
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mundelein Board of Trustees approves intergovernmental agreement

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The village of Mundelein Board of Trustees met Oct. 24 to approve an intergovernmental agreement.

Here is the meeting's agenda, as provided by the board:

Village Board

Regular Meeting

10/24/2016 7:00 PM

Board Room

300 Plaza Circle Mundelein, IL 60060


Agenda Packet

I. Call to Order

II. Attendance

1. Roll Call

III. Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Approval of Minutes

A. Minutes of Sep 26, 2016 7:00 PM

B. Minutes of Oct 10, 2016 6:15 PM

C. Minutes of Oct 10, 2016 7:00 PM

V. Public Commentary

VI. Presentations/Awards

A. Veterans Day Commemoration Ceremony

document Proclamation Printout

B. Good Neighbor Award - Deborah L. Geib

document Award Printout

VII. Public Hearings

VIII. Mayor's Report

A. Gateway Signage Design Firm Selection Committee

Motion to appoint Trustee Bill Rekus to the Gateway Signage Design Firm Selection Committee.

document Commission Appointment Printout

B. Presentation: North Lake Street Façade Improvement Project -- Allen+Pepa Architects Aurora Studio, Inc.

C. North Lake Street Façade – CDBG Contract & Architectural Design Services Contract

document Committee Report Printout

a. Project Area Map - North Lake -10-24-2016

b. Pictures of Project Area 10-24-16

D. North Lake Facade Improvement Project CDBG Grant

Motion to Adopt a Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Execution of the Sub-Recipient Agreement for Community Development Block Grant Implementation by and between Lake County, Illinois and the Village of Mundelein, Illinois for the North Lake Façade Improvement Project.

document Resolution Printout

a. Subrecipient Agreement - CDBG Agreement for Grant Implementation 10-24-16

E. Allen+Pepa Architects Professional Services Agreement

Motion to Adopt a Professional Services Agreement, North Lake Street Façade Improvement Design Services, and a Conditional Addendum with Allen+Pepa Architects, Aurora Studio, Inc., each in a not-to-exceed amount of $36,500.00 and Authorize the Village Administrator to sign the Agreement and Conditional Addendum.

document Resolution Printout

a. Exhibit A A+P Mundelein Contract

b. Exhibit B A+P Addendum

IX. Trustee Reports

A. Community and Economic Development Committee (Abernathy, Russell, Norton)

1. Minutes of Sep 26, 2016 6:45 PM

2. Draft Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Pet Stores

Motion to authorize staff to prepare an Ordinance Licensing and Regulating Pet Stores.

document Committee Report Printout


3. Request to Waive Permit Fees for Affordable Housing Corporation

Motion to authorize staff to issue the rehabilitation building permit to Affordable Housing Corporation of Lake County (AHCLC) for the property located at 302 N. Lakeshore and waive the permit fees in the amount of $1,400.27.

document Committee Report Printout

a. Affordable Housing Corporation Letter

b. 302 N. Lakeshore Drive Building Permit Fee

B. Public Works Committee (Russell, Kim, Semple)

1. Growing Sustainable Communities Conference

document Committee Report Printout

2. Vehicle Purchase--Pumper Truck Vendor Change

Motion to adopt a Resolution Waiving Bids, Accepting a Proposal, and Approving a Purchase Order for a Pumper Truck from Pierce Manufacturing, Inc., in Appleton, WI, through the HGAC Cooperative Purchasing Program in the amount of $445,968 and Authorizing a Check Request for $250,000 downpayment.

document Resolution Printout

a. Exhibit A -- Pierce Proposal

b. Pierce Purchase Order

3. Water Reclamation Facility Chemical Phosphorus Removal Project

Motion to adopt a Resolution authorizing the Contract Between the Village of Mundelein and Manusos General Contracting and to approve purchase order and payment in the amount of $934,000.00.

document Resolution Printout

a. Exhibit A - CPR Contract

b. Manusos Purchase Order

c. Award Recommendation 2016-10-19 Mundelein ChemP

C. Finance Committee (Semple, Abernathy, Rekus)

1. Trustee Kim IML Conference Expense Reimbursement

Motion to approve the payment of bills, as indicated on the Disbursement Pending Report dated 10/24/16 for Trustee Kim in the amount of $187.26.

