currently collected from the Lake County ETSB service area will be paid directly to the new Joint ETSB of Lake County.

• After the Effective Date, the Joint Emergency Telephone System Board of Lake County (the “Board”) will consist of nine (9) Members of which two (2) Members will be appointed by the Lake County Board.

JETSB of Lake County IGA


8.9 24-0661

Joint resolution authorizing a contract with Superior Road Striping, Inc., Bartlett, Illinois, in the amount of $833,443.04 for the removal and replacement of pavement markings, and the removal and replacement of pavement markers on various County highways, which will be improved under the Illinois Highway Code for a total of 127 centerline miles and appropriating $1,000,000 of Motor Fuel Tax funds.

• The County maintains over 300 total centerline miles and more than 900 total lane miles of pavement markings and pavement markers for medians, lane lines, and cross walks.

• There was a public call for bids, and a total of two bids were received, ranging from $833,443.04 to $895,006.50, and the lowest responsible bidder is Superior Road Striping, Inc., Bartlett, Illinois, in the amount of $833,443.04.

• This project is included in the Transportation Improvement Program, and designated as Section 24-00000-15-GM.

24-0661 Bid Tabulation, 2024 Pavement Marking and Markers Replacement

24-0661 Vendor Disclosure, Superior


8.10 24-0489

Joint resolution authorizing an emergency appropriation in the amount of $1,704,897.25 for the Sylvan Lake Dam Modification Project by the Stormwater Management Commission (SMC) funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Legislative Pre-Disaster Mitigation program through the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) and the Fremont Township Highway Department.

• SMC has entered into an agreement with the IEMA for a grant (LPDM-PJ-05-IL2022-003) to develop and implement the Sylvan Lake Dam Modification Project in unincorporated Mundelein, in Fremont Township.

• The improvements at the Sylvan Lake Dam include relocation of the sanitary sewer along N. Highland Drive and reconstruction of the Sylvan Lake Dam and appurtenances.

• An Emergency Appropriation was previously approved on November 15, 2022, for the project in the amount of $1,724,566.80 of which $1,293,424.80 is federal contributions and $431,141.71 is the required non-federal contributions.

• Construction bids for the project are double the original estimated cost increasing the total project cost to $3,429,463.76, of which $1,293,424.80 is the federal contributions and $2,136,038.96 is the non-federal contributions to be provided by the Fremont Township Highway Department.

• Emergency appropriations are needed for the additional project cost of $1,704,897.25 which is not included in the current year budget. SMC will use funding for project expenditures which will be reimbursed by the IEMA and the Fremont Township Highway Department.

SLD IGA Signed


Treasurer's Office

8.11 24-0689

Treasurer’s Office Annual Update.

Treasurer overview for FY23 FINAL

Facilities and Construction Services

8.12 24-0667

Resolution authorizing Lake County to enter into an agreement for temporary employee services with Actalent, Hanover, Maryland for professional Architecture/Engineering positions in the estimated amount of $190,000 annually to manage engineering and design projects.

• There is a need to hire temporary architecture and engineering positions in the Facilities and Construction Department to manage the design process from project conception to construction award.

• In 2020 the Lake County Health Department (LCHD) issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Temporary Employee Services, which allows the County to use the existing contract to acquire the same services from that award.

• Nine staffing agencies were awarded by the LCHD: Accounting Principalsclerical and professional, Aerotek - clerical, medical and professional, Assured Healthcare Staffing - medical, Diskriter - clerical, medical and professional, Express Employment Professionals - clerical, medical and professional, Infojini, Inc. - clerical, medical and professional, Maxim Healthcare Staffing - clerical, medical and professional, Medix - clerical, medical and professional, The Salem Group - clerical and professional.

• In accordance with Section 33.115 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, Cooperative Purchasing, the County may participate in a cooperative purchasing agreement for the procurement of goods, services or professional services with one or more public procurement units in accordance with an agreement entered into between the participants.

• This resolution authorizes Lake County to enter into a contract to provide temporary employee services with Actalent in the estimated amount of $190,000 annually based on the hourly rates identified in the contract. Vendor Disclosure Statement - Actalent Facilities and Construction Lake County Rate Proposal Lake County Amendment 2 to Agreement 20108

8.13 24-0678

Discussion on Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Facilities Capital Improvement Plan (CIP)


• FY 2025 Facilities CIP Priorities.

FY2025 CIP Presentation_F A Committee_30MAY24

Facilities CIP Project Downloads


8.14 24-0675

Resolution approving updates to the Travel and Business Expense Reimbursement Policy.

