
Lake County Gazette

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Barrington President and Board of Trustees met March 20.

Village of Barrington President and Board of Trustees met Monday, March 20.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call To Order

The Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees was called to order by Village President Karen Darch at 8:00 p.m. on Monday, March 20, 2017 in the Village Board Room, 200 South Hough Street, Barrington, Illinois. Rev. Dr. Zina Jacque from the Community Church of Barrington, led the Pledge of Allegiance and gave the invocation.

Roll Call

Upon roll being called the following answered present: Trustees Jim Daluga, Tim Roberts, Pete Douglas, Jason Lohmeyer, Todd Sholeen, and President Karen Darch. Trustee Sue Padula was absent. Also present were: Jeff Lawler, Village Manager; Jason Hayden, Director of Financial Services; Peg Blanchard, Director of Economic Development; Greg Summers, Director of Development Services; John Burke, Assistant Police Chief; Patty Dowd Schmitz, Communications/ Events Manager; and Jim Bateman, Attorney.

In compliance with the provisions of Chapter 11, "Rules for Participation in Meetings via Electronic Means" of Title 1, "Administration", of the Village of Barrington Village Code, Trustee Douglas participated in said meeting via electronic means.

Consideration Of Modifications To Agenda

President Darch asked the Board if there were any additions, corrections or deletions to the Agenda that was presented at the dais. None were noted.

Consideration Re: 

Motion to take a single roll call vote on the question of modifying or setting Agenda Items.


A motion was duly made by Trustee Daluga and seconded by Trustee Roberts to set the Agenda as presented.

Roll Call:

Trustee Daluga, aye; Trustee Roberts, aye; Trustee Padula, absent; Trustee Douglas, aye; Trustee Lohmeyer, aye; Trustee Sholeen, aye; and President Darch, aye. President Darch declared the motion passed.

Persons To Be Heard From The Floor - Citizen's Registration Comments

Dave Nelson, a resident of Lake Barrington and former Village resident and mayor, addressed the Board regarding what they and President Darch have brought to the Village from a positive perspective. He also encouraged residents to get out and vote for the upcoming election.

Deborah Leydig, owner of Norton’s USA (400 S. Lageshulte St.), addressed the Board regarding her business and how great Main St. looks these days with the addition of Barrington’s White House and other businesses and restaurants. She also commented on the positive additions of Ace, Heinen’s, and other small businesses that have made Barrington great over the past several years with Karen and Peg Blanchard’s leadership.

Bruce Pfaff, a resident of Barrington Hills, addressed the Board regarding the CN railway and how proactive President Darch was regarding her response to his concerns regarding the safety issues.

Jack Schaefer, a resident of the Village (820 S. Country Dr.), addressed the Board regarding how special the Village is these days with the leadership of President Darch and the Board. He also commented how special Barrington’s White House has become.

John Brown, a resident of the Village and owner of Ace Hardware, addressed the Board regarding the progress of the Village over the past several years. He thanked Karen, the Board, and staff for getting his business up and running and for all of their support over the years.

Michelle Pulver a Village resident (155 Old Mill Rd.), addressed the Board regarding Karen’s support and leadership as Village President and looks forward to having her as president of the Village for another four years.

Jeanne Hanson and Gene Dawson (both longtime Village residents), addressed the Board regarding suicide prevention and putting up signs throughout the Village to raise awareness.

Beth Raseman, a Village resident and former trustee (84 Old Mill Ct.), addressed the Board regarding how dedicated the Board and staff has been and have created a great community. She also endorsed President Darch and all of the complex issues that she, the Board, and staff have worked through and encouraged people to get out and vote.

Tom Prentiss, a Village resident (82Old Mill Ct.), addressed the Board regarding the other residents comments and endorsed Karen for another four years.

Bob Lee, a Village resident (285 N. Valley Rd.), addressed the Board regarding what a truly lovely community this is to live, work, and play. He encouraged residents to do their research and get out and vote. He also encouraged residents to visit the Village website and read the State of the Village Address. Ultimately, he endorsed President Darch for another four years due to her leadership.

