
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Lake County LakeComm Executive Committee met Aug. 14

Webp 7

Gina Roberts, (District 4) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website

Gina Roberts, (District 4) Lake County Board Member | Lake County Website

Lake County LakeComm Executive Committee met Aug. 14

Here is the agenda provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

• Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call of LakeComm Executive Committee

3. Approval of Minutes

4. Public Comment

5. Unfinished Business

6. New Business

6.1 24-1039

Transition Manager Update.

6.2 24-1035

Resolution authorizing the use and transfer of the remaining funds in the Regional PSAP Consolidation Fund.


R-2024-004(Exhbit A)

6.3 24-1036

Resolution authorizing the adoption and execution of an engagement letter for legal services with the law firm of Ottosen, Dinolfo, Hasenbalg, and Castaldo, Ltd.


R-2024-005(Exhibit A)

6.4 24-1037

Resolution authorizing the adoption and execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) regarding loans for LakeComm transition and startup expenses.


R-2024-006(Exhibit A)

6.5 24-1038

Resolution adopting the LakeComm Transitional Budget.


R-2024-007(Exhibit A)

6.6 24-1040

Discussion and Direction on Executive Director Recruitment.

6.7 24-1041

Discussion and Direction on a Shared Services Agreement with Lake County.

6.8 24-1042

Discussion and Direction on the officers and agents authorized to sign checks, drafts, or other orders of payment or indebtedness.

6.9 24-1044

Discussion and Direction on the officers and agents authorized to execute and deliver contracts or other instruments in LakeComm’s name and on its behalf.

7. Member's Remarks

8. Adjournment
