
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Village of Antioch Board of Trustees met Jan. 15

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Trustee Petrina Burman | Village Of Antioch

Trustee Petrina Burman | Village Of Antioch

Village of Antioch Board of Trustees met Jan. 15

Here are the minutes provided by the board:


Mayor Gartner called the January 15, 2025 regular meeting of the Board of Trustees to order at 6:32pm at the Antioch Municipal Building located at 874 Main Street, Antioch, IL and via Zoom.


The Mayor and Board of Trustees led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Roll call indicated the following Trustees were present: Burman, Bluthardt, McNeill, Pierce, Macek and Pedersen. Also present were Mayor Gartner, Administrator Guttschow, Attorney Vasselli and Clerk Romine.

IV. Absent Trustees Wishing to Attend Remotely

There were no Trustees wishing to attend remotely.

V. Mayoral Report

Acknowledgements – Mayor Gartner recognized Law Enforcement Appreciation Day and Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

He also acknowledged the recent passing of former Village employee Claude LeMere. Claude was involved in the construction of the Bandshell and implemented the It’s Thursday Concert Series.

Mayor Gartner introduced the new Finance Director Michael Peterson and Community Development Director Howard Coppari. Mr. Peterson discussed his previous experience as a finance director. Mr. Coppari discussed his experience as a planner.

Citizens Wishing to Address the Board

Ms. Darcy Dussault and Ms. Fran Ano, said they are representing Gerald Bitto and Bill Holtzman who are handicapped, and asked for help from the Village to provide Pace transportation and allow more services for the handicapped community. Ms. Dussault discussed the fact that they were unable to attend tonight due to Pace’s limited hours. They requested handicapped and wheelchair accessible transportation after 5:30 pm for residents. Ms. Ano discussed difficulties faced when attempting to schedule rides with Pace. She asked for help with Pace to work in providing transportation to residents, securing nighttime service until 8pm, and seeing what can be done to increase availability to Antioch residents. Administrator Guttschow advised that staff has reached out to Pace, and have begun conversations to see how residents may be better served.

VI. Consent Agenda

Trustee Pierce moved, seconded by Trustee Bluthardt to approve the following consent agenda items as presented:

1. Approval of the December 11, 2024 Village Board Meeting Regular Meeting Minutes as presented

2. Approval of the December 26, 2024 Village Board Special Meeting Minutes as presented

3. Approval of an Ordinance authorizing a Memorandum of Understanding and the use of certain office space for the Antioch Area Healthcare Accessibility Alliance on behalf of the Village of Antioch, Illinois – Ordinance No. 25-01-01

Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 5: Burman, Bluthardt, Pierce, Macek and Pedersen.

NO: 0.


ABSTAIN: 1: McNeill.


VII. Regular Business

4. Consideration and approval to ratify payment of the December 31, 2024 accounts payable as prepared by staff in the amount of $1,046,756.84 – Trustee Pedersen moved, seconded by Trustee Burman, to ratify payment of the December 31, 2024 accounts payable in the amount of $1,046,756.84. Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Burman, Bluthardt, McNeill, Pierce, Macek and Pedersen.

NO: 0.



5. Consideration and approval of payment of accounts payable as prepared by staff in the amount of $893,780.36 – Trustee Pedersen moved, seconded by Trustee Pierce, to approve payment of accounts payable in the amount of $893,780.36. Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Burman, Bluthardt, McNeill, Pierce, Macek and Pedersen.

NO: 0.



6. Consideration and approval of a Resolution Authorizing and Approving the Purchase of Equipment (Rooftop Unit) for the Village of Antioch, Illinois, in an amount not to exceed $60,000 - Trustee Pedersen moved, seconded by Trustee Burman, to approve Resolution No. 25-01 Authorizing and Approving the Purchase of Equipment (Rooftop Unit) for the Village of Antioch, Illinois, in an amount not to exceed $60,000. Administrator Guttschow advised this purchase was for the new Village Hall. Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Burman, Bluthardt, McNeill, Pierce, Macek and Pedersen.

NO: 0.



7. Consideration and approval of an Ordinance Granting Land Use Relief for the Property located at the Northeast Corner of Route 173 and Lincoln Avenue in the Village of Antioch, Illinois (Special Use – Drive-Thru Lanes) - Trustee Bluthardt moved, seconded by Trustee Pierce, to approve Ordinance No. 25-01-02 an Granting Land Use Relief for the Property located at the Northeast Corner of Route 173 and Lincoln Avenue in the Village of Antioch, Illinois (Special Use – Drive-Thru Lanes), waiving the second reading. Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Burman, Bluthardt, McNeill, Pierce, Macek and Pedersen.

NO: 0.



8. Consideration and approval of a Resolution Approving a Site Plan for Real Property located at the Northeast Corner of Route 173 and Lincoln Avenue in the Village of Antioch, Illinois (Core Acquisitions, LLC, Market Place Outlots 1-3) - Trustee McNeill moved, seconded by Trustee Pierce, to approve Resolution No. 25-02 Approving a Site Plan for Real Property located at the Northeast Corner of Route 173 and Lincoln Avenue in the Village of Antioch, Illinois (Core Acquisitions, LLC, Market Place Outlots 1-3). Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Burman, Bluthardt, McNeill, Pierce, Macek and Pedersen. 

NO: 0.



9. Consideration and approval of a Resolution Granting a Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision for property located in the Village of Antioch, Illinois (Northeast Corner of Route 173 and Lincoln Avenue, Outlots 1-3) – Trustee Bluthardt moved, seconded by Trustee McNeill, to approve Resolution No. 25-03 Granting a Preliminary and Final Plat of Subdivision for property located in the Village of Antioch, Illinois (Northeast Corner of Route 173 and Lincoln Avenue, Outlots 1-3). Upon roll call, the vote was:

YES: 6: Burman, Bluthardt, McNeill, Pierce, Macek and Pedersen.

NO: 0.



VIII. Administrator’s Report

Administrator Guttschow announced the recent new hires, and said they have begun the process of recruiting for the new Director of Parks and Recreation. Village Hall continues to progress, and staff and the consultant are working on finalizing the documents to go out to bid. Design development continues on the public works facility, and staff is working on taking possession of the Bitner property for this project. AAHAA has moved into the former Senior Center and budgeting season has begun for staff. Administrator Guttschow said this afternoon the LakeComm board adopted its first annual operating budget just over $15 million. Costs savings are expected for the Village of Antioch in the first year of service. He recognized and thanked the Public Works department for their hard work during the turbulent weather. He concluded stating that the details for the café building are being finalized.

Trustee Bluthardt read aloud a comment from former Trustee Mary Dominiak thanking the Board and the Village for approving the MOU for AAHAA and specifically Jim Moran for his assistance with the transition and moving.

IX. Village Clerk’s Report


X. Trustee Reports



There being no further discussion, the Village Board of Trustees regular meeting adjourned at 6:57 pm.