Reading Of Minutes - Changes, Corrections, Approval:

a. February 27, 2017

Motion: A motion was duly made by Trustee Lohmeyer and seconded by Trustee Sholeen to approve the minutes of February 27, 2017 Regular Meeting of the Corporate Authorities, as presented.

Roll Call: Trustee Daluga, aye; Trustee Roberts, aye; Trustee Padula, absent; Trustee Douglas, aye; Trustee Lohmeyer, aye; and Trustee Sholeen, aye. President Darch declared the motion passed.

Reports Of Village Officials:

1. Village President Report

President Darch noted that she was in Springfield last week with the Northwest Municipal Conference and with the Barrington Area Council of Governments for lobby days. She got to speak with the governor and his staff. Ultimately, it was a productive meeting.

2. Village Staff Reports

Greg Summers, Director of Development Services, provided an update regarding a clarification surrounding pergolas within the Village. He also provided an update regrading a topic on tonight’s agenda. Specifically, the U.S. Route 14 Underpass and Lake Zurich Road Relocation and the positive impacts that will ultimately be positive.

Jason Hayden, Director of Financial Services, provided an update regarding the budget amendment and the recent sales tax figures.

3. Committee Reports


4. Consent Agenda

- Consideration of an "Omnibus Vote (*)."

Illinois Municipalities may adopt by a single roll call vote of the Village Board and Village President a group of assorted ordinances, resolutions, motions and orders by an Omnibus Vote. The Omnibus Vote shall be taken following the unanimous consent by the President and Board as to the items to be included in such vote. Any Trustee or the President may request that any item proposed to be included in an "Omnibus Vote" not be included in that vote.

Consideration Re:

Motion to take a single roll call vote on the question of passage of

Agenda items designated by an asterisk (*) for voting purposes on the Consent Agenda. The motion requires unanimous consent of the President and Board of Trustees.

President Darch identified those items to be included on the Consent Agenda.

ii. Consideration Re: Motion to approve by an omnibus vote those Ordinances,

Resolutions, Motions and Orders contained on the Consent Agenda and designated by an asterisk (*) by an omnibus vote.

President Darch listed the following items to be included on the Consent Agenda.

*a. Motion To Hire One Regular Part-Time Police Assistant/Records Clerk

*b. Motion To Reappoint Member to the Plan Commission

*c. Resolution #17-4644: Authorizing Use of Portions of Village Rights-of-Way and Certain Village Leased Property and a Waiver of Various License Fees for the Barrington Art Festival to be Held May 27 and May 28, 2017

*d. Resolution #17-4645: Authorizing and Approving the Award of a Contract to and Approving an Agreement with Filotto Construction Inc. for the Removal and Replacement of Shingles and Associated Roofing Materials at the Public Works Salt Shed (South Side Only)

*e. Resolution #17-4666: Authorizing and Approving Award of a Contract to Patriot

Paving Maintenance for the 2017 Crack Sealing Work

*f. Ordinance #17-3933: Authorizing the Acquisition of Certain Real Estate by the Village of Barrington, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, Approving and Ratifying the Purchase thereof and Authorizing the Payment for Same (RE: Temporary Construction Easement on a portion of 442 E. Berry Road, Part of P.I.N. 13-36-403-020; Owners: Robert S. Knapik and Taylor Knapik; Route: Lake Zurich Road; Section: Citizens Park Drive to U.S. 14; Project No. 11-00067-00-GS; Parcel No. 1MF0002 TE (1+2)

*g. Ordinance #17-3934: Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Certain Contract for the Sale of Real Estate (Re: The Property Identified as a Portion of 1475 S. Barrington Road, Barrington, Illinois, Part of Permanent Index Number 01-12-301-018

*h. Ordinance #17-3935: Amending Ordinance Numbers 1888, 1974, 2012, 2079, 2222, 2326, 07-0405, 09-3549, 13-3772, and 15-3828 and Granting an Amended Special Use for a Business Planned Development for the Property of Motor Werks of Barrington (Re: PC 16-08: Property of Motor Werks of Barrington at 1475 S. Barrington Road and 42 East Dundee Road)