• The Local Government Travel Expense Control Act (Public Act 99-604) requires that Lake County adopt a resolution related to the approval of travel expenses and meal purchases. The law provides that the County regulates the reimbursement of all travel, meal and lodging expenses for officers and employees.

• This Policy is found in the Employee Policy and Procedure Manual, Section 10.9, and is reviewed annually. Policy limits for travel, lodging and meals were reviewed. The limit for airfare has been reduced from $1,200 to $1,000 for a roundtrip ticket and from coach to the most inexpensive, refundable ticket.

• The 3.8 Procurement Card (P-Card) Policy is reviewed annually and has been determined not to need any changes.

• With feedback from end users, and departments, the Travel and Expense Reimbursement Policy has been updated to include both per diem and actual cost meal reimbursements as well as refundable airfare for efficient business travel. The last update to the Policy was at the January 17, 2023, County Board Meeting.

10.9 Travel and Business Expense Reimbursement Policy - CLEAN 5.30.24 Proposed

10.9 Travel and Business Expense Reimbursement Policy - REDLINED 5.30.24 Proposed

8.15 24-0530

Director's Report - Finance.

County Administration

8.16 24-0705

Presentation and discussion regarding a grant application for a proposed new bike path project at 500 W. Winchester Road in collaboration with the Village of Libertyville.

• The Illinois Transportation Enhancement and Improvement Program provides and supports alternate modes of transportation and enhances the transportation system through preservation of visual and cultural resources with a grant cycle opening in August 2024.

• Staff has prepared an informational presentation on the proposed project with an option to pursue this grant and will look for Committee feedback on the proposed path for funding.

Libertyville Bike Path - ITEP Concept

8.17 24-0723

Resolution directing the County Administrator to develop a Lease Agreement with Lake Consolidated Emergency Communications (LakeComm) for 15,324 square feet of dedicated space in the Regional Operations and Communications (ROC) Facility on the County’s Libertyville Campus for LakeComm and Joint Emergency Telephone System Board operations.

• To fulfill the direction in the Intergovernmental Agreement establishing LakeComm and previous agreements, the County of Lake (Lessor) agrees to lease to LakeComm (Tenant) 15,324 square feet of dedicated space in the ROC Facility for LakeComm and Joint Emergency Telephone System Board operations.

• The Lease Agreement shall include a proportional shared cost between the Lessor and Tenant for the common, shared space in the ROC Facility.

• The Lease Agreement shall include a clause that any leased space cannot be occupied, transferred, or sublet without the express written consent of both the Lessor and Tenant.

Diagram of Leased Space

8.18 24-0690

County Administrator's Office Annual Update.

Annual Update - CAO 2024

9. County Administrator's Report

10. Executive Session

10.1 24-0009

Executive session to discuss a personnel matter pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c)(1).

10.1A 24-0715

Committee Action authorizing the reclassification of position 35050 from S4 to S5 and an associated salary increase of $1 per hour.

10.2 24-0455

Executive session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(8) to discuss security procedures and the use of personnel and equipment to respond to an actual, threatened, or a reasonably potential danger to the safety of employees, staff, the public, or public property.

10.2A 24-0686

Resolution authorizing a contract with CDW-G of Vernon Hills, Illinois, in the amount of $2,185,403 for security software and support for three years.

• This project is included in the 2024 Capital Improvement Program as part of the Technology Improvement Plan - Security Initiatives.

• This contract authorizes an agreement with CDW-G for the duration of three years for a total cost of $2,185,403 which includes hardware, licensing, support, and professional services for implementation.

• In accordance with Section 33.115 of the Lake County Purchasing Ordinance, a cooperative purchasing contract with CDW-G has been identified through Omnia Partners to procure needed goods, services, construction, or professional services that have been competitively solicited and awarded.

24-0686 QUO1_Redacted

24-0686 QUO2_Redacted

24-0686 QUO3_Redacted

24-0686 VDS_Redacted

24-0686 SOW 1 - Redacted

24-0686 SOW 2 - Redacted

10.3 24-0012

Executive Session to review closed session minutes pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (21).

10.3A 24-0683

Committee action approving the Financial and Administrative Committee Executive Session minutes from May 2, 2024.

10.3B 24-0680

Committee action approving the Financial and Administrative Committee Executive Session minutes from May 9, 2024.

11. Member Remarks and Requests

12. Adjournment
