
Lake County Gazette

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Warren Township Board met August 18.

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Warren Township Board met August 18.

Here is the minutes provided by the Board:

Present: Suzanne Simpson Supervisor

Donna Radke Trustee

Mike Semmerling Trustee

Ken Echtenacher Trustee

Bill Gill Trustee

Also present:

Ryan M. Johnson, Township Administrator; Charlie Mullin, Township Assessor; Amy Sarver, Highway Commissioner; Diane Sarver, Business Services Manager; Brenda Zeck, WSRA Executive Director; Amber Bodame, WSRA Inclusion & S.O. Coordinator; Emily Thomas, WSRA Adult Day Coordinator; Joanne Adams, Senior Services Director; Tim Larvis, Director of Warren Township Girls Softball (WTGS) in House; Todd Schmeling, WTGS Vice President and Wipeout Tournament Director; and Members of WTGS.


George Iler, Township Clerk

1. Call to Order

a. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. on August 18, 2017 in the Board Room at 100 South Greenleaf Street, Gurnee, Illinois, by Supervisor Simpson.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

a. Supervisor Simpson led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Designation of Minute Recorder

a. Supervisor Simpson motioned, seconded by Trustee Semmerling, for Ryan M. Johnson, Township Administrator, to act as the recorder of the minutes in the absence of the Clerk and Deputy Clerk. The motion was approved unanimously by a voice vote.

4. Roll Call

a. Present: Suzanne Simpson, Supervisor; Donna Radke, Trustee; Mike Semmerling, Trustee; Ken Echtenacher, Trustee; and Bill Gill, Trustee.

5. Motion to Approve the Agenda

a. Trustee Gill motioned, seconded by Trustee Semmerling, to approve the agenda as published. The motion was approved unanimously by a voice vote.

6. Public Comment

a. Warren Township Girls Softball

i. Todd Schmeling, Vice President of Warren Township Girls Softball (WTGS), introduced members of the WTGS organization, including:

1. Deb Jasnoch, Secretary

2. Tim Lavris, Director of in House

3. Joelle Novak (wife of Paul Novak, Director of Travel)

ii. Mr. Shmeling expressed his thanks to Warren Township, and discussed the recent completion of the in House Program, with 190 players (an increase of 3-4 teams over last year), and the Travel Programs, with 90 players on 7 different teams. The 13th Annual Wipeout Tournament took place on July 14, 15, and 16 with 64 teams in from as far as Moline, Illinois to some in Wisconsin. He expressed thanks to township staff, including Rick Dreyer, the Warren Township Sports Director, and Vic Voltz, the Park Foreman, for their help to complete 137 games during the tournament. There was further discussion.

iii. Wendy Belletini, a representative of the Warren Wave Travel Teams, generously put together a raffle table with all proceeds being donated to WSRA in honor of Sherry Wagner, who died unexpectedly four (4) years ago. Mr. Shmeling, on behalf of WTGS, presented a check for $3,187.00 to WSRA in honor of Sherry Wagner. Brenda Zeck added that Sherry Wagner was instrumental in WSRA starting its day program, and that she will be dearly missed.

iv. Supervisor Simpson educated the audience on the structure of WSRA, including Warren Township housing the programs, and park districts: Wildwood, Gurnee, and Grandwood Park financially supporting the programs. Supervisor Simpson stressed how important the cooperation is between the agencies for WSRA to provide its services.

7. Tour of Property

a. The Township Board, Ryan M. Johnson, Joanne Adams, and Diane Sarver, left at 6:12 p.m. to tour the property at 79 S. Delany. There was discussion, including:

i. Trustee Echtenacher asked if the Township would be installing a refrigerator; Supervisor Simpson confirmed that the Township would not be installing a refrigerator.

ii. Trustee Semmerling asked about a toilet out of place; Supervisor Simpson discussed the pending hook up to the sewer system.

iii. Trustee Radke recommended staging the property with some plants and a kitchen table, and washing the windows in the front of the home to enhance the first impression of potential buyers.

iv. Trustee Semmerling asked if a price had been set; Supervisor Simpson recommended the property be listed at $250,000. There was discussion on renovation costs, and the pending assessment of the property before the property can be officially listed.

b. At 6:25 p.m., the Township Board, Ryan M. Johnson, Joanne Adams, and Diane Sarver, returned to the Board Room at 100 South Greenleaf. Charlie Mullin and Amy Sarver were also present.

8. Board Minutes of July 24, 2017

a. Trustee Echtenacher motioned, seconded by Trustee Gill, to approve the board minutes of July 24, 2017. The motion was approved unanimously by a voice vote.

9. Unfinished Business

a. None.

10. Supervisor's Report

a. Supervisor Simpson discussed the success of Water Aerobics program through senior services; the program is expanding to four (4) days per week at Fit Nation.

b. Supervisor Simpson discussed the new climbing net will be installed next week.

c. The Township is hosting football practices until ongoing flooding issues at the high School can be resolved.

d. Supervisor Simpson discussed a nuisance property in the township, and the efforts being done to rectify the situation.

e. Supervisor Simpson formally requested, through the Township Attorney, that Warren Township Center be removed as an assembly place for Pokémon due to safety rea SOS.

11. Treasurer's Report

a. Trustee Radke motioned, seconded by Trustee Semmerling, to approve the Treasurer's Report. The motion was approved unanimously by a roll call vote.

12. New Business

a. Pay Bills

i. Trustee Semmerling questioned a Red Light ticket received by the Highway Department. The Township is obligated to pay the ticket if the driver is unknown. Policies are being updated to better track vehicle usage.

ii. Trustee Gill motioned, seconded by Trustee Echtenacher, to approve the bills as presented. The motion was approved unanimously by a roll call vote.

b. Architectural Services: Shelter Structural Review

i. Trustee Radke motioned, seconded by Trustee Echtenacher, to approve an Architectural Services Agreement for Shelter Structural Review in the amount of $4,600.00. The motion was approved unanimously by a roll call vote. The work is scheduled to begin on Wednesday. C. Strategic Plan Review

i. Strategic Plan Initiative 2, Codify Organizational Values, was discussed. The initiative was added based on comments from township staff.

ii. Discussion ensued regarding item 2.2, Develop and implement an initial employee survey to help identify the most important organizational values and establish the "baseline" for current employee satisfaction and morale issues. Supervisor Simpson discussed a draft of the survey, and recommended that Trustee Gill and Trustee Semmerling meet with additional staff (i.e. Sherryl Jauregui, HR Director, and Joanne Adams, Senior Services Director) to get it finalized and distributed. Supervisor Simpson added that Performance Reviews and Spot Awards have been implemented, Service Awards will be rolled out in two (2) weeks, and the rest is pending on the survey.

iii. Trustee Gill discussed the process for the survey using Survey Monkey, such as the Board being notified whether an employee has completed a survey, but not the details of their answers.

d. 79 S. Delany Discussion

i. There was further discussion on the renovation costs for 79 S. Delany, and if there were any liability concerns after the sale.

e. Park Bans

i. None.

13. Adjournment

a. There being no other business, Trustee Gill motioned, and Supervisor Simson seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 6:42 p.m. The motion was approved unanimously by a voice vote.
