
Lake County Gazette

Monday, January 27, 2025

Village of Wadsworth Board met May 16.

Village of Wadsworth Board met May 16.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Call to Order: President Ryback called the meeting of the Village Board of Trustees to order at 6:00 pm.

Pledge of Allegiance: President Ryback led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: In attendance were Village President Glenn Ryback, Village Trustees Ben Dolan, Geralyn Hansen, Ken Harvey, Robert Hayden, Doug Jacobs and James Zegar, Village Administrator Moses Amidei and Village Attorney Stewart Diamond. Village Clerk Evelyn Hoselton was absent.

Special Business: Caitlin Burke with our Village Engineering firm of Gewalt Hamilton, Incorporated, presented the Village’s 2016-2017 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Annual Report. This is program is mandated by the Illinois EPA and administered locally by Lake County Stormwater Management Commission to monitor watercourse outfalls. Ms. Burke gave a brief overview of the continuing multi-year program and provided a binder containing forms which will be maintained in Village Hall for IEPA inspection if requested. It can also be accessed from the Village website using a link to the Gewalt Hamilton site. Outfall monitoring will begin May 22.

Public Comment: There was no Public Comment.

Establish Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Hayden, to establish a consent agenda for the following items:

a. Approval of the May 2, 2017 Village Board Meeting Minutes as presented

b. Approval of Treasurer’s Report as of 4/30/17

c. Approval of checks issued between meetings, totaling $145,394.20. (4/19/17- 5/16/2017.)

d. Approval of Bills to be Paid as of 516/17, totaling $29,204.12.

Voice vote: Ayes-all Nays-none. Motion carried.

Approval of Consent Agenda: A motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Zegar, to approve the consent agenda as presented.

Roll call vote: Ayes-all Nays-none. Motion carried.

Discussion of removed topics: There were no removed topics.

Old Business: Administrator Amidei discussed a recent update regarding the IMRF program for Elected Officials, which now requires a periodically updated Resolution. Attorney Diamond outlined the change and suggested the while the Village President would continue to qualify, Trustees who are not currently in the program could join in the future if they desired and qualify. None of the Trustees expressed an interest in joining.

A motion was made by Zegar, seconded by Hansen, to adopt a Resolution listing only the Village President as a continuing, qualified member in the IMRF program.

Roll call vote: Ayes-all Nays-none. Motion carried. Resolution # 2017-271.

The Board reviewed a proposal for additional Traffic Enforcement to be provided by the Lake County Sheriff. It contained several choices of coverage and the associated cost. After discussion, Trustees made a selection.

A motion was made by Dolan, seconded by Hansen, to authorize an Agreement between the Lake County Sheriff’s Office and the Village of Wadsworth for coverage of up to 20 hours per week for a period of two months. Roll call vote: Ayes-Dolan, Hansen, Harvey, Hayden, Jacobs. Nays-Zegar. Motion carried.

New Business: There was no New Business.

Village President’s Report: President Ryback reminded Trustees of the Annual Spring Kick-Off Picnic to be held at the Freedom Farm for Vets on May 20. An Honor Guard will present a 21-gun salute, followed by a fly-over of three Heritage Warbird airplanes from Waukegan Airport, weather permitting.

Village Attorney’s Report: Attorney Diamond did not present a report.

Village Administrator Report: Administrator Amidei updated Trustees on the progress of the Route 173 property adjacent to the ComEd right-of-way near Wadsworth Trails. All the dilapidated buildings have been demolished which included a house, barn and two sheds. The creek was cleaned of debris in an effort to minimize flooding at the Route 173 and Delany Road intersection during heavy rainfall periods. The demolition area has been seeded and blanketed for spring growth. He engaged Village Attorneys Jim Rock and Paula Randall in a attempt to procure a driveway easement for the existing driveway on the ComEd right-of-way. Apparently the driveway has been there prior to the installation of the high-tension electrical towers and ComEd has not responded in the affirmative. He suggested the Village sell the property as it currently stands. He presented a recently procured appraisal upon which the sale price must be based per Illinois State Statute. Brief discussion followed, including placement of ‘for sale’ signage along the road.

A motion was made by Zegar, seconded by Dolan, to Adopt an Ordinance authorizing the Disposition of Surplus Property, being 13831 and 13905 Illinois Route 173.

