Lake Bluff Public Library Board met July 12.
Here is the minutes provided by the Board:
1) Call to Order; Roll Call: The meeting was called to order at 4:04 PM by Kathy Meierhoff. The committee met in the Spruth Room of the Lake Bluff Public Library building.
Present: Scot Butler, Kathy Meierhoff, Carl Schons, and Cal Stroh
Absent: Tim Kregor, Kate Jackson, and Janie Jerch
Library Staff Present: Eric Bailey
Members of the Public: Steve Kraus, John Caton, and Ann Anderson
2) Discussion with Museum Board
a) Reviewed: History of Lease and Intergovernmental Agreement
b) Discussed: How can we work together?
i) Steve Kraus of the Museum Board presented three options from the Museum:
(1) Option 1: Museum stays in its current space.
(2) Option 2: Joint use of space, to allow for a more efficient use of the facilities.
(3) Option 3: Museum to seek own space, in particular the vacant PNC Bank building.
ii) Pros and Cons of options were discussed.
iii) It was determined to obtain the following information to ascertain the feasibility of Option 3:
(1) Museum will gather:
(a) Value of Lease
(b) Value of Maintenance
(c) Cost of New Space
(2) Library will gather:
(a) Revised Cost of Building Project, Assuming ~2,300 sq ft Added
iv) Next meeting to be held on July 27th at 4pm, with possibility of pursuing Option 3 to be discussed with numbers available.
3) Any other business:
a) (None)
4) Adjournment: Butler moved and Schons seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:32 PM.
Ayes: Meierhoff, Butler, Stroh, Schons
Nayes: None
Absent: Kregor, Jerch, Jackson