City of North Chicago Ward 1, Alderman Michael R. Jackson | City of North Chicago Facebook
City of North Chicago Ward 1, Alderman Michael R. Jackson | City of North Chicago Facebook
City of North Chicago Public Works Committee met Jan. 6
Here are the minutes provided by the committee:
Alderman Evans called the meeting to order.
Present: Jackson, Coleman, Evans, Allen, Smith, Murphy, January
Absent: None
Engineer Steve Cieslica explained the lead service line replacement project. USEPA required to identify the lead pipes. Funding was available to $3 mil/yr. to replace the lead service lines, monies were exclusive to the lead service line from the meter and no additional work. There was an $18 mil cost to complete over (6) years and no city cost. Eligible for the 1st phase.
Attorney Simon asked if any water main work was included with the scope of the project. Mr. Cieslica explained it was a separate project. IEPA required to receive any funding, had to replace the water main to the meter. Have received funding previously from Senator Durbin in the amount of $500,000.
The City was to receive $1.5 mil upon passing the budget from Congressman Schneider to replace the meters and lead service lines for Broadway Ave. and blocks in Victoria Ave. The design was ready awaiting the budget approval.
Alderman Jackson asked if the same guarantee with a new U.S. President for the funding. Mr. Cieslica explained that the $.5 mil was ensured and unsure of the future $1.5 mil.
Alderman Coleman questioned clarification on the specifics what was to be approved. Mr. Cieslica explained it was for design engineering services for the 1st Phase of the $3 mil 6- Phase to replace the lead service lines. The goal was to approve it at the next Council Meeting, January 21, 2025.
Alderman Coleman asked if the amount would be utilized from the grant. Mr. Cieslica clarified the grant would cover 100% of both design, construction engineering and cost. He explained the IEPA Grant and its process of reimbursement from the initial city cost. Alderman Coleman had high concerns of changed administration not receiving the funding. Mr. Cieslica explained that was federally funded that was utilized from the Federal Budget.
Alderman Evans advised to stay within the agenda item topic and following the meeting it could be discussed after the meeting.
Attorney Simon clarified it was mandated by the State and Federal Government. that the lead service lines were replaced universally over a long period of time. He provided the comparison to Flint Michigan. The IEPA had established programs for principal forgiveness. The money offered was through a state program.
Alderman Evans recommended that the packets were read before questions addressed.
Alderman Coleman moved, seconded by Alderman Allen that Public Works Committee Meeting stand adjourned.
Ayes: Jackson, Coleman, Evans, Allen, Smith, Murphy, January
Nays: None
Absent: None
The meeting adjourned at 7:14 p.m.