document Committee Report Printout

a. Trustee Kim

2. Trustee Norton IML Conference Expense Reimbursement

Motion to approve the payment of bills, as indicated on the Disbursement Pending Report dated 10/24/16 for Trustee Norton in the amount of $216.42.

document Committee Report Printout

a. Trustee Norton

3. Trustee Rekus IML Conference Expense Reimbursement

Motion to approve the payment of bills, as indicated on the Disbursement Pending Report dated 10/24/16 for Trustee Rekus in the amount of $241.76.

document Committee Report Printout

a. Trustee Rekus

4. Governing Body Bill Approval October 24, 2016

Motion to approve the payment of bills, as indicated in the Governing Body Report for the period between October 11, 2016 and ending October 24, 2016, in the amount of $1,245,116.36.

document Committee Report Printout

a. 161024 Bill Approval

5. Banking Services Requests for Proposal

Motion to authorize staff to seek proposals for Village Banking and Credit Card Acceptance Services.

document Committee Report Printout

D. Public Safety Committee (Rekus, Semple, Abernathy)

E. Communication and Marketing Committee (Kim, Norton, Russell)

F. Transportation & Infrastructure Committee (Norton, Rekus, Kim)

1. Butterfield Road Sanitary Sewer Extension

Motion to award a professional services agreement to Trotter & Associates, Inc., in the amount of $56,616.00 for the Butterfield Road Sanitary Sewer Improvements design and authorize the Village Engineer to sign the agreement.

document Committee Report Printout

a. Butterfield Road Sewer Service Area 2016

2. CMAQ Maple Avenue (IL 176) Shared-Use Path Phase 2 Engineering

Motion to approve a Preliminary Engineering Services Agreement with HR Green, Inc., in the amount of $73,326.45 for Phase 2 Engineering services related to the 2015 CMAQ Maple Avenue (IL 176) Shared-Use Path Project and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the agreement.

document Committee Report Printout

a. CMAQ Maple Ave Bike Path Location Map

b. Preliminary Engineering Services Maple Avenue Shared Path

3. Local Funding Share of Design for CMAQ Maple Avenue Shared-Use Path Grant

Motion to adopt a Resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois and the Village of Mundelein appropriating funds for the CMAQ Maple Avenue Shared-Use Path Project.

document Resolution Printout

4. CMAQ Maple Avenue Shared-Use Path Funding Agreement

Motion to approve the Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation with the Illinois Department of Transportation for Phase 2 Design of the Maple Avenue Shared-Use Path Project and authorize the Mayor to sign the Agreement.

document Committee Report Printout

a. Local Participation Agreement for Federal Participation-Maple Avenue

5. CMAQ Maple Avenue

Motion to approve a Purchase Order in the amount of $73,326.45 for HR Green, Inc., for Phase 2 Engineering services related to the 2015 CMAQ Maple Avenue (IL 176) Shared-Use Path Project.

document Motion (not a Res or Ord) Printout

G. Other Reports

X. Scheduled Business

Omnibus Vote Items

1. Rosati's Pizza and Pub Liquor License, 3110 West IL Route 60

Motion to Pass an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 04-12-69, an Ordinance Regulating the Sale of Alcoholic Liquor in the Village of Mundelein.

document Ordinance Printout

2. Purchase Order - Farr Associates Downtown North Implementation Project

Motion to Approve a Purchase Order for Professional Services by Farr Associates in an amount not-to-exceed $142,841.00 for the North Hawley Street Subarea Plan (Downtown North Implementation Plan).

document Omnibus Printout

a. Farr Purchase Order

b. Farr Associates Contract

3. Settlement for Final Compensation for the Hawley Street Improvements

Motion to Adopt a Resolution approving the Settlement for Final Compensation for Certain Acquisition and Temporary Easements regarding Property needed for the Hawley Street Improvements.

document Resolution Printout

XI. Village Staff Reports

A. Village Administrator

B. Village Attorney

C. Village Clerk

XII. Executive Session

A. Motion to recess into Executive Session to discuss pending litigation pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(c)(11), land acquisition or sale of property pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(C)(5), personnel pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2(C)(1), and minutes pursuant to 5 ILCS 120, Section 2 (c)(21).

B. Motion to reconvene Village Board Meeting.

C. Attendance.

D. Action from Executive Session: None.

XIII. Other Business

XIV. Adjournment

A. Motion to adjourn the Regular Board Meeting.