
Lake County Gazette

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

City of Highland Park Housing Commission met Dec. 4

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Anthony E. Blumberg - Councilmember | City of Highland Park Website

Anthony E. Blumberg - Councilmember | City of Highland Park Website

City of Highland Park Housing Commission met Dec. 4

Here are the minutes provided by the commission:


At 6:30 p.m., Acting Chair Farris called an on-site meeting of the Highland Park Housing Commission, Peers Housing Association, Ravinia Housing Association, and the Sunset Woods Association to order. Each of the Commissioners also serves as Directors of each of the Housing Associations. Public comments may be emailed to city@hpil.com or phoned into at 847.432.0867. The City web site is www.cityhpil.com. Staff was asked to call the roll.


Commissioners Present: Acting Chair Farris; Commissioners Beasley, Bernstein, Rosen, & Shapiro Kopin

Commissioner Absent: Chairperson Fernandez Sykes & Commissioner Gonzalez

Councilmember Absent: Blumberg

Student Council Absent: Byrnes

Staff declared that a quorum was present.

Staff Present: Akash

Guests Present: Irina Leykin/ERES

Richard Koenig/HODC


There was no Business from the Public.


Regular Meeting of the Housing Commission – November 6, 2024

Commissioner Bernstein recommended the following sentence be revised from:

Commissioner Shapiro Kopin advised that Sunset Woods’ lawyer noted she is a non-resident participating in Board Meetings.


Commissioner Shapiro Kopin advised there is a non-resident participating in Board Meetings.

Commissioner Bernstein moved to approve the November 6, 2024, regular meeting minutes as amended.

Commissioner Shapiro Kopin seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote:

Voting Yea: Acting Chair Farris; Commissioners Beasley, Bernstein, Rosen, & Shapiro Kopin

Voting Nay: None

Acting Chair Farris declared that the motion passed unanimously.


1. Items for Omnibus Vote Consideration

• Payment of Invoices

• Ratification of Payments

Senior Planner Akash advised there is nothing outstanding.

2. Peers, Ravinia, Sunset Woods Associations, & Housing Trust Fund

• Consideration of ERES Management Report and Financials


Ms. Leykin said an intercom system has been installed. She stated this will update everyone’s phone numbers. There may be cost savings from telephone bills.

Smoke alarms failed inspection. This will be reviewed, and a re-inspection will occur.

There is one vacant unit, and qualified candidates are being screened.


Ms. Leykin said work has been completed on units regarding sewer back-up and repair. She noted one vacant unit was filled yesterday.

Monies from replacement reserves has been requested from IDHA for insurance and major repair expenses. This could take approximately three months to obtain.

Commissioner Bernstein asked how the eviction process is going. Ms. Leykin said it’s over, and there are no eviction cases.

• Sunset Woods Financials

Senior Planner Akash advised Mr. Koenig is present this evening.

Mr. Koenig referred to financial information in the packet. He noted building improvements (tuck pointing, etc.) include a major expense.

Some HC comments are…..

• Commissioner Shapiro Kopin:

○ asked if there is an issue running the building with a low cash level. Mr. Koenig responded, to pay for costs, monies were taken out of operating funds. He shared that the balance will continue to grow.

○ said, at the November 13th scheduled Board Meeting, there were to be elections for three open positions and four candidates. The Board Meeting ended up not taking place. She will reach out regarding the January meeting.

• Commissioner Bernstein asked and Mr. Koenig stated CPAH owns four units at Hyacinth Place, and HODC manages those units.

Mr. Koenig said HODC is expanding affordable housing operations and discussed same. He noted 48 units would be forthcoming at the former Grainger site in Northbrook.

Back to…..

• Consideration of ERES Management Report and Financials

Ms. Leykin returned to the meeting and reminded the HC that approval is required for two expenses at Ravinia.

Commissioner Bernstein moved to approve the additional repair for a pump pit in Ravinia in the amount of $9,032.02. Commissioner Shapiro Kopin seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Acting Chair Farris; Commissioners Beasley, Bernstein, Rosen, & Shapiro Kopin

Voting Nay: None

Acting Chair Farris declared that the motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Bernstein moved to approve a furnace replacement at 2745 St. Johns Avenue in Ravinia in the amount of $5,942.12. Commissioner Rosen seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Acting Chair Farris; Commissioners Beasley, Bernstein, Rosen, & Shapiro Kopin

Voting Nay: None

Acting Chair Farris declared that the motion passed unanimously.

Onward to…..

• Housing Trust Fund (HTF) Financials

Some HC comments are…..

• Commissioner Bernstein identified estimated revenue, and said she hopes it doesn’t interfere with intentions to obtain more housing. Senior Planner Akash noted there will be an update of the payment-in-lieu for development at the next meeting.

• Commissioner Shapiro Kopin asked if this is for developments that already occurred. Senior Planner Akash responded in the affirmative.

• Commissioner Rosen said it’s a question of when it will come in. Senior Planner Akash concurred. She explained ways that payments-in-lieu are received (Hidden Oak development of single-family homes, etc.). Applications for developments that are in discussion stages were shared and have not yet been submitted.

• Other Association Business

Senior Planner Akash advised there is nothing outstanding.


1. Consideration and Approval contract with Novogradac for Audit and Tax Preparation Services for Peers, Ravinia, and Sunset Woods Housing Associations Senior Planner Akash said this is the same contract, and nothing has changed. She noted there is an 11.8% increase (of the five-year contract).

Some HC comments are…..

• Acting Chair Farrisis happy with the breakdown. She believes a five-year contract is advantageous.

• Commissioner Shapiro Kopin agrees a five-year contract is the best way to go.

• Commissioner Rosen appreciates the pricing breakdown.

• Commissioner Beasley asked why Cohn Reznick wasn’t selected. Senior Planner Akash said there were multiple reasons. She noted the Staff at Novogradac has been efficient, etc.; this did not go out to bid.

Commissioner Rosen moved to approve Novogradac’s contract for Audit and Tax Preparation Services for Peers, Ravinia, and Sunset Woods Housing Associations. Commissioner Shapiro Kopin seconded the motion.

On a roll call vote

Voting Yea: Acting Chair Farris; Commissioners Beasley, Bernstein, Rosen, & Shapiro Kopin

Voting Nay: None

Acting Chair Farris declared that the motion passed unanimously.


1. Sunset Woods Condo Update

Commissioner Shapiro Kopin said it’s great there are four candidates for three open Board positions.

As the year is ending, Senior Planner Akash thanked each Commissioner, as well as those not present, for his/her services and the large efforts while being on the HC. Senior Planner Akash noted the next meeting will be on January 8, 2025.


Commissioner Bernstein moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:05 p.m. Commissioner Shapiro Kopin seconded the motion.

On a voice vote

Voting Yea: Acting Chair Farris; Commissioners Beasley, Bernstein, Rosen, & Shapiro Kopin

Voting Nay: None

Acting Chair Farris declared that the motion passed unanimously.
