
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, December 22, 2024

City of Highland Park Zoning Board of Appeals met Aug. 15

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Anthony E. Blumberg - Councilmember | City of Highland Park Website

Anthony E. Blumberg - Councilmember | City of Highland Park Website

City of Highland Park Zoning Board of Appeals met Aug. 15

Here is the agenda provided by the board:

1) Call to Order

2) Approval of Minutes:

a) 07/18/2024 Zoning Board of Appeals Draft Minutes

3) Business from the Public

4) Old Business

a) #TREE-2024-00767

Property: 953 Judson Avenue

Zoning District: R6

Appellant: Dean and Leslie Bradshaw

Address: 953 Judson Ave, Highland Park, Illinois 60035

The petitioners and owners Dean and Leslie Bradshaw of 953 Judson Avenue Highland Park, IL 60035, request by authority of Section 94.407 of the Highland Park Code, as amended, for a Tree Removal Permit for a Heritage Tree, to remove one Heritage Tree, a 36” White Oak located on the Subject Property.

5) New Business

6) Staff Report

7) Miscellaneous

8) Adjournment