*i. Ordinance #17-3936: Amending the Annual Budget of the Village of Barrington,

Illinois for Fiscal Year 2016

*j. Ordinance #17-3937: Amending Title 3, “Business and License Regulations,” Title 5, “Police Regulations,” and Title 7, “Public Ways and Property,” of the Barrington Village Code (RE: Chapter 3, “Liquor Control,” and Chapter 6, “Food and Beverages” (Article D, “Outdoor Cafes”), of Title 3, “Business and License Regulations,” and Chapter 5, “Village Property Use Regulations,” of Title 7, “Public Ways and Property,” and Other Technical Amendments)

Motion: A motion was duly made by Trustee Daluga and seconded by Trustee Roberts to approve the taking of a single roll call vote to adopt and create a Consent Agenda, consisting of Items 4ii*a, 4ii*b, 4ii*c, 4ii*d, 4ii*e 4ii*f, 4ii*g, 4ii*h, 4ii*i, and 4ii*j, as presented.

Roll Call: Trustee Daluga, aye; Trustee Roberts, aye; Trustee Padula, absent; Trustee Douglas, aye; Trustee Lohmeyer, aye; Trustee Sholeen, aye; and President Darch, aye. President Darch declared the motion to take a single roll call vote to adopt and create the Consent Agenda passed unanimously.

ii. Consideration Re: Motion to approve by an omnibus vote those Ordinances,

Resolutions, Motions and Orders contained on the Consent Agenda and designated by an asterisk (*) by an omnibus vote.

Pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/3.1-40-40, a single roll call vote of the Village Board of Trustees and the President on a group of ordinances, resolutions, orders, and/ or motions.

Motion: A motion was duly made by Trustee Roberts and seconded by Trustee Sholeen to approve the Consent Agenda, consisting of Items 4ii*a, 4ii*b, 4ii*c, 4ii*d, 4ii*e 4ii*f, 4ii*g, 4ii*h, 4ii*i, and 4ii*j, as presented.

Roll Call: Trustee Daluga, aye; Trustee Roberts, aye; Trustee Padula, absent; Trustee Douglas, aye; Trustee Lohmeyer, aye; Trustee Sholeen, aye; and President Darch, aye. President Darch declared the motion to take a single roll call vote to adopt and create the Consent Agenda passed unanimously.

Payment Of Bills: Consideration Re: Motion To Approve

5. Warrants List – 3/20/2017 - $1,705,618.46 (Expenditures and Payroll - All Funds)

Motion: A motion was duly made by Trustee Daluga and seconded by Trustee Roberts to approve the payment of bills included in the Warrants List for the period ending 3/20/2017 in the amount of $1,705,618.46.

Trustee Daluga, Trustee Roberts, Trustee Padula, Trustee Douglas, Trustee Lohmeyer, Trustee Sholeen, and President Darch

Roll Call: Trustee Daluga, aye; Trustee Roberts, aye; Trustee Padula, absent; Trustee Douglas, aye; Trustee Lohmeyer, aye; and Trustee Sholeen, aye. President Darch declared the motion to take a single roll call vote to adopt and create the Consent Agenda passed unanimously.

Comments - "Round The Table"

Trustee Daluga commented on Jason’s budgeting amendment and provided a detailed explanation to the public.

Trustee Roberts also provided an update regarding the positive sale’s tax numbers. He congratulated all of the local businesses.

Trustee Padula was absent.

Trustee Douglas had no comment.

Trustee Lohmeyer thanked the first responders that dealt wonderfully with the recent hazardous situation that occurred. He also commented on the Lake Zurich Rd. Relocation Project that will ultimately be occurring.

Trustee Sholeen commented on living in Barrington and how great it is to see the members of the community come together for the events that occurred. He also endorsed President Darch and thanked her for all that she has done for the Village throughout the years.

President Darch wished to thank Village Manager, Jeff Lawler for his leadership and noted that there was no need for a closed session and that the next scheduled Regular Village Board Meeting will be held Monday, March 20, 2017 at 8:00 p.m. in the Village Board Room.


Motion: A motion was duly made by Trustee Daluga and seconded by Trustee Roberts to adjourn the Regular Meeting of the President and Board of Trustees on Monday, March 20, 2017.

A voice vote was then called following which President Darch declared the motion to adjourn had been unanimously adopted and the meeting was adjourned. The time was 9:15 p.m.