Roll call vote: Ayes-all Nays-none. Motion carried. Ordinance # 2017-1003.

Amidei referred to a Reciprocal Agreement between Wadsworth and the Illinois Department of Revenue concerning locally collected sales tax funds. Discussion followed regarding the confidential nature of maintaining such information after it is revealed by IDOR and provided to Wadsworth.

A motion was made by Zegar, seconded by Dolan, to authorize implementing a Reciprocal Agreement between the Village of Wadsworth and the Illinois Department of Revenue concerning locally collected sales tax funds collected by two businesses only.

Roll call vote: Ayes-all Nays-none. Motion carried.

Earlier in this meeting, the Village Engineer presented the annual NPDES program update, which includes a charge for MS 4 Permit Requirements. A proposal of $7700 was provided for this service, dated April, 28, 2017.

A motion was made by Dolan, seconded by Zegar, to Accept the Proposal from Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Incorporated in the amount of $7700.

Roll call vote: Ayes-Dolan, Hansen, Harvey, Hayden, Jacobs, Zegar. Nays-Harvey. Motion carried.

Amidei discussed future staffing needs of the Village at great length, suggesting a new employee who would be familiar with attracting additional business to a community. With the present outsourcing of the Building Department and future outsourcing of several bookkeeping procedures, current office staff can be diminished. In addition, a Code Enforcement person could be utilized to monitor and control numerous business operations which are proliferating in many areas. He would also prefer to eliminate the elected position of Village Clerk and appoint a staff member instead. He noted that over 20 Lake County Villages have done this already.

Trustee Zegar asked that three job position descriptions be provided to the Board for these new proposed positions, including the appointed Village Clerk. Amidei discussed a simple subdivision of one lot located in the Southeast District. A public hearing will take place during a Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting on June 1. During the recent spring rainfall, the lower level of Village Hall again experienced some minor water seepage through the basement floor. The contractor who waterproofed the east basement wall last year suggested installing new drain tiles and a sump pump in the concrete basement floor. A proposal was procured from US Waterproofing with their proposed repair. Trustees suggested an evaluation of rain gutter downspouts and discharge lines be done first to learn the source of the water infiltration before breaking open the concrete basement floor. Amidei will seek a service which can place equipment within the storm sewer lines to determine their condition and discharge points.

Committee Reports:

Finance: Trustee Harvey did not present a Finance Committee report.

Public Service: Trustee Hansen did not provide a Public Service Committee report.

Planning, Zoning and Plats: Trustee Zegar did not present a Planning, Zoning and Plats committee report, but will highlight another local business (Roses, Roses, Roses) in the next recent newsletter, along with an overview of the NPDES program outlined earlier in this meeting by the Village Engineer.

Ordinance Committee: Trustee Hayden did not provide an Ordinance Committee report.

Parks and Village Hall: Trustee Jacobs has continued to evaluate the retention pond behind Village Hall. There was concern earlier this year when the fountain bubbler pump became stuck to the pond bottom. Jacobs has personally measured the pond bottom and found it to be 9 feet deep at the middle, which tapers to 5 feet near the banks. He suspects a dislodged rock may have caused the pump removal problem, as a significant quantity of the rocks which adorn the banks appear to have been cast into the pond by others when the area is unsupervised. He believes his measurements adequately demonstrate the pond does not require a costly dredging project. He will again meet with Village Engineer John Briggs regarding the most effective way of clearing a troublesome, blocked ditch in the Southeast District. Jacobs is also planning a Committee Meeting to discuss recently received proposal costs for new playground equipment in Wadsworth Park.

Road and Bridge: Trustee Dolan did not present a Road and Bridge Committee report.

Executive Session: A motion was made by Harvey, seconded by Hayden, to enter Executive Session at 8:15 pm to discuss Personnel and pending litigation.

Roll Call Vote: Ayes: Dolan, Hansen, Harvey, Hayden, Jacobs, Zegar. Nays: none.

Motion carried. The Board returned to regular session at 9:00 PM.

Return to Regular Session Roll: Dolan, Hansen, Harvey, Hayden, Jacobs, Zegar, Ryback.

Results of Executive Session: The Village Administrator will seek to procure two small properties offered by others.

Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:01 pm on a motion by Harvey, seconded by Hayden.

Voice vote: All Ayes. Nays – none. Motion carried.
